Most disgusting thing you've done with food?

Most disgusting thing you've done with food?

I'll start with a recent one.

>eat a pizza stick
>drop it on the floor
>pick it up
>blow on it
>eat it

I'm already vomiting, OP.

I completely coat my chicken whispers in peppy syrup.

Shoving various food items up my ass.

Yellow Squash has probably been the most enjoyable thus far.

Do you shit it out right after insertion, or do you like to keep it up there for a while?

Well, I'll usually start off by shoving the small end of it in and fuck myself with that for a bit. Then I'll shove the larger side of it in then fuck myself with that for a bit. Then I jerk off while it's in my ass. This goes on for upwards to thirty minutes.

Then I cum, shit it out, then cry in the corner of the shower while reflecting on my life choices before I repeat it all again the next week.

I put ketchup on a hotdog
and liked it

i stuck my cock in a pie one time

You monster.


I stuck my dick in a doughnut. It made it all sticky. I couldn't take a shower and I regretted it the entire day.

I fucked a buttered bagel.

Eat a banana.
Take the peel.
Microwave it until it's warm.
Rub it up and down with your thumb so that it becomes slick.
Wrap it around your dick and pump away.
100% works. Your dick will be sore for a few hours.

I fucked two peices of bologna with mayo as lube.

I cooked two of these, ate one, tried to fuck the other, and burned my penis.

We'd tried honey, chocolate syrup, and whipped cream to be kinky and one time I got a wild hair up my ass and threw some chipotle ranch dressing on her pussy. She was blindfolded of course and was disgusted when she found out.

I shoved a carrot up my ass and jacked off.
When I was done with the carrot I rinsed it off and put it back in the vegetable crisper and then the family are it for dinner.
I had to put it back because there was only 2 carrots left and my mother would've got suspicious if a carrot went missing.

I've always wanted to stick my dick in one of these.

Drank Chocolate milk made from milk that had gone off. Only really noticed after smelling the milk because the milk tasting weird.

Does this picture turn you on?

Good God.

I once stuck a peeled banana in my girlfriend's vagina and then ate it.

The next day.

fucked my ass with baby carrots
progressed to regular carrot
progressed to banana
progressed to cucumber

desu, I've gone back to regular carrots. I don't care about girth, just dat prostate stimulation. I'm not a homo

I fucked a banana peel when I was a kid

I have also fucked a banana peel
