Do you care what is the girls occupation when you date/wife her?
Do you care what is the girls occupation when you date/wife her?
thats gotta hurt
as long as it isn't "prostitute" idgaf
Srsly? Would you wife someone who works at mcdonalds?
Her occupation will always be spreading her legs for me
Not really.
my gf is a camgirl and makes more money than me kek
as long as you love them it doesnt really matter
those are fake weights, they bend when hitting the floor
Most college-educated women refuse to marry a man without a college degree. There are obviously exceptions and other things to excel at, but social status is just as important to women as money, if not even more important.
I don't know, her head barely affected it's trajectory. it looked heavy.
As long as she isn't a stripper, instagram model, or prostitute, it's okay. You have to be careful out there guys. Some girls are stupid enough to have sex with niggers, and that's a one way trip to AIDStown. You can't break up with HIV.
Depends how hot she is and how tight the pussy
discard the virgin neets. A career, not a job, matters. I've got a masters degree, which means very little to me but when conversation occurs people always ask about your educational background / what you do etc. This is all a reflection of social status. So, its nice to have a partner with a decent job.
Secondly, its good if youre on equal footing. First gf, no money ...unable to go anywhere because shes broke. Holidays? Nope. Literally spend weekends just fucking ...gets a little zz if you want to go explore the world. So, make sure she has enough $$ to participate with your way of living.
exactly. ask her if she wants more MONEY
>gets hit in the shoulder
>holds her head in pain
bitches need to learn to act better
Of course. She needs to have a college degree and not in social science and be or have been employed full-time in a field related to the degree.
Yeah. I don’t fuck with girls who have meme jobs. Simple and plain.
I’ll fuck them. But never ever consider a relationship.
if it aint soon-to-be housewife, dont want.
My wife is an attorney and I'm very glad. I think you should pair up with someone of equal intelligence, education and income. She does make more than me though.
definitely more important
She should be less intelligent and less studied than you. The ideal wife is a homemaker, all these guys that want an "equal" are soyboy cucks. If you want a friend, go get a fucking friend, she's your wife... that's it.
>meme jobs
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Social worker?
I used to not think much of it until I began dating a law student. Comparing her to the long line of basic chicks I'd seen in the past, it's like night and day. I will never again settle for a girl that can't hold a remotely intellectual conversation.
shouldnt education be enough? i.e. if she finished a degree equally difficult to your own one at an equally good university?
I nearly settled down with a girl that habbitually had no job
A lucky escape I gotta say
I am dating a very successful and ambitious girl (manager at a financial firm) for 4 years now but i dont think i love her anymore, she just doesnt attract me but i dont want to lose her because i know every other girl i will ever meet will be a downgrade
What do
Yes I want her to be unemployed and autistic.
Is this real?
Stay with her and fuck dumb bitches on the side.
Everyday is ass day
How to do that
>isn't prostitute
This definition can be very wide ranging.
I know girls that have fucked a guy then fucked his manager within the space of 3 hours. Technically not a prostitute.
Then you have women who sleep with men to further their career. These are indirect prostitutes.
Then you have the kind of girl that sticks with one man because she knows thats the best she could get. This is a prostitute who knows her worth diminishes with time.
In some very rare cases you get a woman who sticks with one man all her life, and it isnt for money or fame. This kind of woman isnt a prostitute, shes stupid.
It's fake, do a source check
And relationships aren't worth it
This is the new did she died
just tell her you want to fuck bitches on the side.
girls understand.
Fucking this. Every time I go to the gym, people throw weights at me due a misunderstanding that 14 year old girls isn't pedophilia, and I take it like a man. I've had 20kg weights slung right into the back of my head and what did I do? I went and bought crypto like a man should instead of flopping on the floor like a tard.
I somewhat agree with you, sometimes I’d like my girlfriend to be of equal intelligence and have an educated conversation but that’s like asking for LINK to be $100 EOY, it just won’t happen.
And I somewhat agree with you, if your girl outsmarting you in every corner of life you start to lose that dominant attribute, putting aside physical work
you need to find an excuse to change your current routine, so you can carve out time to fuck side women.
if your current routine is very structured/rigid it's kind of difficult because your girlfriend knows that routine, where you'll be at what time, how long everything should take, and any abnormalities to that will send off flags to her immediately.
Find an excuse to change the routine, say you take up a new hobby or take night classes or martial arts classes or some shit like that, something creative that doesn't sound really weird or suspicious. Then instead of doing whatever you said you were going to do, start fucking other women instead during those hours.
It's kind of spooky at first like you might feel nervous (or at least i did) but it gets easy pretty damn quick and if you're not stupid your girlfriend will never catch on. Just make sure you don't give your primary cell number or email or anything to the side women. Get a second phone/email/social media specifically for that kinda shit and never have any overlap
I hope mine goes as planned