A lot of people say the food mentioned in the novel American Psycho say it is really gross but I'm not a food expert like you Veeky Forumsookers are so I want to know what do you guys think?
I'll name a few of the dishes in the book
Red snapper pizza, sea urchin ceviche, peanut butter soup, lobster with caviar and peach ravioli, quail sashimi with grilled brioche and the baby soft-shell crabs with grape jelly, crawfish gumbo andcharcoal arugula
James Cox
All of that would be delicious if even acceptably prepared.
Wyatt James
skeptical about the urchin ceviche
Lincoln Morales
everything else would taste like shit but that. Are you a plant?
Bentley Fisher
Definitely. As long as it isn't JUST peach in the ravioli but rather a sweet ravioli with sweetness derived from peach with an accompanying sauce to accent that
Nicholas Davis
It's fine but it's just very dated and people's palates have changed and moved on since then.
Landon Reed
The entire 80s were gross. BEE today is a fucked up twitter troll. He made one good movie that described the worst of western culture, and then he became the worst..
Nolan Lee
Nigga did yu even read the book? Its just another example of things being opulent and extravagant for the sake of it, the taste doesn't even fucking matter to the people who are eating this shit. Just an exercise in status.