I'm buying 300 BTC worth of VeChain in a bit, time for those silly whales to lose their stacks.
See you guys on the VECHAIN REBRAND EVENT.
I'll be speaking tomorrow.
I'm buying 300 BTC worth of VeChain in a bit, time for those silly whales to lose their stacks
K larp daddy
i just told my family to invest thank you
just buy the 973 eth wall right now on binance
I'm buying 100K.
I have seen.
Can you flash it as a buy wall on 1000 sats to proof?
This, also are you planning on selling the news or hodling mr.whale?
In VeChain we trust, hold we must.
Not og
Can you flash us a buy wall to show us you are legit?
you heard the man, flash that bUY WALL
Wall flash or sage you dumb nigger
Buy it or stop larping
I will buy 5000BTC worth of VEN in a short time. Now Veeky Forumsnigs, go and buy some cheap VEN.
Give me 30 minutes, my BTC is transferring.
Following... If OP isn't fag I'm in.
Can you please help me with some ven? poor fag here only have 79
The Coca Cola Cuck
>only have 79
nigga i could only afford 47 ven, your doing alright.
You Have seen fake partnership with DNV GL
Everyone's a whale on Veeky Forums who's just about to buy or sell x coin.
noce larp, faggot
The DNV director is happy to cooperate with cryptos, but does not buy their currency"
"He emphasizes that they would like to enter into similar intentions with other crypto companies."
"We have no exclusive deal with vechain, but we want to explore the future with such companies."
"I think the companies behind the crypto currencies and expertise are important, and I think there will be many blocks in the future, not just one that controls everyone."
Alrighty post which exchange and pair you flash it on when you do. Deliver OP deliver
retard, that ceo is just saying they like the tech, but they arent fiddling with the crypto. not surprising considering how generally reluctant the average norwegian is towards change and magic internet money which 'kids use to buy drugs online'
I have only 43 VEN and I feel very sad that Im missing out so much
No fucking shit. Only people buying cryptos are degenerate speculators
200.. notreallycomfyhere. We'll make it..
Cmon non, show us that buy wall.
Maybe even the transaction of btc you speak of.
I've made two btc transfers since you said your waiting and have gone through.
You using a 0 sat fee or somethin?
This is pretty nub hour if you ask me.
ok I just sold
Praise kek
sold my ven last night to wait out btc crashing, woke up to the midst of the minipump and sleep fomoed in and lost part of my stack. even in dreams im a faggot
yes, so they'll enter a contract with Vechain the company who will purchase THOR generated from the market to power their applications.
It's just like how you pay Amazon Web Services and they set up all the security/servers/infrastructure, Vechain is a blockchain-as-a-service company.
screenshot of sauce? can't see the order book
holy shit the delusion
THOR is a crypto too idiot
the fact is they are given free vet and will generate free thor and dump on the market with both.
walty detected
Post screenshot bls
60 eth worth bought in the last 5 min.
Sunny controls the THOR/tx setting, so it’ll get dialed up if THOR is cheap and vice versa
ETH/ VEN buy wall .... ;//
Yes, you have 300BTC but you don't know to transfer using ETH. And you are going to buy 300 BTC worth at once. Nice one.
This brainlet
op wont deliver, but I cant stop watching
I'm delivering, keep an eye on the walls.
you are doing gods work user
The article makes it clear that the director himself doesn't hold any cryptos, not that DNV will not hold any tokens (obviously they couldn't utilise any blockchain if they did not). The whole ending paragraph is about how he is interested in the tech but hasn't bought any coins despite his son trying to persuade him to. It also mentions that his son has gone quiet since the crash. It doesn't say anywhere that DNV won't be utilising the VeChain token.
Both, Binance.
Currently waiting for the Palms and then we can go.
appreciated northern user
the headline literally says dnv gl likes blockchain but doesn't buy cryptos.
What walls are there anyway? I can't find ones on BTC, tho there is 165 one on ETH.
If legit plankton me is gonna liquidate my entire 10k XLM position and put it all into VEN to ride ur wave
if you really CCK, what we see tomorrow?
1. CiSCO?
2. BMW?
4. PBoC?
is it true that you are a girl?
huge sell wall just come ;/
There are a lot of misleading headlines in crypto articles. That's how they spread fud because they know most people won't read until the end
wtf? its suppose to be a buy wall
You guys are aware that he's probably baiting you to dump his bags or something right
Get in before anyone else!
plz geif wall, we wait
Thanks. Sold my house to buy VEN.
No. It say "The DNV Director" likes blockchain but doesn't buy cryptos, which is something completely different and refers to the part of the article in which he talks about not buying cryptos himself.
You guys choose.
instant breh
Instant, but first proof with buy wall
Holy fuck
its real
Crowd is following, just did 30x 1000-2000 VET orders.
Look at my twitter for a new riddle soon.
how you know is real? i just see huge sell wall on binance ETH and BTC/ VEN
my pockets area ready
when new post?
PBoC or CiSCO tomorrow?
well ill be damned...
its supposes to be a buy wall no?
include me in the screencap
still waiting for pboc
>buys 3 thousand dollars worth of VEN
>calls it 3 million dollars worth of VEN
>mfw when I report this obvious PnD to SEC and collect my $100k
yes he sad 300BTC is more than 30 x 1000-2000 VEN
yes, it spiked like mad in minute candles
cck uses a trip code
No he does not, but te posts the thread on his twitter
See you on twitter.
Not a problem, I just bought bags.
Later today or tomorrow.
I have proven myself today, I will be speaking tomorrow.
I have a little surprise left in a bit.
your English is better than usual, the real CCK is a pajeet.
When is the rebranding happening? (Time)
OP delivered
Cck always could talk english perfectly. He does it on purpose