I feel really annoyed by this. What does Veeky Forums think?
Friend makes £2500 p/m doing manual labour - I make £1950 a month being a Systems Analyst
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get a better paying job faggot
I dunno man, at least you don't have to do any heavy lifting.
Yeah - we feel bad for your friend. He at least achieves something constructive; you are overpaid. Hopefully, you'll be out of a job soon enough
id personally never switch to manual labor that paid 500 more
i value my flexible working hours and inside office job where i can shitpost on Veeky Forums at the same time way more
Thanks - I agree.
manual labor is arguably equal to white collar
neither party can do the others job, itd just a personality thing
Why should a "Systems Analyst" (which are a dime-a-dozen now) inherently make more than someone who's actually working hard in a job that requires fitness and probably some skilled craft?
You can work for 30 years and be fine, maybe lose a little hair. He’ll be lucky to make it 30 years without an operation.
can't really compare OP
Manual Labour everyone is the same avlue pretty much
A good sys analyst is underpaid at 2k
A bad sys analyst isn't even worth £100 since they create problems
ITT: Butthurt high school dropouts
It's actually a new role. I'm starting it after having done IT support for over a year. Do you have any advice on how I can do well in this new role please ?
anyone smart in IT is involved in cryptocurrency
if you choose to be a drone, don't complain when you're paid drone pay
and your friend will have his back blown out by age 40, and eventually become addicted to opoids.
So what... I earn £1500 doing manual labour... my friend earns £5000 as a financial planner... Difference is I work 40 hours and is fucking deadly miserable because of specifically this
lmfao rekt
I mean it's shit pay either way, right? Find some way to step your game up
>tfw make only $4000/month in the trades meanwhile the average university grad is making AT LEAST $8000/month
factory workers and jobs like that expose you to all kinds of crazy chemicals that will ruin your health. they prolly get paid more because they are going to die 10 years sooner now and no one else wants the job huffing death. Your faggot ass is sitting in an a/c office room.
Don’t worry m8 you’ll be replaced by some third worlder soon
Depends on whether you're not averse to manual labor. In my life I found that I'd much rather earn less, cut down on expenses, but live a lazy and gluttonous life, rather than working hard, earning more, but having less free time.
>he doesn't know about sick building syndrome
>he doesn't realize that robots are gonna take all his dropout jobs soon
I mean it's really about making sure you know how to ask questions. You need to get requirements nailed upfront. Make sure all sponsors are on board. Once all that's sorted it should be easy to build a solution if you have a good brain (assuming you have).
no sweetie, am sorry but lawyers\accountants and office drone workers are the first to be replaced by simple software, fuck block-chain and smart-contracts are going to be replacing alot of them soon, its physical\technical jobs that are future proof.
t. comfy firefighter
Doctors and accountants will be replaced before any tradesman, if you can create a robot human then you basically obsolete the entire human race
If he fucks up his body, he can no longer work. You can be paralyzed from the waist down and do almost anything IT related.
>it's easier to get software to read the nuances of case law than it is to put a hose on a robot
really activated the old almonds there, user
So if given the choice between being handed $1 today or being handed 50c today with the promise of $2 later on, you'd pick the $1 today? Vertical ascension hits a very hard and heavy ceiling quite quickly. See how he's doing in 5 years
You can go up, he can't.
>I’m feeling a bit under the weather recently. I have a sore throat that won’t go away
>processing, please wait.
>Prints receipt
>That’ll be $500. Please take this receipt to your family physician.
One bottle of tylenol later
Software already has a better track record of diagnosing illness than real doctors
I’ll take your word for it
All that does is parse metadata, it doesn't do anything a lawyer does that his secretary couldn't do. I can tell you don't have a law degree because your reading comprehension could be better. Paralegals =/= lawyers.
it's easier to get software to read the (((nuances))) of case law than it is to put a hose on a "robot"
you know how stupid you sound, right?
I earn more than you two faggots combined. Go learn a real trade with some actual value and you might actually earn a real wage.
Electrical engineering. It's a job mate.
Did you just echo the word nuances? You think the complexity of the legal system is a Jewish plot?
this was always the argument for going to college but with student loans so much these days i dont actually think that is the case.
where do you fucking live pakistan?
>electrical engineering
>a trade
nice larp
Not going to college doesn't usually result in life altering long term injury like an existence of manual labor but I do agree with your point... I like to think of my college experience as nothing more than a very expensive dating service with results I wouldn't pay to advertise but hey, sometimes it worked out
What you dont? where the fuck do you think you are?
Software is already available to replace white collars right now, and its just gonna get worse as software is easy to develop, building robots to compete with humans physically is sci-fi at the worse and decades in future at best, its not the McDonald workers you should be worried about its the office workers
Anyone who doesn't work with their hands needs to disappear.
We already have a robot that can do backflips, user. I can't do backflips. McDonalds in my town now literally have booths to order/pay at. Best they have for lawyers is a juiced up paralegal that can help you with citations. If you think they can't automate the use of a hose to put out fires, you are laughably retarded.
you are laughably trying to cope friend, back flipping robots?? what are you fucking stupid or something? show me a robot that can climb stairs, open doors and pick up\drag body's reliably, that shit is decades in the future, quickly going on youtube will show you the current state of robotics, your job on the other hand is about to be replaced by superior systems and no your (((boss))) doesn't give a shit about you or your job.
>he thinks the hose of the future will be a hose at all
if you have a linkedin chances are your job is meaningless clutter that does not benefit the world in any tangible way. Plumbers are as needed as doctors.
I’m making a thousand a week being a mechanic and when I sell a car about 2k pocket money
lmao at your sheltered life, also I'm not a lawyer user; my job is easily replaceable. I am on the chopping block for sure.
it's ok to be jealous.
most shitters are.
>show me a robot that can climb stairs, open doors and pick up\drag body's
>shows me a fucking useless single trick back flipping robot.
lmao at your sheltered life, faggot.
Why would robots want to drag bodies? Bodies are biodegradable and robots aren't affected by the smell
Systems Analyst is the new age name and office job formerly occupied by jobs fitting the description of desk clerk...
20th century Desk Clerk = 21st century Systems Analyst
You've been cucked into paying for an education of a glorified desk clerk because you didn't see your future far enough and actually thought you were qualifying for a future high paying job need.
The game cought up with you before you even started, user
I didn't say they had them now you fucking retard, I said it's easier to do then deal with the semantics of law. Have you ever programmed anything in your life? That robot is already more coordinated then the general population AND it shows it stocking fucking shelves as a test.
>but how can a robot open a door?
Jesus Christ the absolute state...
nice image but why would they take a break and eat?
lmao don't you know that Google dumped Boston Dynamics because they couldn't create an actual commercial product?
Are you underpaid maybe? Usually office jobs earn more, despite doing less work. At least when were talking that both jobs require equal skill
I've worked both office and manual labor.
Office job is easiest but the most boring thing. Time never moves. Loved shitposting LITERALLY 24/7 without having to do any work at all.
I worked as service technician too and it was the best job I ever had. It wasnt hard. It was enough to not get bored and see time fly by. I woke up in the morning without ever thinking "maybe I should call sick today". Really liked it.
Still. Anyone from manual labor would rather go office
This is very true.
Oh, I guess automation will never happen then. Thanks for the brilliant insight.
So no real evidence other than a gimmicky company and an anecdotal story? Why don't kill yourself now so that you save yourself from the disappointment in 10 years when your UBI doesn't happen?
>select all bridges
How fitting.
>That robot is already more coordinated then the general population
stop being so hyperbolic faggot that robot looked useless and with a few set tricks, be realistic my man, we are a long way away from a single robot being able to climb stairs, identify and passing obstacles, assessing and responding to complex situations, finding life signs and properly evacuating, applying first-aid, putting out aggressive moving fire dangers, etc and all of that being cost-effective too, I dont think most small cites or town could afford millions and millions of dollars of firefighting robotics.however it IS much more cost-effective to replace all your expensive office drones with some computer systems.
Seems that some stemfags are getting a bit nervous here. Afraid of Chadtron stealing your job? On the good side, you might do something more interesting instead of some nerd shit
>mfw the minimum wage is 400usd in my country
Do manual labor and make £2500 p/m.
>sits on his ass all day playing yahoo games like the typical womyn worker
>is surprised when he isnt getting paid much
I have a degree but I've worked in construction for about 3 years. You work hard for your money, it's not a usual 40 hour week, generally we work a minimum 50 hours starting at either 6 or 7AM. It's hard physical work and by the weekend your body is tired and you are pretty drained. What you realise after a while is the pay starts a bit higher than average, but generally most people get stuck after a few raises and hit a ceiling. Only a few become managers etc. and move on to make seriously good money. Meanwhile office workers start out a bit lower but gradually get more and more money with a high ceiling. No danger in your job, no physical pain, no getting wet all day inhaling dust and fumes. Both have their upsides, but don't complain when someone in construction is getting paid more than you we work hard for our money.
Im an electrician in australia and i earn about 3.3 aud grand after tax per week but i work 7 days and 12 hour shifts (84 hours). Usually you do 4 weeks on a mine then have 1 week off that some companies pay a little stipend ( around 500-800$ depending if they pay it at all). On my weeks off i usually go do some little jobs for friends to earn a bit of cash to pay groceries and bills. The good thing about having a trade is that you can use it to start your own business rather working for the man, i think ill work for good wages for a decade pay off 3 houses for comfy living then start a little business doing maintenance (which is easy as fuck) and earn my 1.5 grand a week for 8 hour working days.