Is Romano correct or is this just wishful thinking? It is hard to believe the normies will fall for it again a second time so soon.
Is Romano correct or is this just wishful thinking...
nope. the guy is throwing darts like the rest of us
>It is hard to believe the normies will fall for it again a second time so soon.
Either gonna pull an ETP and fuck us or its going to 60k by august.
>It is hard to believe the normies will fall for it again a second time so soon.
Mine is too
only a tiny fraction of normies actually invested around 20k. The ones that didnt watched it crash, and when it recovers, will then feel like it has security and therefore invest. This has happened a few years in a row now.
>downward trend
normies do not use crypto
Someone please explain this meme. every normal person ive met is broke by monday morning. cryptocucks are the worst
ass too fat
>Not realizing it was all due to Tether scandal.
What a fucking moron. Half of BTC's value right now may still be due to Tether scandal.
extremely undervalued shitcoins
Their pumps will be be like watching the ivory tower erected
Yes, take your advice from someone that can't afford a new iphone.
So you're saying bitcoin has dropped from 20k to 6k in past years and continued to grow strong.?
Look at the fucking graph, it's going sub 2 k and staying there for years. Wake the fuck up faggot. Nobody is bringing stupid in anytime soon.
>listening to Twitter retards.
Every normie now know that cryptos is just a specuulating shitshow, so after 1-2 months he believe that they're going to fall for it and buy the peak once again, sure...
>extremely undervalued
t. tether mcBearington
>they watched it crash -50% and therefore they feel like it has security
I want to believe.
zoom out faggot
I can see this being like the screenshots from 2012/13/14 quite easily
they are trying to bring stupid in right now... look at all the shills and pajeets on twitter etc saying 30k bitcoin... 1400 litecoin... lol
They are trying to bring in stupid money to pump their bags. Whether it will work or not ... idk but I dont want to miss it and Im sure a lot of people feel the same way
You're either retarded or a moron. Pick one.
I don't know a single normie that bought crypto. All they talk about is getting drunk or high and having sex with random people.
Maybe it's a country thing, but here in Europe people are scared to death of crypto and wouldn't buy it if their life depended on it.
If you think mass adoption already happened, wait and see what happens when crypto ETFs are legalised.
I know a few who bought at the height of FOMO.
Not a single one is happy with their decision.
Normies will not adopt unless they feel reassured by authorities AKA financial institutions, and institutions do not speculate in vaporwares
The essential difference between Vechain and Walton is the layer at which the blockchain is implemented. Walton has patents on the txID-reading RFID chips with memory, which allows the blockchain to be implemented in the foundational level through the RFIDs. They are world leaders in chip technology, and make their own chips. Vechain does not make their own chips. They outsource the hardware, and have the hardware made compatible with their blockchain via API. So their blockchain is implemented several layers up in the application layer, through business-centralized control. So, Vechain is inherently less decentralized and less secure.
This is the essential difference, and it's not a deal-breaker for Vechain, but it is a fact, and it does matter. Walton is somewhat ironically better at authentication than Vechain for this reason, despite Vechain's original main use-case as an anti-counterfeiting product (they've since expanded their use-case into cold logistics and other areas).
But there are other advantages to making your own chips. Vechain is using someone else's hardware and then repurposing it for their blockchain. Walton has built the chip from the ground up to be compatible with the blockchain and improved the standard chip to be much more advanced, with encryption, fine minute movement detection, anti-collision logic to prevent skipping, low voltage technology so the chips can last more than 20 years, and other advancements over standard chips. Making their own chips also makes them cheaper. Standard RFIDs are 15 to 20 cents. Walton's are less than 5.
I bought near the top and am down. I'm extremely happy I'm in the game now though. This isn't the fake internet money I thought it was.
Yeah but you're in the tiny minority.
99% of normies only saw crypto as a way to make a quick buck and either got burned badly or saw it crash from a distance and lost all FOMO
Without some sort of assurance (government or big players) they're not coming back
When BTC had its run up to $20k, a fuckton of my normie friends abstained from buying in. But now they're talking about putting a little bit of money in, because they're all sure BTC will be at least $20k again this year.
So dumb money will continue to flow in. The first wave of normies were the dumbest of dumb money. There's still a lot of dumb, pussified money left.
I know some like that as well.
One of them is an asset manager at a small Swiss private bank, at the height of the crash (when we hit 6k) she said she'd buy in at 4.5k, which is apparently the price making the rounds in her circles
same with my previous co-workers. they said to buy the dip which i was surprised to hear them say cause i thought they would say buy when its green
BTC whales are at fault, they pull this shit every 2 years, pump the price up to insane values, wait for n00bs to flock in, then dump all over them. At some point people are going to stop falling for it.
Not many normies bought the dip at 6k because as far as they were concerned there was no floor and that apocalyptic crash was the exit moment for the ponzi scheme
Now they know crypto is legit and will stick around, but they're not gonna buy it for >10k only weeks after seeing it at 6k. The FOMO got JUSTed in the crash, and normies have other shit going on in their lives so they can wait for a long time
So yeah normies will come back, but only after Veeky Forums is wall-to-wall pink Wojaks. Which, ironically, is the right time to buy
are twitter retards ever right? no
are people named romano anything but trashy gypsies? no
this isn't maths, so stacking two negatives doesn't turn it into a positive
bear run confirmed for another month
I used to be Very bullish, but you see public interest in crypto going down so quickly the 2k meme might actually be true.
They also watched it go from 6k to 20k so 9k feels cheap.
No. Anything pre-Nov/Dec is a blank page as far as normies are concerned
Plus volatility like that (Which of course also includes upswings) is always bad if you are risk-averse, which most normies are.
6k->20k->6k only looks good if you're a gambling addict
>So yeah normies will come back, but only after Veeky Forums is wall-to-wall pink Wojaks.
I'm not sure if a drop below $5k is going to happen again. I've been shorting BTC from $13k down and I've been burnt so much, I'm not sure it's worth it. Normies have absolutely nothing to do with market performance. It's all whales; they control the price by putting up buy and sell walls at the right time to drive the price wherever they want it to go.
I don't believe for a second that any big price movement that we've seen so far has been natural.
Whales pumped up BTC by over 5x in 4 months. And mind you that's not your regular shitcoin pump and dump where five pajeets inject a couple million $ into the market at the right time. That was a coordinated effort by the big guys.
My big bet is that they are going for a 5x-10x pump again in some time and why pump BTC at $5k to $25k when you can pump BTC at $10k to $100k. Not to mention what you can make with shitcoins that literally go 100x in a week when BTC goes up that much.
Frankly, we need to see more normie-friendly wallets. Like, imagine if atomic swaps finally become a thing. You could buy whatever you want and be able to pay with it to whoever you wanted. Imagine, if Starbucks accepts LTC, some other restaurant BTC, some website Monero, you can pay with all of these with your DASH. What a time to be alive.
My big bet is that they are going for a 5x-10x pump again in some time and why pump BTC at $5k to $25k when you can pump BTC at $10k to $100k. Not to mention what you can make with shitcoins that literally go 100x in a week when BTC goes up that much.
Because ultimately, every pump needs a dump, and thus someone to dump on. That would be the normies, since otherwise the entire market is stagnant as fuck.
Normies have been "priced out" as is, BTC is currently less than half its ATH and they're still waiting on the sidelines. As I said, the crash broke normie FOMO's back, they're much much more reluctant to buy something that can go down 70% in 2 weeks than something which seemingly only goes up.
The logic is not "oh shit BTC is going up up up I better buy or I miss the train" anymore, it's "oh BTC is up? Ehhh, guess I'll wait until it's cheaper again." You can pull the same trick only so many times, and stupidly enough the whales pulled it off in front of all the world's cameras recording it (massive media attention during both the pump and the dump). That golden goose is dead, and it won't spring back to life no matter how hard they pump it.
>tfw phone formatting-cucked me
>pic related
pic related
>That golden goose is dead, and it won't spring back to life no matter how hard they pump it.
That's BS. There was the same media hysteria in 2013 when BTC went 10x in 4 months.
The price is not controlled by normies and market caps don't mean shit. Normie FOMO always happens after whales push price up.
I'm still betting on:
>another bull market in 2018 or 2019 with BTC going 5x-10x
>media hysteria
>another crash afterwards
Ironically, HODL is the best I can do.