In the last 2 years two new Starbucks have opened in my city
Has the luxury coffee trend hit it's peak yet?
I just want caffeine, I don't want some SJW hipster trying to force me to say "venti" when I haven't even woken up yet
In the last 2 years two new Starbucks have opened in my city
Has the luxury coffee trend hit it's peak yet?
I just want caffeine, I don't want some SJW hipster trying to force me to say "venti" when I haven't even woken up yet
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I'd say we have to the end of the decade before the luxury coffee fad starts to die
Oh my Lord, are they forcing people into their crap shop now?
Starbucks is mall tier coffee. Come back and complain when proper, independent coffee shops sourcing from the best local roasters start popping up. Three of those opened in my neighborhood over the last couple years, coinciding with real estate prices rising by over 50%.
I only drink two types of coffee. Drip pot, and free.
It's not booze. No reason to get uppity about it.
Believe us, it's burned, sugary bullshit.
Burned, sugary bullshit I keep getting gift cards for because people attempt to bribe TAs.
Nobody makes you say their silly sizes. Just ask for a large redeye and be done with it.
You sound like you have issues with some sort of liberal archetype you think dwells there.
i also really hate how they ask my name
i have a weird name, it's a pain in the ass to give
yeah i could just give a fake name but fuck you why should i have to
just let me take a number like a normal place
yes i realize i'm literally figuratively autistic for caring
#race together
how the fuck is Starbucks luxury coffee? go to a local place where the hipsters at least usually have a modicum of taste and not over burnt beans
There's also no reason to get uppity about booze, faggot.
>they ask my name
Why don't you just tell them to mind their own business? Would you give them ID too if they asked?
No reason to drink poor quality alcoholic beverages unless you're an alcoholic.
What flyover shit hole do you live in that is just now getting starbucks?
>tfw Starfucks suppressed the development of CCs
There isn't enough of them even here La. Superior beverages and food.
If you consider starbucks as a hipster luxury coffee place you really are a flyover
Its like saying mcdonalds that new up and coming hip restaurant
I'd rather not say the name of my city or lazy California shitheads will flood it like they did with Austin
>luxury coffee
Either complete flyover or from some flyover country.
>luxury coffee
It's the McDonald's of coffee you pleb.
starbucks barista here, none of us in my kiosk ask for names. some customers ask us specifically to write their name, though.
also ama
Just what kind of flyover state do you live in where you associate Starbucks with the “""hipsters""" in current year
Chill out Cletus, nobody is coming to your irrelevant hick town.
Nothing pissed me off more as a barista than fedora tippers who made a point of bringing up the fact that Starbucks has a weird naming system and discuss at length that they wanted a medium, "whatever that means to you." You don't have to play the game, but you don't have to be weird about it either. The history of starbucks and their infamous venti size is actually interesting and a microcosm of American food habits:
When they first started there were only two sizes and they were more comparable to what you would find in Italy: 8oz (a "short") and 12oz ("tall"). They made drinks with whole milk as a default. People complained that they wanted a larger size so they created 16oz "grande" which is Italian for "large." However the new size meant more calories, so people wanted 2% milk to cut back on that. The drinks didn't taste as good so people wanted more for their money. So 20oz "venti" was created. It means "20" in Italian btw. Concerned with the extra calories people started asking for skim milk and at this point SBUX uses about 2 times more skim as all other types of milk combined. The drinks noticeably don't taste very good on their own so they have to put all sorts of flavorants in to make it palatable
So as time has gone on Americans have managed to take a small, simple, naturally delicious coffee drink, dilute it almost to absurdity and drown it in sugar free vanilla syrup. This obsession with value over quality is the reason our produce is trash and pic related is illegal
They still have short cups btw
McDonalds is actually okay when you when you just want cheap, greasy garbage. Starbucks is just irredeemably bad while being absurdly expensive at the same time; it's more comparable to Apple.
A fellow Atheist I see, Good day to you sir!
its all you need, the thinking mans coffee i suppose.
Honestly I don't got to many Starbucks where they actually make me say venti or some bullshittery. I say medium and they give me a medium. Looks like they're even fed up with it at this point.
Their peach green tea/lemonade mix is good though.
>SJW hipster trying to force me to say "venti"
yeah man those minimum wage employees are really trying to shove social justice down your throat when they comply with corporate guidelines in order to not get fired
No one cares. I'm not gonna memorize what 3 synonyms correspond to what 3 different sizes. Just get me my order, you pathetic wageslave.
I worked at a Starbucks for a little while during school. Not once did I hear someone force a customer to say anything. You can hate on Starbucks for the overpriced, mediocre coffee, but don't be bitch just because OP.
Side note, it's actually not a bad place to work. Decent wages, most of the coworkers are alright, and they help pay for some degrees as well if you're in school.
I always just say small/medium/large and they have never said anything about their faggot size names.
Yeah no idea what the hell OP is on. All the Starbucks I've been too are manned by normal men and women.
it's an interesting read for those of us who are curious about why they have a retarded naming convention, 7/10 would read again
but yeah if you still want to be in the dark be my guest
pic unrelated
It's just coffee... fuck. There is no reason you should ever pay that much money for coffee. Making coffee at home is like pennies per cup it's ridiculous.
I've honestly never been on 9gag. I just googled butthurt chart and saved the image. No fucks to give.
when I worked there they had this system where you could give people cards for being one of the five pillars of Starbucks. Like if you worked really hard to learn about the different types of coffee and explained them to a group of customers, one of your coworkers would fill out this gay little card and present it to you. It was cringey as fuck and I refused to do it because I felt like such a tool but after my performance review I got docked for not doing it I started handing that shit out all the time
Working for corporations is murder on the soul, especially the low level shit
In terms of price maybe, but definitely not quality. You could go lick a dirty tyre for free and get the same flavour profile.
I've never been to starbucks.
Is it true that they'll pretend to not understand you if you ask for a large and not a venti?
They will literally take a picture of you and post it on their twitter with a caption that says RACIST
Then they alert BLM to protest in front of your home until you say the wrong thing and then they can kill you and you can't even fight back because it's racist
I went to Starbucks once and ordered what I'm sure would of been a tasty, salty, sugary drink. When I was asked to pay $6.70 for it by a short, chunky man with a two foot ponytail and fedora, I refused and just walked away without a word.
No you didn't.
At least use an image you tard.
nah i'm not a meme huckster like you
Don't laugh, this is Americas future.
you must live in a shithole if starbucks is only just now peaking in your poverty stricken hovel
They ask your name so they can call you to the counter when your coffee is ready you paranoid fucking retard
I've gone to Starbucks before and their coffee is actually pretty bad, but that being said they're not going to force you to say "venti" or whatever the fuck if you don't want to. I just ask for a medium dark coffee and they ring me up and that's that. Only the hipster college kids say venti anyway, the baristas don't give a shit because they hate their retail jobs just like anyone else would.
i hate this too
there was a local place that did this but they changed the system
Good. The sooner the whites are cleansed, the sooner we can get to business being a good country.
anti-white hatred is literally a white boy meme
>race together
I love how badly that campaign failed.
Starbucks isn't "luxury coffee". It's actually worse than most places (including McDonald's) if you drink it black.
It's more a "luxury latte" place, or some such candy/syrup/whipped cream nonsense.
no you didn't
that is all a meme
anti-white hatred being a white boy meme is a meme perpetuated by black people
America runs on Dunkin.
>Has the luxury coffee trend hit it's peak yet?
Hello 1998