>A hamburger is a sandwich.
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>A hamburger is a sandwich.
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Who the fuck goes to McDonald's or burger King or anywhere and just orders a plain hamburger. Nobody. I might start going to fast food places and request a hamburger. Not a jumbo jack, not a whopper, not a mcdouble. Hamburger. I'll
Buns are not bread.
A hamburger is a burger. A hotdog is a hotdog.
A pizza is not a pie.
>buns are not bread
I did this at McDonald's recently.
Hamburger was fucking good for McShits.
The cheese is too overpowering in a cheeseburger/mcdouble.
I think the vitriol made your heart give out mid-sentence
Meat patties are not steak despite being the exact same ingredients.
I used to actually prefer a hamburger over cheeseburger happy meal when I was a lad. And I eat whoppers as is no cheese, whopper needs no cheese. Normally I get cheeseburgers though just because everyone does but I'm going to experiment and make an effort to just eat hamburgers, not cheeseburgers. I've got a feeling decent burgers don't even need cheese or bacon.
>buns are not bread
Are the ingredients sandwiched between two pieces of bread? Yes.
Ergo it's a sandwich.