Reply with score.
55 here
Reply with score.
55 here
how is this biz related again?
171. Will I make it?
Shit I got a high score but I've been here since 2007
Don't make me leave lads. Don't make me go back out there
>questions must be answered honestly
so if you've added 3 points for socializing once a day, can you also get the extra point for socializing once a week?
and I thought I was doing rather well
literally 69
86. It's amazing how that test is on point
144, been here for years though
>Dont live with your parents
This thing sucks. I like living with my parents. Free rent, free food and its nice to be with them
I can move out and "rent" and get nowhere for a while but id rather save for a down payment
95 i made it
I got 131, this is stupid
131 you fucking Faggots
related to that frogposter that keeps coming here from /r9k/, which is not at all
>tfw got a 34
I'm only 19 and have 108k in crypto. Please tell me it's not too late.
86, slightly strange, feelsgoodman
"it's not too late"
want to be friends?
my dad made me move out when I started making money which is the most retarded thing ever. I would have enough for a house by now.
40 with 300k in shitcoins
but at least im not a normie
It’s not “free”, you are just a leach
142. Bow down you fag scum
7 points.. Grand wizard...
OP I scored a 29 desu
No regrets
normalfag. yea, pretty much -- went to college and elite grad school, have a solid job, married to a beautiful girl. but introverted and only like socializing occasionally. I have depress/anxiety and have for years and enjoy hentai/Veeky Forums/tabletop games and other robot hobbies, I guess.
119 now (age 39)
64 at age 23
149. Am I gonna make it biz?
Trick question. I’ve already made it.
probably 81 - 82
63. The cyborg description does fit me pretty well, I have a life on the outside world where most people think I'm kinda mysterious because I learned to turn my autism into something that normies find interesting, and I have my "true" life on private.
And that's when I answered no on questions that I could've answered "maybe" on. Are people really this pathetic? I would say I'm pretty well off, but not exceptional in any way...
Actually I pay utilities and high fiber internet
My mom would never ask me for rent money and would refuse if I offered.
Cyborg here.
The "Social" category killed my score
I also scored this. 65 if you count using prostitutes as a hobby.
I'm a cyborg :(
It's kinda true.. oh well, at least I got some chainlink
Fuck fuck fuck!!!@ 36? I thought I was normal
I'm at 100 mainly because I'm a rich kid but I'm still a KHHV.. sad (21 years old)
Same here. Literally no hope
50 all thanks to dating a slut in highschool
Stupid test. Apparently if I did stupid shit like use social media, have kids, have a pet, and use Snapchat, I'd be a chad?
Just scrapping by into normalfag territory
was expecting lower; i'm a total loser
Go bang a hooker. +8 points straight and just 8 points away from Chad.
Has this raised or lowered your score user?
How the hell do you even get yourself into that state?
89, hell yeah, i get to be the hackerman
wow, seventy two
Imma cyborg
WOW so unexpected! Imma kill myself...
Test is made to clearly set a goal on 59-81 which is the normal human being nowdays or be cocky and your goal is 130+, in this case if you are 20+, you definitely born in rich family.
Normalfag/Chad categories shouldn't exist in the lineup, because once you start achieving goals in life, going from Cyborg/SlightlyStrange, you skip ahead those two phases and instantly become Successful.
There are people that fall in into those two categories when they try to achieve Successful status and they are called - cucks.
Definitely not a chad IMO
96. But I'm honestly a mix between cyborg, slightly strange, and normie.
I'm killing it in education, career, and gym. But I only scored a 9 in social. I have friends but never had a girlfriend.
121. Chad.
If I worked out and got laid more I'd easily be successful. And shit, if I worked out more I would get laid more.
TLDR: Fitness is my only remaining hinderance to success.
raised massively
88, slightly strange
And the info hit too close home
Kek I'd wish I were a chad
How the hell are you guys scoring so fucking low though?
85. Fuck the description really gets me.
my god...
im 103
im a.... a normalfag....
a splendid time to kill myself.
Guess my coin
I feel gray, and this fits.
I’m a cyborg in a chad body :|
146 here. are you guys really this pathetic?
wow im a loser
It's true, I don't really fit in on either end of the spectrum
Be a virgin NEET who lives at home.
How the fuck is every one scoring below 100
I got 117. This is stupid though. You can get 130+ if you are an average person with friends. If I had a relationship and sex I'd be a chad? I don't get it?
The "slightly strange" category fits me but I LARP as a Chad and most of the normies can't tell the difference. At least the girls can't. Real Chads can, and we never quite get along because I have everything they have, plus above-average intelligence and an interest in things besides "muh sports" and/or "muh xbox" which seems to frustrate them.
Sorry to hear that.
Aw sweet, I'm also 89!
Hackman go!
I also like hoodies, so picture is accurate.
That would be long af to explain for me. Stopped socializing/having friends since I feel fine without (no autism tho, only adhd and social anxiety).
Ok face, missed the good looking points, severely underweight, drug addicted and only slightly depressed but no motivation and addictions is sapping my projects.
Tried to get help but got turned around fast, mental health professionals are useless.
KHHV 25 years old. Genuinely nice personnality, scored moderate to high in all personaly aspects on tests, see
No major problems outside of that but overall social mutant by choice moslty
I'm attractive, but I don't consider my diet healthy, maybe it's because I'm used to eating Mediterranean. I have additcions.
I'm not depressed, but I'm not sad or angry either, I feel nothing most of the time.
I'm attractive but can't maintain relationships, I get bored quite fast, I don't like small chit chat. My best strategy was seeing my friends once a month or so, so we both have something(s) to talk about, but doesn't work with too close people(i.e romantic partners)
I manage my money quite well, but weirdly enough my hobby is learning, about anything. You can't do that w/o computer. According to this chart I'm not "accomplished" because I'm not a master of anything.
I don't own a house beucase living in a villa with my parents is much better than owning or renting a shitty house.
I'm pretty much normal by all standards except being a socially isolated loner
Wait do you still get "not a virgin" points if you've only had oral sex?
104 khv, but friends with a good job and degree. Everything about my life is great except that
66. Accurate
111 reporting in
153. But at times I feel like a cyborg who just excels at fitting in.
Sex is sex IMO.
I remember doing that few years ago and ranking wizard. I'm sure I'm still there, maybe devolved into upper range of apprentice.
This could be fun
Holy shit this is some /b/-tier shit though. Somebody should make one of these that's business-specific, not some gay aspie sperglord shit, but whatever
63, better than I expected.
I could start lifting RIGHT now, have a healthy diet, and maybe in a year be muscular because muh black genetics and I'd still be Cyborg at best
fucking hell I need to neck myself
yes that seems to almost be the top for many of us
106, because i dont have a job and im not working out. Once those two things resume im up to chad status
So if chanfags take this chart seriously, they should also take the check your priviledge chart seriously, right?
Same lad. Got 53 too. Honestly that description is spot on, I can't stand full robots but I'm too much of a sperg for normies. Truly the worst feeling.
Got 94...Seems accurate. Unfortunately
Feels like shit
Its not, start by fixing you physical health and the rest will come much easier, trust me, my life has changed alot since i started taking more care of my diet, sleeping pattern, exercise. Start by reading/listening to these people: Rhonda Patric, Jordan Peterson,Wim hof.