Just fried some chicken hearts with butter and olive oil together with garlic and onion. Turned out great. Does Veeky Forums eat organ meats?
Organ meats
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Only in hot dogs or sausage.
I just ate chicken liver and onions last night, user.
Good stuff. Feel very properly Jewish.
Yep. I stick the hearts on skewers and grill 'em. I also chop them up fine, saute with shallots & mushroom trimmings, and then use that mix to stuff the caps of larger mushrooms.
That sounds really good. I'm new to organ meats and I'm thinking about doing a stew with chicken hearts. Is this a good idea or will they get too chewy? I heard they can get rubbery if your overcook them.
>Feel very properly Jewish
Why, because it's cheap shit meat?
>I heard they can get rubbery if your overcook them.
Any and all meats follow a curve. Cook them a little bit and they get firm as the proteins denature. Keep cooking them longer and eventually it will get tender again.
Stews are an example of the latter. Cook it long enough and it will get tender.
I'm guessing because liver and onions is a traditional Jewish meal.
Because I'm of Slavic and Jewish descent and it's a traditional dish? And it's delicious.
Makes sense. Might try a coq au vin with them,
>chicken hearts
>chicken gizzards
>chicken livers
all are versatile and delicious