>There are people here that don't make their own homemade salami
explain yourselves Veeky Forums
>There are people here that don't make their own homemade salami
explain yourselves Veeky Forums
whats salami?
I don't have access to decent cuts of meat.
I don't have a meat grinder.
I don't want my partner to get stinky shit dick if I eat too much of it.
I make too much money to waste time making my own salami when I can buy it.
Its whats called opportunity cost poorfag
>I don't want my partner to get stinky shit dick if I eat too much of it.
What do you mean by this?
I did once, and it was a real pain in the ass. And my storage area was too dry so it ended up too hard. I looked up what would be involved in doing it properly and you needed a lot of specialized shit. I ended up just throwing away the rest of the starter cultures and using the casings for fresh sausage.
>he unironically believes bought salami is as good as or better than homemade salami
I'm sure your hipster salami you made in moms basement is just top quality compared to billion dollar corporations with cutting edge technologies
Because i don't...know..how?..:C
>billion dollar corporations
>he is unironically this retarded
Dumb frogposter
Not this user: He never made the claim that corporations' salami would be 'as good or better' than homemade salami you troll.
I'm with the other user. I buy store brand mayonnaise despite how easy it is to make, simply because I don't want to spend the time to make it whenever I want to throw together a deli-meat sandwich.
>What do you mean by this?
Not that user but I'm guessing his (there are no women on the internet) boyfriend is uncircumcised and his dick cheese smells worse the more meat he eats.
raw poop dick
>prefering bought salami over homemade salami
>"I just discovered frog posting"
- the thread
/r9k/ sewage spills outside their latrine
why are frogposters so autistic?
as opposed to making their own store-bought salami?
I don't really eat enough salami to justify making it myself.
What does volume have to do with quality?
How was his post even autistic? You sound like one of those idiots who just calls things they don't like "autistic". You're autistic, you autistic fuck. Autism.
Because there's no point in buying equipment needed for slicing salami if i eat it maybe once or twice a year.
You're on Veeky Forums lad, everyone and everything is autistic.
>equipment needed for slicing salami
You don't own a knife?
Put up or shut up: show us pics of your own homemade salami, deliver or fuck off back to what ever cesspool you crawled out of to shit post on this board
>everyone and everything is autistic
Can confirm.