Authentic German hotdog.
Jew York and Chiraq need not apply.
Authentic German hotdog
Looks like you put the sausage in the microwave
Why is all german food yellowish brown?
How dare you! We also have grey!
they use the same shitty spices on everything
color related
Looks like a severed and roasted dog penis.
The germanic tribes learned to cook meat because Gunter accidentally left his kill too close to the heating fire in the hovel. Since then it's been going downhill ever since.
>authentic German
>pick one
Pic related is a proper German Wurst im Brötchen. No self respecting German would call it a hotdog and yours doesn't even look like proper Wurst anyway. Go back to your Bahrbeebqueue or wherever you came from.
Not him, but around here we say barba q.
what is the name of that roll?
I want to know too
theres no german hotdog you fucking retard.
the only authentic kind of hotdog food we got is a bratwurst in a bun.
Nazi uniforms anyone?
In Germany we call these "Baguette Brötchen", so baguette rolls
always amazes me that more germans aren't fat and dying of colon cancer. their food is literally sausage, potatoes, and bread.
And Beer.
Sleep tight saussy
>tfw just moved from chicagoland to the west coast and have no idea how long it will be before enjoying my next superdawg
I am not sure if I am more offended by you calling that sausage or that disgusting looking bun German
Hot dogs are never actually good. Never.
Chicago dogs have the distinction of taking a consistently mediocre food and making it bad though
Why would you be offended at all when it's obvious that OP isn't being serious?
That looks pretty damn good.
t. Buttblasted, Chiraq.
That's the bread part fuck nuts
Why do Americans think Germans eat Sauerkraut all the time? It's not even a popular food item here. Sure some people eat it (mostly Bavarians) but it's far from a staple in modern German cuisine. Especially among people under 60.
Probably because sausages, wienerschnitzel. and sauerkraut is the only things really distinct from Germany that get exported.
Also, I think most Americans assume that you eat nothing but kebabs and American food - that is, after all, pretty much all Germans post about.
Probably because it's one of the few distinctly German foods that most Americans know about.
It didn't help that "kraut" became racist slang for Germans in both world wars.
Do you also call Cheeseteaks from Philadelphia "philadelphiacheesesteaks" or Pizza from New York "newyorkpizza"?
Yes, actually. Only in English words aren't compounded the same way they are in German.
I thought you called them Philly Cheese Steaks and NY Pizza??
American fag here, thank you germans. Thats a good looking Brat.
The 'hotdog' is strictly an american invention, a not!sausage made for convenience. It's the difference between steak and steakums.
>The 'hotdog' is strictly an american invention
Drumpf supporter detected.
You guys will believe any old bullshit.
You willfully misunderstand my point, I can only assume because you are an asshole. In any other country it is called a Sausage, by type - ie Brautwurst Wienna Schnitzle etc. The 'Hotdog' is a one size fits all mutation of these, a mass marketed distillation of the sausage + Bun concept, created in america by immigrants. Most estimates by the late 1880s.
>created in america by immigrants.
Not even close.
Thanks, user. Now I know where I'm going for supper tonite.
where else would you get a hotdog? of course flyover will have the best hot dogs all there are are fucking farms
fuck off, hessenmissgeburt