
>last restaurant you ate at and how was it

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I don't eat, I just come here to shitpost


>Cheesecake Factory
Ordered Fish and Chips...nothing special. However, I had a Snickers themed Cheesecake that was nice. Little pricey.

>La Gran Via Bakery
A slice of tres leches cake and a cortado for $5? No complaints at all. Fucking delicious, and many folks I know who live in other parts of the country would have to get on a plane to experience anything like that. And it's a 24hr Cuban bakery. How are you gonna beat that?

>Fancy Hank's

Had Brisket, Hot wings, Fries, Cornbread and pickles. It wasn't bad. The chicken wings were better than the brisket which was a surprise.


it's been a long, sleepless past couple of days and i had to blow four hours waiting for an appointment, i just wanted gross comfort food

it was delicious

This isn't /b/, fuck off with your poll threads.

Literally no one cares about this bullshit information about anonymous users, but just want to post their own.

It's facebook-tier shitposting.

>las Vegas, on business
>lotus of Siam, 1hr ago
Pretty tasty desu

I had the kao soi w/ seabugs btw