Why do twitch streamers live such unhealthy lives? They get shit loads of money in their early 20s and eat like shit and have awful hygeine
Why do twitch streamers live such unhealthy lives...
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Because, like most people, they have never been anything but disgusting, worthless trash heaps, so they don't know what they are doing to themselves.
>twitch streamers
Answered it yourself there, Sherlock.
nearly everyone in the USA eats fucking terribly, i'm not even memeing here. this is something i've only thought about recently, but holy fuck.
just look at some EU people of the same age groups 14-18 18-25, and how each of them feel in terms of health.
the difference in QOL atleast in terms of health must be disturbingly different.
They get paid by even bigger losers than themselves to be losers. No joke. If a Twitch streamer got their life together and stopped playing childrens games... who would watch them? Their fan base would suddenly be reminded of how messed up their own lives are in comparison and would start to hate the streamer.
Their fans want them to be messed up, so they don't feel bad about themselves/reminded how much of a fuck up they are.
user, why do you care what these "twitch streamers" do. get busy doing you, buddy. love yourself. take care of yourself. be yourself. also, wtf does this have to do with Veeky Forums. simply mentioning "shit loads of money" does not make this thread relevant to business & finance. you are simply wasting space. valuable space for the discussion of actual business and finance. you know who else has shitloads of money but eat like shit? look up any hollywood actor who is on a binge cycle, e.g. ben affleck. most people don't give a fuck about their health unless they're in a good place in their career and need to maintain physique.
Looks like you got lost on the way to reddit
How are they so good looking if they're so unhealthy? How odes their skin look so good? I eat well and exercise and I'm ugly as fuck.
>hey guys look how grown up and important i am i don't play CHILDRENS GAMES, i just shitpost on biz
t. video gaymer
i actually don't play vidya
but i don't look down on people who do
i don't think obsessing over money is necessarily a better use of time than sitting down to play some games with friends.
>eat like shit and have awful hygeine
Obsessing over finances is without a single doubt a better use of time than playing video games
You are moronic, and I was even putting them down, that is simply how it is
you're watching the wrong streamers
>La Creature
how many BTC for a gf like that
if you have enough, and you are secure for the future, i think obsessing over finances is unhealthy.
money is power. obsessing over how to maximize your power, when you're fundamentally powerless, is just going to frustrate you with the futility of it all. why not relax a bit and have some fun
>betas believe this
why not just have more FUN bro!!! fun! come on life is all abotu fun bro !!
t. you
what is that thing
>why not just have more FUN bro!!! fun! come on life is all abotu fun bro !
that's a little much
what do you think life is about
Is that pokemane?
She looks good in some pics
But fat in others
What is she now?
Because they get shit loads of money in their early 20's
Ice poseidon and all of his friends for one.
Other streamers have had heart attacks and nearly had strokes on stream and I don't even think they're 30 yet. Here's a vid
Thank you for this valuable business related post OP
You posted the wrong pic
Looks part Mexican, part white, part nigger