I don't like bananas
You've probably never had them like this though
that's a cute fucking breakfast but what are the eyes made of? everything else looks good.
Climate change is already here, thank god I didn't procreate. Its gonna be ugly. Just a thought.
Slathered with cum
chocalate chips is the only thing that makes sense
Made to look like turtle
I can't believe you'd do this.
I really can't...
OP I will have you know I am a connoisseur of all things turtle and turtle-related. I highly approve of this and look forward to more turtle food creations.
Looks great and cute. Drizzle some chocolate syrup over the bananas. And put some blueberries or pecans in the waffles.
Ok friend
>thank god I didn't procreate
enjoy being alone when you're old and surrounded by brown people
Im already old-ish, and hey, I like people, the brownies dont really bother me.
HAHA! That's not a turtle! That's a waffle and a banana cut to make it look like a turtle :D
youre going to die alone or in a hospital surrounded by brown people nurses
your family arent going to stage a 247 watch for the weeks youre in there, thats retarded
youll go alone most likely
I got news for you.
We all die alone.
Your son holding your hand , really doesnt matter, yore checking out.
. Unless your'e one of those crazies religioues type?
Fucking brilliant
that image isn't yours OP. cute turtle waffle. I showed him to my mom and she likes him too.
Hehehe that's so cute! Like! I'm reposting this on my Pinterest Instagram Facebook Twitter MySpace!
WHat that, son, some of you internetteeis
Thank you OP, I feel better now.