>walk into a cornerstore to get some milk
>come up to a cashier
>"how would you like to pay today, sir? We accept crypto now!"
>"That'll be 0.001 btc, but our projections show that bitcoin is going to moon in the next week. Come back in a week please. Thank you have a good day!"
this is how marketplace will work once crypto replaces fiat.
Walk into a cornerstore to get some milk
the fuck are you talking about?
merchants are going to be hoarding goods waiting for crypto to moon. Trade will collapse.
This is retarded on so many levels, I'm not even going to explain.
m8 if Bitcoin ever gets mass adoption the volatility will slow down
How? The central banks oversee the volatility of fiat. Who is going to oversee the volatility of crypto.
It's because you're low-IQ.
the market
if Bitcoin ever spreads to mainstream adoption who the fuck cares about fiat anymore?
central banks weren't always a thing
I see what you did there.
Strange that no one points it out. I guess biz truly is full of brainlets after all.
You need peace
rypto not replace fiat
rypto just alternative
You think normies can think in decimals?
anticipating the moon the merchants will want to have more BTC. That way when it moons they have more money. It's when BTC value is high that they will hoard goods. When they know they could get more BTC for it in a week and in two weeks have more money from holding the larger amount. You are the brainlet OP
No, the merchants will just delay lowering prices in order to adjust for mooning crypto. You're still thinking within the crypto-cash-purchase frame. The crypto-purchase paradigm will look completely different.
If I knew that bitcoin was going to moon, I'd sell all the milk for all the bitcoin. Why isn't that guy selling milk for BTC at bargain prices and instead telling the dude to come back next week? It's literally buying high and selling low.
If there is no "crypto-cash-purchase frame," as you put it, then there is no MOONING idiot. What value is the crypto mooning against? If crypto is not going up in USD value what is actually mooning then? You fucking brainlet.
See in your scenario one BTC equals one BTC.
>What value is the crypto mooning against?
Holy fuck and you call *me* the brainlet? Mooning in that instance will mean one shitcoin will buy more shit once it goes up. I feel slightly embarrassed having to explain such simple concepts to single-IQ retards.
Hahaha central banks are more efficient at governing price than a market?
That's fucking retarded
if they "delay lowering prices" then nobody will buy from them you fucking idiot, people will go to the competition
So you're literally saying that grocer is not going to sell you one carton because it'll be mooning in a week (meaning you can buy more milk in a week.) So the grocer is saying, "hey I don't want to make a profit. I want to make a loss come back later." Remember you said when mooning is no longer measured against fiat it means you can buy more goods. You are fucking baiting with this garbage. You can't really think that you're correct.
He's right though. Why the fuck would anyone buy/sell anything for bitcoin if it's price is so unstable? Let's say you sell your old fridge for 0.01 BTC when 0.01 BTC = $100 and a few hours after you sell price falls down to 0.01 BTC = $10, you literally lose 90% of your money, I dont see why would anyone risk this shit.
Correct me if im wrong
Same thing happens at the gas pumps: once the price of oil goes up $10, the price of gas goes up immediately. When the price of oil falls, there's a huge delay until gas prices go down.
Before central banks there was massively volatility in currency and bank runs left right and centre. Fucking wars were fought over trade reducing the amount of gold bullion in circulation.
The worst problem will be setting interest rates in the future. When you borrow and lend, a massive uncertainty is introduced with the rate of inflation/deflation being unknown. Planning a profitable industry will be harder since a massive upswing in deflation could end it.
please stop posting here mr. boomer
crypto acceptance, should it happen, is going to be two stepped.
1.) people will accept crypto and then immediately change to fiat (either a percentage or all of it) - fast scalable currencies like NANO will be ideal in this sense. We're at this stage now and have been here for a while. The majority of crypto transactions at the moment are speculative, hence volatility and hence not representative of ideal market conditions in any sense.
2.) if the market for crypto grows such that a majority of merchants accept and consumers give crypto you'll see this concept of "mooning" drop away. Voltatility will be gone as currencies are used as currency rather than speculative assets. This will take a much longer time to get to because you need truly massive mainstream adoption. Maybe it will never happen. But you're memeing yourself if you think crypto intrinsically has to always be voltatile
Any coin with a fixed supply will have a problem with inflation/deflation since demand for money changes very rapidly. We have empirical evidence from when central banking wasn't a thing for this.