Just a good cheese and a proper tomato sauce

>just a good cheese and a proper tomato sauce
>maybe oregano and parmesan cheese

Isn't this the best way to eat a pizza?

Please share your opinions

Could use some anchovies.

>brits in charge of pizza

I like more cheese, and toppings, and herbs and spices in my sauce.

Usa guy here, don't even pretend that pizza doesn't look guy faggot.

you listened to that podcast too huh?

would eat that pizza

black olives are my favorite pizza topping

i don't even know how to go about trolling these threads, nor do i know how to respond respectfully to these threads

italians are trolling themselves

Okay, it looks guy faggot?

Looks pretty damn shitty. Crust is all sorts of fucked, cheese coverage is spotty, and not browned on top.

Has anyone here had an actual Italian margehrita pizza? That shit is heaven. And it's way cheaper than Papa John's. Kinda funny huh

Probably didn't brown because the pie itself is so moist

I have.

It was pretty good, but I couldn't help thinking it would have been better with more cheese, herbs and spices in the sauce, and some toppings. Sliced linguica and finely diced peppers or something.

What y'all think of this?
Shawarma pizza.

You need a good 2 cans of sauce for a proper 'go 'za. Never skimp on the sauce.

it looks interesting, but looks more like a salad on a bread than a pizza.

its basically the components of a kebab / durum roll.
pizza crust, tomato base, cheese, shawarma, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and garlic dressing.
hits the spot.


could use chopped (sweet) red peppers but didn't have any atm
thats usually how i do it now

little bit of tomato souce and some mushrooms are ok too

>inb4 looks like jizz over some bread

looks like my cum rag or skeet sheet as i call it

>doesn't look guy faggot

Wow, i spat goza Out of my nose


I always get mine without cucumber and tomatoes, good shit

no yeast

> tomatoes
> mushrooms
> cheese
> beans
> ground beef chilli
> bacon
> pickled hot peppers
> really burnt chrust
> europoor

best pizza i ever had, it was so spicy i was barely able to swallow it, but there is something about the beans, getting baked and shit, that made it so delicious

I like to put

>black olives

on my pizza :)

This right here.

I really like mascarpone, parma ham, sun-dried tomatoes, chillies

Not in that combo just pointing out their's nothing wrong with topping


Same guy.
Just had this one.

pfffft. How can other pizzas even compete with a good 'go 'za

how do I handstretch dough?

why not just use a roller?

worse than 9/11

Ok Randy

Here's a quarter of a pizza my mom made for me last week after a late night at work

jesus fuck that's an ugly plate. but it gave me an idea on how fatties can control their eating addiction and lose weight.

>print out a picture of goatse and stick it on a plate
>put food on plate
>the more you eat the more...
well you get the picture.

don't be insulting my mom's cheap plastic dishes. they look really nice with a sandwich. the pizza itself adds weird contrast.

Sometimes I think you guys don't take 'Za very seriously. Also cheddar cheese on pizza is disgusting. It's why I dropped Me&Eds.

Personal simple Margarita pizza as well

Where's the pineapples?

Margarita for the win