Fucking faggotd are gonna be in a good surprise
Fucking faggotd are gonna be in a good surprise
Nano: Reddit's choice.
Nice just shorted $100k
How the fuck did all those idiots swarm to NANO?
>went all in at the ath
>if it implodes I'll be happy
How can anyone be so dumb?
Because it's the Bernie Sanders coin
>Community driven!
>the absolute state of Veeky Forums fud
nice, just bought 100k.
Theyre literally talking it will be 2000$+ this year and will be THE project 2018 lmao
Funny how reddit makes fun of you shilling LINK in the same way.
holy shit what a cuckold
So basically they're the same as anyone on /biz?
I'm waiting on the downside lol. What you described was the original vision for Bitcoin. I doubt NANO ever becomes a top 5 coin, but who knows.
Just change Nano to Linkchain and it's the same shit.
Where have I heard that before?
Nah biz knows this has no future 1 year + from now
And 99% of Veeky Forums that dislikes nano is link holders just parroting what assblaster said about it.
>Nano: Reddit's choice.
whose choice is trx?
there's this thing on the Internet that people do.
it's call trolling.
The fact that Veeky Forums hates this so much makes me want to buy.
You sound like a fucking brainlet newfag. He's saying that Veeky Forums is the same, even worse actually, because we claim shit LINK will 2000x to $2000.
Go shit in a street.
the exact same pajeets post here. The same telegram faggots too. Look at any coin shilled heres telegram, chainlink, eng, req, etc., they all talk about biz and reddit and a lot of them are minorities. It's all the same people everywhere. There are probably pajeets in this very thread who don't realize we're talking about them. They're all pajeets and extreme brainlets. Crypto is over.
Hahaha nah that subreddit is Full of these guys
Nano is good coin and the fud is false, but realistically, the price is going to be stuck in the mud trading sideways for a long time, longer than other projects.
It's already 2 bil market cap, how much farther can it go without earth-shattering good news and a long legal proceeding?
I live in the voted most liveable city of the world, i am white and i never have to work in my life again
So dont call me pajeet fucker cause i hate indians
Except LINK solves an actual problem, that will make the whole crypto market go 100x
I just gave $300 to Bernie match me!
>third world quotation marks
The FUD? Tell me again about the coinbase rumor Reddit spread yesterday user.
You're worse, you're a pajeet street shitters at heart. A pajeet deserves life much more than you.
This whole nu-biz attitude of HAHA LOOK AT REDDIT DEY SO DUM just fucking makes you retards look like losers.
Your the guy who bought it at ATH with all his life savings right? Lmao
That was reddit's last choice and you can see how that turned out.
I don't have any nano, I'm just sick of seeing you fucking edgy teens who just found Veeky Forums making shitty threads thinking you're clever.
Like I said, go shit in a street you dirty human garbage.
but its the most hated coin on Veeky Forums. as one should always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says one should massively stock up on trx.
This. LINK is legitimately the ONLY crypto project right now with an actual, real world use case for blockchain.
>Thinking it's logical to apply cold hard logic to who will win in a volatile market
I wonder if what we are witnessing now with Bitcoin was what it was like in the early days of the stock exchange.
No ill shit in my house paid by not Investing in bullshit lmao
What about wtc?
Are you fucking stupid? It's use case is to support blockchain, blockchain projects in turn have an actual 'use case'.
>My emotion is strong with NANO
that's where you dun fucked up
>It's use case
Okay pajeet come back when you learn proper english
reddit btw
>It's use case is to support blockchain, blockchain projects in turn have an actual 'use case'.
Here's your (You)
You mean paid by your parents. Get off Veeky Forums kiddo.
lmfao where the fuck do all you pajeets come from
I was legit the ONLY person FUDing this coin when it was still mooning in December. I have been shittalking the subreddit for months. This is well deserved
I actually bought my mom an apartment and i am 29 so what else you got ?
Nice LARP but if that's true, good job. However, you're still a fucking sperg newfag that doesn't belong here.
Roadmap and more things coming this week,
expect maximum FUD on biz until thats out.
That is all
You know that all the points you mentioned are the characteristics of the third industrial revolution, right?
Go back
Yes i know thank you
Anyway what i tried to express with this shitpost is that atleast here between 90% of shit there is 10% valuable information but going to reddit theyre circlejerking each other with not 1 negative word or argument allowed thats why i find it fucking hilarious that alot of them are gonna crash
Nice grammar Amir
Thank you mohammad
why do people FOMO in at ATH?
I've seen this before when btc hit $500 for the first time
Holy fuck this 10/10 bait
Pajeet pick one
is that real
Roasties and their feelings ATH hoes
The ramblings of the average crypto "investor" give me sweaty fucking hands
Why do you care? Invest your time in something more productive for yourself.
Was a fake account.
Seriously what's a good price to buy into Nano? $6?