Other urls found in this thread:
thanks just bought 100k
my miner is finally getting shipped and I will be ready for the fucking testnet
I feel like some fucking pioneer getting onboard now
Just out of curiosity, how much are you retards paying for 8x raspberries?
exciting isnt it
this is literally the future of internet
Dotcom pioneers must have felt that way
Nothing. Sent them 1btc, got 450 sky rebate the same day, dumped all at 230k sats for 1.035 btc.
Free miner and 0.035 btc profit. People crying about muh overpriced miners are retarded.
same homie, same! sofuckinstoked
fucking this. the "1 btc miner" is literally an intelligence test to see if you're actually smart enough to participate in the testnet.
whens the next sky miner release?
lmao 10k for 8 raspberries?
you just failed the intelligence test this guy mentioned
plus discounted skycoin
thinking about running some DIY miners as well just love playing around with this kind of shit and getting payed for it will only make it more fun
oh , right, 10k-6k for them skycoins so you paid 4k for some arduinos topkek nigger
>b-but I timed the pump and knew what the top was
is SKY a good buy now? or should I wait until the rest of the supply is released?
>still measuring value in goverment issued cuck bucks
never gonna make it lmao
It is about getting in before things pump you retard
Coordinated shilling. Non organic. Try harder sky bag holders
stay poor nigger
LOL they can't even center 'VPN' on that shield logo. Top-tier OG crypto devs for certain.
wow this is the best meme I ever saw
I would go as far as calling it art
>he fell for the measure in sats meme
I can't speak for anybody else but I'm literally participating organically. I'm busy 70+ hours a week but i spend a huge portion of my free time to pop in periodically and shill skycoin for free.
we paid shills measure in turmeric
same desu
i bought a small bag but i dont shill it, want to buy more at low prices. might diy build a skyminer
buy a BIG bad already?
What are you?
You may be here but half the people in sky threads are in the discord, slack, telegram coordinating these threads trying to make them look as if the happen naturally. I doubt this coins promises will ever come to fruition and the way it sounds is giving off a confido vibe
the is no discord or slack that is even populated ^xD
I ordered my orange Pi-s to build the skywire node and I'm building it myself.
Today I was reading about skywire, but it was difficult to find how they achieve all the stuff they promise technically. Is there a good place to read about it? The website is too vauge and github too advanced for for me.
>how do people fall for the stupid send XX get XXX back scams on twitter?!??
>hurrrr buy Skycoin and the miner guise they give you ur money back and the miner!
The state of Veeky Forums
sky doesnt have a discord or slack, and I've never seen Veeky Forums mentioned in telegram.
So, how do they propose to fix the infrastructure problem?
>dude get this. what if we build a new wireless internet with everyone in the world using their own antennas. we can put telecom companies out of business
How does this work from a technical POV? I read "mesh network" in their buzzword blog posts. Someone walk me through this: I want to send a picture of my dog from the US to my grandma in the UK. What happens?
Current, traditional internet:
>data split into packets
>packets sent to nearest router that has a physical network connection to the ISP
>packets continue to hop across routers towards destination
>destination router transmits packet to device directly
How does this process work with SkyCoint
The infrastructure is already there. Most of the fibers running between colo centers are unlit, they are not being used by anybody. Anyone can rent them. The wireless meshnet is used to provide the connection between individual houses and the colo centers using long range 1+ gpbs antennas (something like this except cheaper
it works the same, explained in post below. It's a decentralized ISP model. Except with new networking protocols, where everything's encrypted by default, man in the middle attacks impossible, and the nodes only know the previous hop and the next one, not the source and destination. It's basically tor but a lot faster
The future of child porn and piracy, more like.
Good luck explaining to the feds that you are "just part of the isp".
Who am I kidding, this whole thing is a scam. There will never be a network to share cp and copyrighted material on.
>IT'S 2018
They specifically state "countries with no infrastructure". They are doing a lot of shilling by pretending they can build the infrastructure when they're mainly hoping on building a blockchain. There's a whole lot of wishful thinking going on.
you sound like one of those people that called bitcoin a scam all those years, right until it reached $10k and mainstream media started shilling it. No arguments, zero research, its a scam because I said so haha
i suppose they mean the wireless meshnet part, the antennas they are producing are going to be cheap and will offer high enough bandwidth speed. But without any colo centers and access to fibers, it wouldn't be able to connect to other countries/cities, so it would be just a local thing.
Check their website. It says "Skywire whitepaper coming soon"
>website is too vague and github too advanced for me
thats all the red flags you need retard
Is anyone else concerned about Synth?
> Wants to market bitconnect-style because normies and stupid people like that kind of marketing
> Says normies are stupid if they think Skycoin is a scam
>Doesn't want low quality community
> Bans normies constantly for "being stupid"
This guy is not stable. This is the only area I don't like about Skycoin. Why is he so stubborn?
>Doesn't have a discord doesn't have a slack
user that's more worrying than anything
Seems overly ambitious.
Can existing http protocols even be used? Where is my 'server' to run my application? What is the point of the blockchain at all?
fucking saved I love hickok
wow a crypto project that organizes? what a scam. scam if you do, scam if you don't. why are you here anyway?
skywire packets mask as any type of packet in existence
there is a discord and a slack, check the website.
the blockchain is for the coin(which is groundbreaking on its own) it has nothing to do with skywire operability except monetizing the bandwidth provided to users.
1. Can you do long range radio like that without a permit?
2. This is going to be absolute trash for latency
3. Fiber and infrastructure creation and maintenance is no joke. It really isn't that easy to decentralize the ISP, however noble the cause
Would make a lot more sense to develop technology for satellite internet or something.
shill harder, retard
No, not anywhere in the USA or Europe and also much of developed Asia. The FCC and their international equivalent will lost their fucking mind of people start blasting wifi all over the place
You are correct, the latency will be so awful that the only things this distributed internet will be good for is transmitting files and general browsing.
You are also correct. The initial plans for Skywire are to essentially hijack existing bandwidth and leapfrog between skywire nodes using existing infrastructure. This means that its not really decentralized, and that it still requires somebody to be paying for traditional internet bandwidth and connections.
Sky is a pie in the sky. The concept could be implemented, but does not require a blockchain. The blockchain itself is only for incentivizing node/transmitter holdings, but the incentive is not high enough to participate in a criminal and regulation breaking enterprise unless you live in a third world shithole.
what would we need for decentralized isp?
1. Skywire will be operating on unlicensed radio bands with technology that is available on the consumer market now. Additionally, they are developing new wireless hardware technology. Skywire will use radio frequencies that do not require a license.
2. Bullshit, why would it have high latency? Even the current 4G tech is sub 100ms, 5G thats rolling out next is supposed to have sub 5ms. This isn't difficult to reach even now with high gain directional antennas.
3. Already explained, no new fibers are needed to be built. They're already there, Tier2 providers are renting them.
for 2, in addition to what this guy said skywire routing protocol reduces communication latency by 1/3rd compared to TCP/IP, given the same physical latency. the system is designed to solve latency issues inherent to the old way of doing things.
99% of people that I've seen talk all smart about how skywire is a pipe dream bring up issues that were solved YEARS ago by the devs. it's amazing to me how arrogant the average keyboard warrior is over things they have absolutely zero expertise in
Repost because shills are ignoring it.
Is anyone else concerned about Synth?
> Wants to market bitconnect-style because normies and stupid people like that kind of marketing
> Says normies are stupid if they think Skycoin is a scam
>Doesn't want low quality community
> Bans normies constantly for "being stupid"
This guy is not stable. This is the only area I don't like about Skycoin. Why is he so stubborn?
And he wonders why ERC20 shitcoins are doing better than Skycoin. It's because they don't have a retarded team that intentionally markets like bitconnect and bans people for being stupid. LMAO.
holy shit is that pic real? apple in background, he's literally stealing their shit right there.
there's nothing criminal about encrypting private data. there's nothing criminal about peer to peer routing. there's nothing criminal about utilizing public eavelengths. even my super square family members are stoked about being able to stop companies from data mining every facet of their lives.
they are designing skywire around facilitating telesurgery, the most bandwidth and latency demanding thing in existence. you're talking out of your ass.
synth is the main reason I'm confident skycoin/skywire will succeed. you obviously aren't a visionary.
You're in a cult... been there before dude. Get out while you still can.
We are ignoring it because it is a shit-tier post which repeats the same two shitty reasons not to believe in Synth as if they are legitimate reasons to not invest. There has been zero marketing so far and I don't give a flying fuck about normies.
The designer forgot to embed the typeface and the next guy that opened it on a different machine to export for web forgot to look it over and make sure it looks right.
Enjoy living in the past, genX
>even my super square family members are stoked
No they aren't, shill.
Everyone but you is a shill, right? anyone that has anything positive to say about anything surely must have dastardly ulterior motives.
I'm genuinely sorry for you.
>>Doesn't want low quality community
>> Bans normies constantly for "being stupid"
But he plans on dealing with millions of pajeets and africans to supply them with Internet access? Dealing with governments just to get access to those markets is going to break him before he has a chance to get irate at "stupid normies" much less african and pajeet level intellect.
If it's vaguely successful he'll only have to deal with the floating poo's, company heads only do tard wrangling themselves in the earliest stages.
Go away.