What is the worst thing that's happened in your own kitchen?
Gnat Apocalypse?
Roach Blitzkrieg?
Literal Fire?
Out of Hot Pockets?
What is the worst thing that's happened in your own kitchen?
Gnat Apocalypse?
Roach Blitzkrieg?
Literal Fire?
Out of Hot Pockets?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Roach Blitzkrieg
Anyone who thinks this is just laziest needs to watch this. Living like that is a sign of mental illness.
Anyone need any kitchen pest control tips? I've been in the business for 3 years now.
I just keep my place clean so I don't have any issues
>kitchen pest control tips
How do we stop weebs constantly shitting up, Veeky Forums?
all I get is small flying bugs near my kitchen drain and or trash.
tiny ants coming in through window, tried resealing, tried baking powder, ant traps. buggers are persistent
Pour some bleach down the drain, take out the trash daily.
Try buying Advion Ant Gel. You can get it on Amazon for cheap.
Is there a better fruit fly trap than the usual apple cider vinegar/dish soap/pepper?
Does diatomaceous earth get everywhere usually, or am I doing something horribly wrong?
No bully, I live in the boonies. No amount of cleaning counters and hiding food fixes the constant onslaught of insect life that wants air conditioning.
For flying insects, it's all about finding the source.
People who juice a lot get fruit flies from not taking out the trash enough, people with water leaks get mosquitos, if you dump a lot of food down the drain, you'll want to pour some bleach down there occasionally.
Diatomaceous earth won't help pretty much at all for flying bugs.
Go to your local hardware store and buy an actual fly trap, the kind you open, pour water inside, and hang up.
I had an RV that had a fly problem in the bathroom. Took care of that shit almost immediately.
Thank you!
thank you. will do
A proper fly trap will only affect houseflies. It won't affect fruit flies.
For fruit flies, the trap depicted in OP works well. A piece of overripe fruit is even better bait than cider vinegar. Just toss an old piece of fruit in there. Or a spoonful of jam.
I would reconsider that statement.
You can make literally the same thing at home for the cost of a bit of vinegar and a drop of dish liquid (or sugar water with a pinch of bread yeast and a drop of soap). Just put it in a glass or jar and put a funnel in it as the lid.
It works like crazy. The vinegar flies go into the trap, hit the water and can't swim out due to the soap breaking the surface water tension. You can use old fruit too, but you'll need to take the trap outside and let the vinegar flies out more often. With the water-soap method it can fill up and fill up and not need emptying for a long time.
Fair enough, I've simply never seen the fruit fly versions for sale anywhere, whereas the ones for houseflies are super common.
If user can get the fruit fly type then sure, use 'em. But understand that's not the same thing as a generic "fly trap".
You don't even need the funnel at all if you're putting soap in it.
True, but it is better to have the funnel. When you move by the trap it can disturb the ones perched on the inside of the glass and they fly out. If you have a funnel and you go to empty it, you don't have tons of them escaping.
The closer the funnel is to the water the better too.
Is there an home remedy that can repel flies? I keep my windows open day and night during summer since it's always hot as hell even during rain.
My mum uses wine
Do you actually catch more flies with honey then vinegar or is that an old wives tale
Repel? No.
You can get screens for your windows though. That will let air through but not the flies.
I've found the best thing to be actual fruit. They are fruit flies after all, so one would expect that they are most attracted by the smells of fruit.
I use a small open container with some apple cider vinegar. Works like a charm.
I raised rabbits for food while renting. Had no idea how much the fuckers would chew cabinetry when I left them to their own devices. Couldn't keep them outside cuz AZ... hot days, coyotes at night.
wine, plenty of sugar and dish washing liquid.
It's an old wive's tale. Flies fucking love apple vinegar.
Hahaha. They consumed your deposit before you could consume their adorable flesh. Did you even break even with your rabbit meat savings?
This. Though I tend to put saran wrap over it with small holes poked into it. It's crazy how well it works.
What should I put on my mouse traps? I tried peanut butter but only got one of the fuckers.
Posted before but will repost.
>alkie asian housemate, drunkass fuckwad foreign student I get stuck living with
>guy gets drunk every night, does stupid fucking shit, nearly sets house on fire several times by passing out while cooking
>like actual fire alarm blaring, toxic smoke filling the house, guy is still passed out level drunk kitchen fire
>also completely filthy, would leave leftovers on the stove for a week, put bowls of food and condiments uncovered in the dish cabinets
>he would put huge chunks of food and even eggshells and banana peels in the sink, no garbage disposal in sink btw
>left his dirty dishes with food still on them laying around for weeks at a time
>you get the picture
>go downstairs to kitchen one day, stop
>floor is moving
>look closer
>living carpet of maggots all over kitchen
>exposed to light and noise, the maggots begin to flee
>call for help from housemates, alkie refuses to get out of bed and ignores me
>go outside and dryheave
>have to clean up the maggots before they make it to safety and start becoming flies or else flypocalypse
>literally thousands of maggots
>user with paper towels vs 2000 maggots
>alkie eventually dropped out of college and got deported
>Get really drunk at home
>See a roach running around my kitchen
>No you don't asshole
>Try to kill it
>Hides under a plastic cutting board I left on the stove
>Light the stove to flush it out
>Kill it when it runs away, clean up the mess
>Go back to drinking
>Starts getting hot and something smells
>Well that's weird
>Knock at the front door, which is near the kitchen
>Forgot to turn off the stove
And that's why there's plastic fused to the floor
I find peanut butter to be highly effective. The trick is to apply it to the trap so that the mice can't simply eat it off the trap without triggering it.
If your trap has the metal "trigger", then stuff the peanut butter inside the little rounded part. Don't just put a glob on there.
If the trigger is the plastic kind that looks like a piece of cheese then put the peanut butter on the bottom side of it.
And don't forget to locate them like pic related. Mice travel along walls, so put the traps there. They're unlikely to be visited if you just stick them in the middle of a room.
Current first time homeowner kitchen situation:
"pantry moths" are coming from somewhere and keep filling up traps, even though there is NO more food for them that has been left exposed int he kitchen. What do?
How and why? How is it possible that 2000 maggots suddenly appear overnight
The way I busted my mice with a non-lethal cage trap is to put the trap against the wall near their hole, facing away from it. Then when you see them out of their hole and on the other side of the trap, spook them. They dart towards their hole in a panic and run right into the trap.
Never caught a single one with bait (I tried peanut butter, cheese and chocolate) but that trick worked every time.
Silverfish please. I tried a tall glass with bait in the bottom and a bit of card leading over the top but haven't caught any yet.
I also bought the diamotaceous earth but haven't tried it. Not really sure what to do with it.
Please help bugbuster user.
Mice are disgusting but I hate mousetraps so much.
>Indian roommates
>Leave used fast food packaging and tupperware containers everywhere
>Refuse to take out their trash
>Constantly having guests over that leave more food everywhere
>Open kitchen cabinet to use garbage
>Explodes into flies
Fly orgy.
Mouse gnawing at stuff.
had something like this in the kitchen
i drink nothing but squeezed lemons with water and got too comfortable to keep leaving the lemons out of the fridge
took about week or two and i couldnt get rid of them, those fuckers sat everywhere, even on the sponge i was sashing dishes with
how that shit works? never seen it before
they have no kill ones
Be sure to never get glue traps. Pointless cruelty.
No-kill cages are best. Let them prance into mouse freedom in a field outside of town. You were going to visit the field anyway because Pokemon Go.
Why didn't you clean earlier?
>Caring about fucking animals
>Pokememe go
This post is pure distilled reddit.
You should wash your mousetrap with hot water to get rid of incriminating human smell or the smell of mouse blood.
Not Anti-Pest poster.
They bore out from some packaging.
Put everything into freezer bags.
Clean. Throw away unlabeled stuff.
Dunno. We had flies in the house pretty bad prior. Somewhere between when I last checked the kitchen at like 5pm and when I woke up at am there they appeared. I think they bred in the protection of the trash bin, and overnight decided to leave the nest and depart for new adventures on the kitchen floor.
Not my job to clean after him. I can clean and clean and clean and he'll just shit it up within a day so what's the point? Thank god my new flatmate is a clean freak. Now the kitchen is spotless. (different place.)
>Indian roommate
>Leave excrements everywhere
>Refuses to poo in loo
>Constantly having guests diarrhea
>Open kitchen cabinet
>Explodes into poo
these fuckers can be anywhere
ie between papers, cartons, glasses
they like also wooden shelfs
mother had tons them in pic related
What state do you live in?
You let him. Leaving it shat up would only lead to more problems down the line.
How'd you get rid of him? Move out?
>Let them prance into owl/cat territory
That's one way.
I heard there are three ways to dispose of a live mouse. The army way, the navy way and the air force way.
The army way: Buried alive.
The navy way: Flushed down the toilet.
The air force way: Thrown out of a car moving at speed.
In the Navy we actually put the mouse in a ziploc bag, stomp on it to crush the head, then throw it in the trash compactor with some weights to be jettisoned into the ocean. Mice at sea are serious business.
And i thought marines were heartless
>then throw it in the trash compactor with some weights to be jettisoned
I think if it survives the ziploc bag and the stomping, escapes from the bag and swims back to your boat then it has earned it's place on your ship. The trash compactor is just overkill.
But seriously, what can a mouse do to fuck up a ship? Chew through wires and start a fire is all I can think of. Maybe contaminate food and make the crew ill, or vital food stores unusable? Is there a critical situation caused by mice that I'm missing?
I'm not saying having mice on your ship is a joke, it just seems like a slight overreaction.
I'd rather not have the majority of my ships crew performing poorly due to illness.
Or have our supplies ruined and shat on by a fucking rodent
One time I spilled 25 Gallons of cheddar cheese sauce all over the floor.
He dropped out and got deported.
I worked at a kitchen that had a cook test positive for herpes.
I wonder how many dishes he bled in before that, and how many other cooks there are who just don't know.
disease at sea is bad news.
It sounds like overkill but trash compactor + overboard is just how we disposed of all trash.
The mice were getting into our rice and flour stores, engorging themselves, and dying inside the bags. Aside from being entirely disgusting, when you lose food stores underway you just have to deal with it until the next scheduled port visit, which can be a couple months away.
Yeah it just occurred to me that you could be a thousand miles from the nearest hospital, or that someone essential to the boat's functioning could get ill.
Needless pollution of the oceans , just kill it and throw it overboard.
>You can get screens for your windows though. That will let air through but not the flies.
Holy crap! I've never thought of that!
Gonna get some installed right after this Zika thing passes by.
Zombie mice are even worse than standard mice.
Worse thing probably is when we shipped out a dried fruit mix to a school, and we had run a bit short. The guy supervising the shift went to the grocery store and bought trail mix, then picked out the nuts and other crap.
A few days later we got a notice that one of the children that ate the dried fruit mix had a violent peanut allergy reaction and nearly died. Needless to say, dude got fired.
there was an ant problem at my old house (moved in when I was a freshman in high school) but we fixed it eventually (taping over holes, using ant repellent)
I've always had problems with oven temperature. at my old apartment the heating element was shit so everything turned out undercooked. at my current apartment the stove element is good but the burners always get fucked over in various ways.
That guy didn't fuck up by having herpes, most people have herpes but don't show any symptoms, he fucked up
by bleeding in the food
Cackled so hard at this
full story please? even if that is pretty much the full story. Also pics?
Ceiling fell off
not much to tell. I was making a shitload of cheese sauce in a huge tilting steam kettle. when I went to pour the sauce in a giant cambro, another worker distracted me and I hadn't noticed that the cambro was set a couple inches away from the edge of the kettle. So the sauce poured out all over the floor.
It was a lot of fucking sauce and a bitch to clean up. It took me a couple hours, no joke.
>Caring about fucking animals
>This post is pure distilled reddit.
hello newfriend, Veeky Forums and especially /b/ have always cared about animals, and were vehemently against animal abuse.
no kill cages are retarded unless you plan on dispatching them yourself
either the mice will come back (homing instinct), infest somewhere else, or die anyway
glue trap is best trap. i catch frog, beetle, snake, tiny duck, mouse, rat, baby rat, salamander, pray mantis, lizard, cockroach, grasshopper, dragonfly, moth, mole, ants
work very good
No, you can't use peanutbutter like that. They will lick it off no matter how you apply it bare like that.
You must be tricky. Wrap a short string around the trigger plate. Smash peanut butter into the string. The mouse can't lick it off and will apply pressure to nibble it off.
It is called a "Live Trap".
They are great when you need some live bass bait.
Apartment just got infested with cockroaches some how over the past month or so.
I've only seen two (in the day time) but a few apartments in my building are infested to shit.
I've just been keeping my counters clean and had an exterminator put down bait.
I'm just trying my best to keep them out of my place. Haven't seen any poop, but I've seen a bunch of that Brown sticky spray they shit out to attract others.
>Staying at university over summer for internship
>Graduate student apartments have a ton of Indians that are subletting for the summer
>Get an apartment living with 3 other people, $350 per month
>Trash everywhere
>Pots full of food sitting out
>Fridge full of things that expired months ago (milk, moldy bread, etc)
>Throw out all of the expired shit, clean a shelf on the fridge for my stuff
>They get upset that I didn't get permission to throw out their science experiments
>I tell them I did them a favor and that clearly they weren't going to eat any of the shit that I had seen sitting for days uncovered, at 90 deg, with flies swarming the food
>They're all Indian so they don't really argue, just act kinda passively upset
>Live out my 2 months in my bedroom, cooking as minimally as possible.
>clearly they weren't going to eat any of the shit that I had seen sitting for days uncovered, at 90 deg, with flies swarming the food
You've not spent much time around Indians, have you?
I was naive at the time, now I realize Indians are subhuman and will actively poison themselves in lieu of having to use a free refrigerator. Either way the food was a breeding ground for flies, bacteria, and AIDS.
I have a ton of spiders everywhere in my home for some reason, including the kitchen, but mostly in my bathroom.
I don't see a lot of flies or other insects around, so I am not sure what they are eating.
today I was doing some cleaning and found a spider had crawled into the rice cooker I used just last night
Roaches. We aren't the cleanest bunch of all time but there's no reason we should be having such a goddamn problem.
Had some pest control dudes come through and seal their suspected hideout hole, bomb the place, spray the floorboards
Bastards are still all over the kitchen, but pretty much only the kitchen. We catch them in the bath occasionally.
What show / episode is this?
use a bucket trap instead of conventional trap. With a conventional snap trap they can eat the bait and still run away safely
I unsurprisingly live at home, and my mom keeps the kitchen relatively clean.
The worst thing we experience is greasy buildup on top of the stove, fridge, and ceiling.
oil fire in a pan i was freaking out crying and scared then my grandpa took the pan from me and put water in it and it shot up high
I moved into an apartment once and within a month of moving in got 2 mice. I didn't even have any food at that point besides a couple boxes of cake and brownie mix as I was still eating out everyday then. Anyways, I bought some of those live traps that when they run into them the trap tips and shuts the door close. I read that to get rid of mice that you live trap you have to take them a tleast a mile away and I was not doing that. So I put the trap and the mouse in a ziploc bag inside of another bag and just stuck them in the freezer. Next day threw em out like garbage never had mice since.
You don't see any flies because of the spiders.
Glad to see Im not the only one that fucked up with fruit flies.
Had a 1 room apartment during college and made some fettucini or some other whatever the fuck and fell asleep without cleaning my pan, only I had stuck it in the oven to make space for my textbooks on the stove (small place) and forgot about it.
After a few days, fruit flies fucking everywhere. I check under the sink, around the floors, I'm shouting to myself THERE ISNT ENOUGH SPACE IN HERE FOR THESE LITTLE NIGGERS TO BE SO HARD TO FIND! So day after day I just spray them as I see them, only to eventually discover my fateful pan in the oven.
My god, just opening the oven loosed a cloud of fruit flies, touching the pan loosed another one. I had to actually wear a mask or I would have been choking on them. I unhooked my fire alarm and just gassed my place with everyhting I had, set up poison traps and everything else and stayed at parent's house for a few days, came back and cleaned up after the apocalypse.
so far i've managed to avoid any extreme situations which is weird because ive lived with some really crappy roommates that live garbage everywhere. at worst ive seen maggots in some dirty pot that was left out for a week or so.
here's another story tho, not in the kitchen but in one room i used to live in - one night I come back and turn on the lights, look at the curtains on the window and realize they're fucking covered in FLIES, maybe about 20 huge fat flies and they're just sitting there, not moving, even when I tried to scare them away. there wasnt any garbage in my room or anything, I dont know where they came from but I think it was just befure autumn and maybe they just came to my room to die for some reason? it just struck me as so absurd, how are you supposed to handle this situation? it was like some weird David Lynch scene
Filename nigga
Clean your drain of physical debris. If you have drain flies, drain cleaner might not kill the larvae in your drain. Gotta physically scrape or snake the sludge out.
Try cinnamon, or diotomaceous earth (food grade). Failing that, look into conventional synthetic poisons. Good to know you already tried resealing and caulking entry points.
Silverfish need moist a moist living environment, so find and fix possible leaks, etc. Consider a dehumidifier for your living space, which may help with control efforts. The DE will also help when paired with the dehumidifier, as it works by causing tiny abrasions in the exoskeleton, which helps dessicate insects. If you have pets or children, try not to place the DE where they might get into it, but otherwise try along baseboards and under the sink, for starters.
Praise, oh mighty Bug Slaughterer. I have cockroaches, the fucking unkillable flying kind. Problem is they come from million holes in the walls and no amount of Raid gets rid of them, probably source is sewer, house old as time itself. Should I tear those walls down? I'm shitless scared of the bugs too so your help is appreciated