ITT: Nothing But God-Tier Cuisene

>allow me to begin

Other urls found in this thread:

>look it up on google

Not a single picture of the real thing

Ask me how I know it sucks

And isn't that poco de gallo on a quesadilla? Pico de gallo does not belong on a quesadilla

It's not a quesadilla, you uncultured swine.
Also, that pic is from Google images

He's right that's literally the only picture. No one must care about it.

>taco bell
>god tier
what sad world do you live in?

OPs been sporadically shilling the meximelt on here for years. I finally tried one awhile back because of him/her and it's actually a great combination of ingredients. It's also insanely overpriced, it's like paying almost $3 for what's basically a standard soft taco. It's a scam item, nobody really orders it, and op has to be a dedicated troll or mentality ill if they regularly pay that much money for the thing.

I used to only order meximents up until they introduced the quesarito. I don't care for that crunchwrap garbage.

OP has successfully hustled you out of $3. Methinks his years of dedicated shilling have paid off handsomely.

There are a dozen or so mexican ladies that work on the production floor where I'm employed, and I talk to them a lot about food and stuff. Most of them are relatively recent immigrants, some of them don't really speak english. They are hard workers and have a good attitude, and I've gotten more than a few tips about authentic mexican dishes from them, but something I find sorta strange is that they all really, really like taco bell.

I think it's because Taco Bell/authentic Mexican food has 2 completely different tastes. I love both.

I remember you, faggot.

>actually a great combination of ingredients
>basically a standard soft taco

Choose one and only one.

If throwing down an extra dollar and change for a item that's twice the size of a "standard soft taco," with significantly higher ingredients is outside of your financial means, then that's a different issue altogether

I'm kind of happy I don't know what that thing is supposed to be. The flour tortilla is a bad enough sign. The woed "meximelt"
cheese, which means it's only giong to get worse.

Mexican here, pico de gallo is a bit unusual in a quesadilla, but it's top-tier along with some guacamole. Quesadillas are not recipes set in stone, they're like tacos, you can stuff whatever you want inside it and it'll still be a quesadilla

'go 'za

Nigger it's a soft taco with Pico instead of lettuce. Yea it tastes better but it isn't any bigger and certainly isn't worth $3.

forest burger

forest trout

forest pork sandwich

forest spring roll

forest chicken mushroom tempura

forest pork stew

>it's a soft taco with Pico instead of lettuce.
in a flour tortillia? that's gross.

just a soft taco steamed

>your life was a lie

holy shit this looks great. crunch wraps are boring as fuck. the shell is always soggy. i'd take a cheesy potato burrito or a baja chicken gordita (RIP) any day.


that forest pork stew looks very comfy

i used to really like the quesaritos but for some reason every time I ate them they became less and less appealing and eventually I just felt gross eating them. probably rightly so

Beefy Tostada

>OPs been sporadically shilling the meximelt on here for years

keked out loud