What is Veeky Forums eating tonight?

What is Veeky Forums eating tonight?

pic related is my dinner

Whoa bro, put some pants on

I'm wearing shorts

shave your legs your fucking wookie
..post results

I put a great modern twist on the burger and all you guys can talk about is my legs


naan and some partially warm cheese? Am I missing something?

Sure buddy.
It's okay, nobody cares if you get off posting tasteful nudes on the cooking section of a taiwanese interior design and decorating forum

that patty is barely visible, is it chicken?

I will post this here to bump, my thread is not doing very well.

And a burger

Vegan burger

It's not a nude cause I'm not nude


(OP) #
Where do you live that frozen French fries are cheaper than meat?

looks good

Is that your left leg? Are you hanging your balls over your food?

Ok. Wow. Tulsa, Oklahoma. 1lb of ground beef chuck is $3.87. 1lb of frozen french fries are $1.00

Yes it's my leg but no I'm wearing shorts

hat's for dinner? I'm poor and I don't have enough money for meat at the I will post this here

What are some cheaper choices of meat? Beef/pork/chicken; what cuts should I look for?

You already know dude



Leftovers. I tried the raw egg on rice I saw Veeky Forums talking about before and I think I got trolled. It didn't add anything to the rice. Did I do it wrong?

You have to put the raw egg on top while the rice is cooking

I haven't started on dinner yet, but I have some chicken marinating. Going to make grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, and salad. Should be a nice mid-week meal.

Haha yeah I know what you mean dude haha



That's a small salad

I don't understand what's going on here.


this thread is shit and i'm going to make it better

fresh spinach linguine, roasted radishes and carrots (super simple 20 min roast with olive oil and zaatar), pan seared sockeye salmon and some crispy shallots. Topped with chimichurri sauce instead of tomato or wine because herbs are nice and light for summer.


OP's dinner looks better

So, someone was pretending to be me. Okay, whatever.

Shut the fuck up you fucking asshole






That looks really, really good.

I had salmon, too, but it was just baked and topped with anchovies, wasabi furikake (wasabi powder, seaweed pieces and sesame seeds, basically) and probably some butter or olive oil. Also had some jasmine rice and slightly freezer-burned mixed vegetables. P okay

That looks like a stock picture

Why don't you cook some fresh vegetables from a garden instead of frozen veggies

I'd say buy oatmeal. Low price and ok in nutrition.

are you on EBT?

>7946835 #
This, eggs, potatoes, spaghetti.

Raw egg yolk on top while its cooking with soya sauce to finish




Costs like fifteen cents a meal

i... think i'll take that as a compliment?

It wasn't one

then i guess i don't get the insult.
>your pic looks like it was taken by a professional


Think about it dumbass

sorry your """"dis"""" was so weak

Right back at you jackass
It's funny cause you don't get it

s'ok hipster friend. i'm sure it was very poignant

Only the finest

You're a idiot forreal

I took minced shrimp and salmon to make these weird panko croquette type things but I'm kinda mad because I asked someone to watch the stove while I went to pee and they ended up burning two of them. They were bland as fuck.

jeez, i'm sorry

That looks great dude

That sounds great dude




are those frozen burritos? i loved those but when i moved away from the ghetto even the shittiest stores didnt have them

Not him and don't know whats going on but why are you being a condescending prick? Are you being ironic or something?

You'd never think a "what did you eat tonight" thread on a food forum would become so hostile

Stop being a dickhead

welcome to 4chins

you can lick my asshole up to my colon.

(now that's an insult people can understand)
((stop being so butthurt no one got your joke))

Soy and honey wasabi salmon steak with sushi rice and steamed broccoli.

Except I realized too late I didn't have honey. However did have a thing of Nutella an ex left, so used that instead. Surprisingly good!

God you're petty


which vegan cheese is that? follow yr heart?

No it's real cheese

why with a vegan burger then?

I'm vegetarian

How could that possibly be an insult? Are you calling his food generic?

Not exactly, use your head

Fuck you post the whole doggo we're only at 20% zany here jesus christ

You had one job


I made tacos tonight, white people style.


Oatmeal and peas. I made the oatmeal with shiro miso.

+ fig neutons for dessert









If you're native that bread looks like shit. Ash bread is better.

I'm west African

A legit dogshit thread seriously regretting my existence

West African't

Holy shit my sides. That fucking egg. Fuggg