Rebrand and partnership announcement tonight
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Rebrand and partnership announcement tonight
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price continues to plummet
so will we dump?
i dont think so, the news isnt even priced in yet.
If they announce a BMW partnership there will be no dump.
vechain aka the official blockchain of partership anouncments and rebranding
also can track cheap chinese wine
cant have a VeChain thread without a Rakeesh trying to poo in it.
it's priced in
everything is priced in
It's funny how people like you either show they're pure fud, or really lack the insight about vechains capabilities. China knows, that's why it's trading so much higher on Lbank right now. Can't wait to see some of you faggots fomo the fuck in tonight
already been priced in for months
people are dumping up to the announcement then it will dump back down to $3
Veshit btfo by dnv lmao
$1 EOY
>Can't wait to see some of you faggots fomo the fuck in tonight
of course you can't
you need someone to dump one my chink friend
good thing there are less retards falling for your pnd each time
after all how many muh partherships can you anounce until it gets boring
i think its gonna jump to 10-12 $, here is why:
for sure:
BMW, and
FIAT/VET - this is official information, yes cck is for sure VET marketing so there is no reason he lied
Vechain Thor need to have some bigger surprise, them marketing was always great, so for sure they left something for live event! something big like:
PBOC or MayBank
CPChain partnership pls??
Regardless of whether VEN is a shitcoin, the pre-conference FOMO reminds me exactly of the ANS hype before their rebrand. This shit will pump purely because of hype and that people want some gainz in this bear market. Will sell after conference.
If you see yourself using THOR then you need to buy your VET before the main net.
4 months till main net. Businesses around the world better start stocking up.
VET is going to be used for more than just generating THOR.
they will announce CISCo, which is not priced in
It’s already been stated they have announcements lined up for weeks after the rebrand. Sunny is gonna keep us fed for a while
it's over 60k sats tool
what is Llbank
If you said it, it is priced in. Everything is priced in. Unless there are no rumors about it
they don't even market they kept this shit quiet for almost 3 years bro. people just realizing they built a God printing machine. Be a God. Buy Vechain.
Already priced in and BTC is crashing. Enjoy the dump.
Is already priced in, they announced in the official twitter
How is this not official meme yet?
Priced in, buy icx for tobacco on blockchain
you don't know how it works, smart money just wants to know their money is safe for now.
Nobody interested in your korean crackhead whitepapers with muh replace paypal in 2050 vision.
> le priced in
PBOC march.
Smart user is smart.
BTC crashing, expect $7 at best
All this shit is priced in smart people are selling the news before the news
everything is priced in, remember the ICX summit?
Is she 12?
>production value
>official chinacoin whether you faggots like it or not
>china big
I can feel the fomo with the upcoming KRW pairing. This will be much bigger than icx summit amateur hour. This is the only crypto consistently featured on chinese national news. You faggots can sell the news all you want, I might even too, but it won't matter.
I pray each evening that it will dump again so I can accumulate moar.
Fomo slowly building, this is going to pump so hard tonight.
I hope it doesn't, slow and steady
Could be a NEO pump where it goes up hard and stays there rather than dumping instantly.
$500 nfc tag printer and no whitepaper...congrats
Who knows if it'll pump after rebrand event. The safest strategy with VEN is buying the dips and selling 4-6 hours after CCK tweets one of his faggy riddles. Gains every time.
how much to get her to knock me out with those massive melons?
you have seen
>next leg into the market
who knows, first the btc situation has to be handled..I said that way too many times without it happening, but I hope at some point alts will rise when btc drops and grandpa can die peacefully.
The whole crypto market evaluation is way too tied to btc still.
Well we are rising now when BTC is dropping.
watch that new billion BTC wallet dump while they let loose Vechain tonight / tomorrow.
would be quite a Chinese coup
This, I just don't want to be happy about it too early, it looked like that quite a few times.
Altcoins will either emancipate themselves or die with btc in 2018.
Also I believe 2018 will be the year of 'blue chip' crypto while shitcoins will get brutally justed, looking forward.
so we probably we will have :
CiSCO, BMW, KRW pairing
and maybe
PBoC, MayBank and more information about National level partnerships
Cisco would be enough for me.
PBoC - no chance
tell me how everything can be priced in
>KRW pairing
It's confirmed, it's no rumor
because everything is driven by whale insiders. thus everything is priced in.
Can't wait but it'll drop in price. Every sinnnngllle rebrand the price drops for x period of time, some weeks others months. Someone pleeeease cap this for future threads.
maybe after the announcement, not before then
>Unleashing The Power of VeChain Thor, VeChain Apotheosis Continues
This is Tron tier, off with your garbage.
what are your sell targets guys? i boguht in tomorrow at ~56k iirc something like that.
there not announcing all the partners today so if you dump today you might get cucked
priced in
They are going to keep announcing partners to keep the price up and prevent any big dumps.
Why would they do this?
To please kids on biz?
Priced in? PRICED IN? NOTHING has been priced in. Oh, I'm sorry; did I not make myself clear? Until THOR is traded on major exchanges, there wont even BE a price. Do not even THINK of responding to me unless you post a cap of at least 10K VET (That's right, VET. Do you even know what that is?) in your possession.
I have 203, get at me.
What is THOR? Can anyone explain?
The essential difference between Vechain and Walton is the layer at which the blockchain is implemented. Walton has patents on the txID-reading RFID chips with memory, which allows the blockchain to be implemented in the foundational level through the RFIDs. They are world leaders in chip technology, and make their own chips. Vechain does not make their own chips. They outsource the hardware, and have the hardware made compatible with their blockchain via API. So their blockchain is implemented several layers up in the application layer, through business-centralized control. So, Vechain is inherently less decentralized and less secure.
This is the essential difference, and it's not a deal-breaker for Vechain, but it is a fact, and it does matter. Walton is somewhat ironically better at authentication than Vechain for this reason, despite Vechain's original main use-case as an anti-counterfeiting product (they've since expanded their use-case into cold logistics and other areas).
But there are other advantages to making your own chips. Vechain is using someone else's hardware and then repurposing it for their blockchain. Walton has built the chip from the ground up to be compatible with the blockchain and improved the standard chip to be much more advanced, with encryption, fine minute movement detection, anti-collision logic to prevent skipping, low voltage technology so the chips can last more than 20 years, and other advancements over standard chips. Making their own chips also makes them cheaper. Standard RFIDs are 15 to 20 cents. Walton's are less than 5.
It was a bit dissapointing tho
I thought it was the other way round and vechain were making their own chips?
nope walton makes their own chips. you prob just fell for the fud.
I will put some ven into wtc then after doing more research.
I like the wtc logo, at least the one i remember.
Does WTC have good real world partnerships and how is the value planned to be generated by wtc in the future (vs thor), if you dont mind?
Shut the fuck up samefag this shit usb so pathetic
BMW = 80k sats
PBOC = 100k sats
Dont buy walton lol nobody eve cares about it so they resort to shilling on vechain threads
you absolute brainlet, is he wrong about the chips? shill me retard