Reminder that if you're in any of these right now, you'll make it by 2020
Maybe, MAYBE, two of all the coins on that list will make it to 2020, all the others won't even see eoy
Most, if not all, of those coins will be dead within 6 months. In fact, most are already dead.
FUN is based.
>all my holds are on this list
50k in each and you will never have to work an other day.
XLM & ETH will probably still be here. With XLM giving away all their coins to pajeets though you aren't gonna make it though lol. NANO too I imagine. Pretty much every other coin you listed is worthless erc-20 tokens that will be dead within the year.
I dont think you understand user, most poor people blow money right when they get it because they dont know when they will get money again. xlm will leave their pockets as quickly as it's given out.
t. was poor until I had rich relatives teach me how to handle money
Veeky Forums memecoin
literal ponzi beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeconeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeec style
chink eth copycat with no vitalik
already mooned
Veeky Forums memecoin
i don't even know what are they
lets build a projects on eth that does same thing that eth does but is a middleman to eth, real smart money user
already mooned, actual working ripple despite >reddit, solid investement, won't moon but is a good blue chip
literally eth for stokens but it has no blockchain of its own, has no working product, has no real white paper, is actually a SMELLY tier erc20 shittoken, if you investing into this trash, congratulations you're retarded
torrent client on blockchain, why would you need one when people already monetized torrent? erc20 shittoken
Stinks. I wish Sergrei good luck though.
russian erc20 shittoken
pajeets auditing smart contracts, what can possibly go wrong, erc20 shittocken
the fuck is this shit even
Veeky Forums memecoin
pajeet shill token
pos btc that pretends to be eth, made by chinks, never trust chinks, why would you buy this over eth is beyond me
no idea
below ico and only dropping
money transfer on ether using ether pretending to be feeless, ARE YOU RETARDED?
lmao scam
gui for eth, well ok, but why can't you just buy application instead of investing in their token looks stupid to me
no whitepaper
yet another gui for eth same problem as ost, people build that shit for free and then sell, why would i need to buy your token again?
What is that?
>Is there any element that calls to mind the notion of strength quite like titanium? Named after the Titans, Greek gods of myth, the 22nd element on the Periodic Table appears in the micron thin skins of airliners and smart phones, body piercings and medical equipment and even the main element of sunscreen. It is a lustrous transition metal with a silver color, low density, and high strength.
>Titanium resists corrosion and is particularly strong and lightweight. It’s as strong as steel, but only 45 percent the weight, according to Los Alamos National Laboratory. And it’s twice as strong as aluminum, but only 60 percent heavier.
It has a great team, it's success entirely depends on it's adoption though.
>russian erc20 shittoken
I guess you never was smart.
Where is Dog Coin
This guy doesn't have a fucking clue what his talking jesus
That list is so long that I already know you're wrong
t. desperate bagholder that got in when it was shilled on Veeky Forums a month ago
anyone buying this shitcoin after coinbase commerce? kek
>t. Brainlet
how heavy are those bags?
the fact that you included this has caused me to dump all the coins I do hold
You forgot XRP.
kill yourself
>Veeky Forums memecoin
it's literally a redditcoin what the fuck man? I see /req/ mentioned maybe once a week here, meanwhile reddit has a req post up 24/7 on the front page
i think shilling stopped now on Veeky Forums, there were way more threads about it before
they even fough with linkies at some point, same as ark
It's not even russian project like you say.
You really don't know what' you're talking about if you not larping
>Oleg Lodygensky PhD
>Research-engineer, main developer of XtremWeb-HEP.
Can you just stop being a stupid faggot and do a research before buying a Veeky Forums shilled shitcoin that was shilled by 2ch that got paid directly by their admin to shill?
>one slav guy in team
>lives in france
>not ceo
Can you just be honest with yourself about being a faggot?
TFW holding 100k REQ and 193k PRL.