I'm gonna come out as a tranny to my family. What should I serve them for dinner? I'm thinking testicles.
I'm gonna come out as a tranny to my family. What should I serve them for dinner? I'm thinking testicles
>tranny to my family
something they wont like but over time may tolerate , maybe even like
Beets and goat cheese
Take something good that has a lot of importance to your family, like something your grandmother used to make, something definitely comfort food, and then fuck it up and make it super trendy, like covering it with sriracha macarons. Just ruin treasured family memories, really get in there and try to dismantle hope for the future.
This. You're basically ruining yourself, so why not really nail the point home that you're a disgusting degenerate?
Doesn't really matter what you do because you're just going to end up killing yourself like the majority of trannies do
You fucking faggot, there is no such thing as being a tranny, and if you're consciously acknowledge it that means you know what you actually are. The only legitimate "trannies" are people who literally too retarded to understand that they aren't the sex that they think they are. Gender is not a social construct, you're confusing denotation with connotation, people associate the word man with the ideas of strength and such, but all it literally means is you have a dingle in between your legs. By the way that guy from the 50s who decided that 'gender' and 'sex' had to have two different meanings was a kid diddling faggot who did so long after the word had come into existence.
You have an illness. Seek a doctor.
Good ol macaroni&cheese
Sausage, obviously. And give them scissors to eat it with.