It was fun while it lasted, this latest hack clearly shows the incompetence of the entire smart contract team and basically wipes the entire premise of a secure trustless oracle system.
It was fun while it lasted, this latest hack clearly shows the incompetence of the entire smart contract team and basically wipes the entire premise of a secure trustless oracle system.
Rumor is spreading fast on Telegram.
The Python code has been hacked and now all LINK nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.
But here's the real trick; every node that goes offline first has to be validated by other nodes,
Thus the first node won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE NODE has verified it actually has gone offline
LINK will be in an infinite Python loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops.
Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends.
The price will TANK to at least 100 satoshi. Maybe even lower when the nodes are actually verified being offline.
Sergey is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process. Called contra-hacking. He has injected some GO-language code, pseudo-offline code, into the ChainLink network.
This means nodes will appear the be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isnt verified yet.
Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other nodes will know whats really going on.
Sell now, or be stuck into NodeLimbo forever
You have been warned.
F to pay respects
The javascript has been hacked and now all LINK nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.
But here's the real trick; every node that goes offline first has to be validated by other nodes,
Thus the first node won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE NODE has verified it actually has gone offline
LINK will be in an infinite javascript loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops.
Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends.
The price will TANK to at least 100 satoshi. Maybe even lower when the nodes are actually verified being offline.
Sergey is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process. Called contra-hacking. He has injected some GO-language code, pseudo-offline code, into the ChainLink network.
This means nodes will appear the be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isnt verified yet.
Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other nodes will know whats really going on.
Sell now, or be stuck in NodeLimbo forever
False if true
i like what that FUD does to LINK. keep it coming
big if fud
absolute fucking bullshit that i sold due to this fud, i expected price to dump a bit. i thought this was coordinated to suppress price a little bit. i didnt even get too greedy, i just sold and set my limit buy with a 100 sats difference. im fucking fuming right now
>Hey user how was your weekend.
>Great I spent 2 days posting the same wall of text on a chinese shadow puppet forum
>Erm ok why exactly?
>To get people to dump their internet money.
>Seems like a waste of time, did it work at least?
>Nope price actually went up.
>Jesus user get a life.
If you sold because of that retarded FUD you deserve to lose all of you fucking money.
top lel
idiots. its being manipulated by whales and pumped. whales are dumping their volumes at higher prices before the crash
why do no linkers want it to fail so bad?
This shits coordinated man. I don't get it...maybe its reverse psychology FUD...I dunno i gotta go to bed though
Rumor is spreading fast on Telegram.
The Pajeet code has been hacked and now all poos are being affected, meaning they will go down the loo one by one.
But here's the real trick; every poo that goes down the loo first has to be validated by other poos,
Thus the first poo won't go down the loo until EVERY SINGLE POO has verified it actually has gone down
India will be in an infinite poo loop. Maybe if you're a pajeet you will recognize asphalt defecation.
Well.. This is a POO loop that NEVER ends.
The poo will BLAST to at least 100mph. Maybe even higher when the poos are actually verified.
The Indian government is now busy setting up extra loos to undo this process. Called contra-shitting. They have injected some air fresheners into the loo network.
This means poos will appear to be fresh, while they are struggling not to go foul, but in the meantime they can't because it isnt verified yet.
Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other poos will know whats really going on.
Get out now, or be stuck into poo limbo forever
You have been warned.
The javascript has been hacked and now all LINK nodes are being affected, meaning they will go offline one by one.
But here's the real trick; every node that goes offline first has to be validated by other nodes,
Thus the first node won't go offline until EVERY SINGLE NODE has verified it actually has gone offline
LINK will be in an infinite javascript loop. Maybe if you're a programmer you will recognize FOR and WHILE loops.
Well.. This is a FOR loop that NEVER ends.
The price will TANK to at least 100 satoshi. Maybe even lower when the nodes are actually verified being offline.
Sergey is now busy setting up extra nodes to undo this process. Called contra-hacking. He has injected some GO-language code, pseudo-offline code, into the ChainLink network.
This means nodes will appear the be online, while they are struggling to go offline, but in the meantime they cant because it isnt verified yet.
Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other nodes will know whats really going on.
Sell now, or be stuck in NodeLimbo forever
This is engineered to be a buy signal only to those few who are real LINKies. If your brain is not wired the right way, you will be left out.
Rumor is spreading fast on Telegram.
The Pajeet code has been hacked and now all poos are being affected, meaning they will go down the loo one by one.
But here's the real trick; every poo that goes down the loo first has to be validated by other poos,
Thus the first poo won't go down the loo until EVERY SINGLE POO has verified it actually has gone down
India will be in an infinite poo loop. Maybe if you're a pajeet you will recognize asphalt defecation.
Well.. This is a POO loop that NEVER ends.
The poo will BLAST to at least 100mph. Maybe even higher when the poos are actually verified.
The Indian government is now busy setting up extra loos to undo this process. Called contra-shitting. They have injected some air fresheners into the loo network.
This means poos will appear to be fresh, while they are struggling not to go foul, but in the meantime they can't because it isnt verified yet.
Neat trick if you ask me, but it wont last long before the other poos will know whats really going on.
Get out now, or be stuck into poo limbo forever
You have been warned.
what is orcacle? what does it do?
It do yo own research
brainlet pls, my question was directed towards smart people
You're asking sperglords on a rwandan mud fucking forum who are currently fudding the biggest thing since help you understand something as simple as oracles.
>S to shit on grave
>i sold due to this fud
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA these fudders can't even get the programming language right and you panic sold. You stupid fuck
...Anonymous (ID: RMedNOlq)
02/25/18(Sun)22:22:20 No.7944164
>Hey Pajeet how was your weekend.
>Hacha I spent 2 days posting the same wall of text on a Vishnu buy, swap and sell.
>Erm poo in the loo why exactly?
>To get people to dump their internet rupees.
>Seems like a waste of papadums, did it work at least?
>Nope price actually went up.
>hacha Pajeet, you’re a failure.
Twat. Don’t gamble. Ppl like you feed pajeets.
Because there are at least 6 link threads up on biz at any one time, while the project is unexciting and no real news is postedmist of the days. The memes aren't funny and the whole thing feels like a pump n dump group targeting biz.
And 80% of them are usually FUD threads.
>its reverse psychology FUD
This, it really stinks what's happened to link. The threads suck and most of the people who post in them are obvious brainlets who got sucked either bought high and are desperate bagholders or new brainlets who wandered over from reddit and think they found a secret club coin. I've found new interesting things but don't even want to start a new thread cause I don't want to shit up the catalog with new link threads.
You do realize people FUD to get retards like you to drop the price a few cents before they buy in, right?