What is your opnion to tipping?

What is your opnion to tipping?

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Fuck off and fuck your thread.

I don't tip.

For women, always. For men, never.

What about for puppers, like your pic?

Would kipnap with treats as a tip

Is it male or female?

I never tip, and never will until someone can explain the objective criteria that determines which jobs receive tips


They make for shit threads.

>and never will until someone can explain the objective criteria that determines which jobs receive tips
It's pretty simple.

if serverwage < state minimum wage
then tip based on service
don't feel obligated to

Everyone is paid minimum wage by law

I got your tip right here


>has a zip on his "purse"



>Everyone is paid minimum wage by law
People aren't allowed to speed, by law
People aren't allowed to murder, by law

>It still happens, senpai.

Point being, yes the restaurant is supposed to make it up, but this can very easily not happen.

This is why places like Domino's, Papa John's, Jimmy John's, etcetera have all had lawsuits brought against them.

>Because they weren't paying their employees how they were supposed to, 'by law'

And they will lose the lawsuits, and the people will be compensated.

Let the justice system do its work. If you want to help poor people donate/volunteer for a charity

Yes because it's one of the few areas in society I can decide how much a person gets paid for this particular order. If the shop is good and they usually make good food, I'll pay it forward to the asshole who brought it to me.

This is literally and objectively the most moral stance. I am a good person.

>And they will lose the lawsuits, and the people will be compensated
After the lawyers working the class actions take one third of the settlements, assuming that the companies actually pay up. The workers don't get as much as they would have and you know it.

lmao pwned to the stone age :D


>this thread

He was the only one who survived if you remember

I refuse to eat at restaurants where I am expected to tip.

Watch it again. You hear him get caught and then gunshots in the background

>fast food master race and proud

Don't fucking tell me what to do

Only idiots don't like tipping in theory.
It lowers costs and gives the consumer more power.

But, Veeky Forums is full of edgy 16 year olds so it's no surprise they don't get it.

>paying an arbitrary flat rate tax on service is cheaper than prices being raised slightly to bump waitresses up to minimum wage

no one can seriously be this dumb

I tip food delivery guys (and taxi drivers) 9 times out of 10. I round up the price of the order to the nearest pound until the tip is between 10% and 20% (but with a minimum of £1). I do this regardless of the service, unless it arrives really late in which case, no tip and no repeat business.

I'm getting an order tonight in fact, for £13.20. I'll pay the guy £15, giving him a £1.80 tip.

I don't mind about the money but messing around working it out or finding a couple of quid in cash if I paid online is a bit annoying. I really only do it because it's expected, I don't want people messing with my food if I order from their place again.

I think what a lot of people forget though is that politeness and respect is as important as that tip. I always make sure to smile and thank them, and return any small talk. I don't order if they're closing in the next 20-30 mins. I reckon reliably tipping them and being nice to them gives my food the best chance of reaching me without spit and bogeys going in it.

>only idiots
There can't possibly be a reasonable argument against tipping?
What a 12 year old you are.

Good. Why should I pay you if you don't do your job?

There's no objective criteria. Tipping is a cultural custom. Don't do it if you don't feel like it.

Holy fucking shit, live in Cali and felt obliged to tip waiter/server types because though they weren't getting minimum wage... I FEEL FUCKING SCAMMED, fucking never tipping again, at least in this shit state