Morning Drinks

Hey Veeky Forums!
What do you all drink when you wake up?
For me it's pic related, a cup of water with fresh-squeezed lime juice and honey mixed in.

Revel me with thine beverages.

Jasmine Pearl tea.

Never heard of it, but it sounds good.
White tea I assume?

A pint of Skyr mixed with water or milk till it turns foamy.

That sounds delicious, user.
I've never mixed anything with my yogurt before, but I may try now that I heard of this.

start out with about 1/3 to 1/2 yogurt, add the liquid part by part and mix thoroughly or it goes lumpy.
The GOAT way to consume yogurt.

Yeah I think I'll try that soon.
Will Greek Yogurt work well enough?

Anything that contains alcohol haha

sure, make sure its the really thick type.

Hah, got any favorites?

Yeah it's real nice and thick.
Now the real choice, water or milk.

milk is scandi, water is middle/near eastern. If you go for water throw in some mint and a tiny pinch of salt.

Port. Very cheap and pretty strong. I'm pretty sure you could run an engine on this shit.

Yeah, I'll experiment with both.
I was about to eat my yogurt for the day, so I put some (just a dash or two) of milk and damn, it already tastes so different.
I like it.
I don't know much in the way of liquors, so I haven't heard of that.

It's fortified wine usually around 20%. Called port because it originated in Portugal.

>wake up at 5:30
>start a pot of coffee
>drink a full 16 oz glass of water
>go for a 30 min walk with intermittent sprints
>come back
>drink another 16 oz of water
>drink an 8 oz glass of water with apple cider vinegar added
>drink 2 cups coffee
>eat breakfast (with a small 4 oz glass of orange juice)
>drink another 8 oz glass of water
>go take a looooong pee
>go to work
>drink black tea alternating with water the rest of the morning
>eat lunch
>drink more water
>drink more tea (this time green)
>go home
>drink more water
>drink more tea (cardamom black tea)
>eat dinner with water to drink
>go for after dinner walk
>drink sleepytime tea alternating with water until bedtime

I know you just asked for morning beverages, but fuck it.

do you get up in the middle of the night to take a piss?

Sometimes, but not most nights. If I do, it's ALWAYS between 2 and 2:30 am.

I'm envisioning a large neckbeard in sweatpants walking down the street and then breaking out into a full sprint for about 5 seconds, just to piss his pants once he stops.

Nah, no neckbeard here, I'm a project engineer who wears suits and ties every day. I haven't worn sweatpants since I did track and field in high school.

milk, water, coffee, orange juice

what the fuck is all this fancy shit

Four shots of moka over ice with almond milk, followed by water with lemon squeezed into it.

I assumed as much, but the image in my head sounded much better. good on you for having a healthy, consistent regiment. wish I did the same

Just drank a glass of chocolate carnation instant breakfast. pretty good pham.

most of the time I just have a cup of tea with honey/lemon or coffee tho.

every morning before I shower I let the tap run to get the water cold, while I sit and pee (cause its hard to pee with morning wood.) then I simply stick my head under the tap and drink until my stomach feels full. I don't eat breakfast, but when I had a job up until last month, I would drink one coffee and one 750 ml of water on the drive in.

>cup of instant coffee with whole milk
>protein shake
>bottle of water and either alka-seltzer or picot.

I like to skip breakfast and pound a Coors Light in the parking lot before going into work.

Yeah, your image did give me a kek, I agree. If I actually saw a huge neckbeard peeing his sweatpants in the street from trying to run, I don't know if I'd laugh or just pity him. Probably both. You know there's people like that out there.........

A 40.

Plain water with my antibiotics and antidepressants. Feels good to not be dead. No, seriously.


What he said.
The absolute mad man!


Coffee and bread.

idk if you're being serious or not but this is usually what i do..sometimes i'll make it a mikes hard or twisted tea because those generally taste better to me in the morning.

used to be coffee but i can't have it anymore :<

lately it's chocolate cashew milk or water.

recently discovered the shekwasha and have been enjoying a glass of its delicious juice every morning for a while.

Why can't you have coffee any more?

I drink water, sometimes a beer. I should drink fresh-squeezed orange juice ideally, but I don't have a juicer.

so just eat the orange. duh?

Because he's a filthy, sickly vegan now.

Too much effort, not enough electrolytes.

not for the next 7 months at least, until I have the baby.

Your slanty ass image is making me sick. Fix your shit, man. Have some dignity.

It is not too late to turn your life around. You can do this, OP. Just stop posting shitty pics one day. Then, advance to not posting shitty comments. Finally, when youre ready, you won't need to post shitty posts anymore because the hole in your soul will be filled with dicks.

I see. Well congratulations, then.

Tea, english breakfast or earl grey.
When we were kids and had to go to school my mom would make us tea but because it was too warm to drink by the time we had to leave she would always pour milk in it. So to this day in the morning I drink tea, 2 sugar with milk.

>lime juice and honey
My stomach hurt just reading that

congrats, literally everyone living on the British Isles does this.

Ice water while strong black coffee is being made

Beer. Well specifically whatever is left from the night before.

Cup with water ginger and a little bit of honey is my morning go to drink

One or two glasses of orange juice. Depends how many beers I had the day before.