Is this really what Americans believe?
Is this really what Americans believe?
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yes eurofriend :3
I think I understand your point.
For me it is the McChicken, the best healthy fast food sandwich.
dude what
He is referring to the other chicken tender thread where some guy kept arguing saying if you put them on a bun with mayo it's a sandwich and has more nutrients and is healthy now and for adults, but without bread and mayo, they are just tenders which are balls of fat and no nutrients and made only for kids.
>tendies, miricle whip and wonderbread
fuck off flyover
why doesn't Veeky Forums have flags
um what
I really, really want flags on Veeky Forums.
>do americans really america big mac
make some kind of petition thing and send it to that new asian moot. He can compare how many want it to the average accessing Veeky Forums and can decide if he should. I would be all for having flags on Veeky Forums but I doubt asian moot would be because shit posting generates half the traffic here and it would kill any threads on "why do...______ do this" and such.
How much does McKike pay you McIDF?
what purpose would having flags on Veeky Forums serve?
I'm not opposed to the idea but I don't really see a need for them
The really fucked up thing about this pic is the argumentation that it's okay for kids to eat shit food.
>Ew, you're an adult and you STILL eat chicken tenders
>Wow gross, only kids eat those
We should ESPECIALLY take care of what kids eat. If an adult who knows how bad it is eats junk food once in a while it's his own decision and nothing to fret over.
its just to create shitposting against people who shitpost here against or pretending to be from countries
I always thought this about the KFC double down. I never had one, but everyone was losing their minds about it. It were on a bun, i.e., making it less healthy, no one would have even noticed it.
Maybe instead of flags, we can get little chef hats of different colors denoting the country we are from, like Iron Chef. Except Mexico can be a half digested sombrero, because they are poor subhuman fucks.
Some dumbfuck flyover is always getting angry whenever someone doesn't like his shitty junk food, and misinterprets it as "attack on USA #1 AMERICA" because he's too stupid to realize that people from the same country can have differing opinions about food
In a certain sense it might actually reduce the number of times I say "I think it's kind of gross that you eat andy capp hot fries out of a bowl with ketchup and ranch dressing poured on top" and ten obese neckbeards from the rust belt jump down my throat and start raving about how they "saved me in World War 2"
But a better approach would just be a range ban on flyover land, so we can talk about food and cooking and they can maybe have their own board "/jf/ - junk food that tastes like random fucked up chemicals and can last over 10,000 years without refrigeration"
I like to see what people are eating and where they are so I can get an idea about different food cultures, and availability of certain foods in different cultures. How it's prepared, etc.
Plus the obvious, ofc.
That's some pretty decent b8, you'll dine well tonight.
flags would be good so i can filter non americans
The opposite would be true for me.
It's easy to identify the non-Americans. They're the ones who are not talking about America.
We need a sticky as well.
I think chicken nuggets/tenders are just an extremely lame thing to eat, a chicken sandwich has more different flavors and is generally tastier.
>out with someone at a restaurant
>they order chicken nuggets
kill me
>out with someone at a restuarant
>they order a chicken sandwhich
What did he mean by this?
>out somewhere that even serves nuggets
Do contrarians really do this?
Most restaurants non themed (not mexican/asian/etc) have chicken tenders
I think you have that backwards
>if it were on a bun, no one would have even noticed it
They actually have a single-patty Double Down on a bun. They've had it for a few years.
I guess that proves your point.
What kind of restaurants are you going to?!
Normal ones???
Why do coastie cucks hate America? Not enough kale with avocado???
A "normal" restaurant has a waiter, a wine list, a white tablecloth and actual cloth napkins. Places like that don't have tendies.
You must be going to low-tier shitholes.
Americans drink beer, Sven. Go milk your bull
They sell beer too, user. You can order whatever you want. Even a coke.
The point of the "wine list" was an identifying factor as to what constitutes a "real restaurant".
>The point of the "wine list" was an identifying factor as to what constitutes a "real restaurant"
Spoken like a NEET who thinks real life is like the movies
You're not fooling anyone kid
Your existence must be pretty sad if you think what I said is made up.
You're just mad because you just realised that only ever eat at lower class 'family-friendly' 'all-you-can-eat' bufféts.
Sorry your husband doesn't love you enough to take anywhere special.
No I'm not.
you're legitimately the most autistic person I've ever personally encountered on the internet. you've kept up this shtick for such a long time it's honestly pathetic.
what happened to you? did jake from iowa steal your girlfriend at summer camp?
Even shitty chains have waiters, a wine list, and cloth napkins what are you on about? I'm guessing you only eat out on special occasions or something.
Good joke faggot.
>Even shitty chains have waiters, a wine list, and cloth napkins
Name one.
>>I'm guessing you only eat out on special occasions or something.
Well of course. Why else would I eat out when it's both cheaper and better food to eat at home. (Except of course for the odd rush in which fast food is the only practical option, but isn't even worth mentioning)
I like this thread. It dispenses with any pretense and just goes straight for the shitposting
stop replying to that autist. it should have been obvious when he said coastie, brought up hating america, and pretended like kale and avocado are abnormal.
Applebees, Chedders, Carrabaas, Outback
None of those places have tablecloths, at least not that I can recall (I must admit it's been several years since I've been to any of them).
None of them have a wine list either.
Since this doesn't seem to be apparent to you: A "wine list" doesn't mean that wine appears on the menu. It means they have a totally separate menu for wine (and other alcoholic drinks). It is a physically distinct menu from the main food menu.
Yeah read the quoted part, they don't have tablecloths but they have the rest. They also do have a separate wine/alcohol list although not as fancy as one you would expect from a higher establishment.
I can't believe I'm arguing over this but It's really not uncommon for mid/upper mid class restaurants to have chicken tenders
just a quick search of the archive
he's been making these low effort shitposts for over a year. that's some dedicated autism. his posting style is very easy to point out, especially because it also includes posts like this
casually saying non-american food isn't normal, pretending like normal food items are luxury items that only hipsters eat, claiming people on the coast hate america/aren't real americans. he tries too hard.
literally nobody says any of this
please don't group me in with him, I would never use the word cuck. Also I wasn't meaning to imply non-american food isn't normal, just most american restaurants have it
people are just alarmist
for example, the KFC double down was literally just a chicken cordon bleu
fair enough. the posting style being a bit different made me wonder, but it just seemed like too perfect of a set up to be a coincidence.
Or maybe not everyone who you don't like is the same guy
Yes, we americans say this every day.
It's very commonplace to say this.
We also shower in the morning and have speed limits.
Dunno if you're still here but this just happened. >If you see this image, you have been visited by the Airbus Industrie A330-300 of Flyover Land.
>Normal food will come to you, but only if you post "when will this avocado fad finally end" in this thread.
Clearly the same guy.
Pretty sure he trolls /n/ too.