Lol!! look at picky eaters making exaggerated faces as they are forced to eat foods they don't like, such as
> Sushi
> Crawfish
> Tuna
> Pig
> Onion
> Fish
> Burgers
> Squash
> Bacon
> Green peppers
> Zucchini
> Bananas
> Mushrooms
Lol!! look at picky eaters making exaggerated faces as they are forced to eat foods they don't like, such as
> Sushi
> Crawfish
> Tuna
> Pig
> Onion
> Fish
> Burgers
> Squash
> Bacon
> Green peppers
> Zucchini
> Bananas
> Mushrooms
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wow. that was really hard to watch. im so glad im not a picky eater.
ive ate my share of foods I dont really like but not once have I ever made those exaggerated expressions/body movements just from eating them.
>when people call me a picky eater, it makes me feel like a snob
>i just like the foods i like
when people call me a picky eater, i feel like a child. this guy is full of himself
Being a picky eater just means you're an alpha male. I'm not forcing myself to eat shit I don't like. That's what betas do. Same with animals where the alpha male gets to eat first and the best parts.
>broscience: the post
People who "hate" onion or tomato and yet have diets which are full of pizzas, pastas, burgers, etc should all be exterminated. I mean okay I get you don't like tomato for textural reasons that's okay, but onions? I don't get it man.
That wasn't nearly as bad as the freaky eaters bullshit. Bad though.
>I'm not a snob
>I just squirm like a fucking faggot over common foods
It's not about them not liking things, these are just terrible human beings
>"I never tried it but I don't eat it xD"
>exaggerating the hell out of eating some food
My mother in law is "allergic" to onions. I've watched her eat plenty of food that I cooked with onion, and as long as she doesn't notice the onion there are no problems. As soon as she gets one bite of raw or cooked onion she starts complaining about her migraines and blames in on the onion.
One time she threw out a del taco burger (disgusting but for some reason they like them) because she said it tasted like they didn't change their gloves after handling onions and left the taste on her burger. This of course triggered her "allergy" and gave her a "migraine"
I'm somewhat of a picky eater but I never make these faces when I eat something I don't like.
Also everything on your list is based food except bacon.
I hated all forms of cooked onions when I was a kid. I was generally a very picky eater - no liver, no bananas, no onions etc, etc. I like most of these things now but there is only one thing left and one thing that is new.
The new thing is I don't like to eat super-sweet stuff like glazed donuts or baklava or whatever. I can eat it if needed and I may like it but for no more than two bites. Don't really care about this since it mostly prevents me from overeating unhealthy stuff.
The other is any sort of fat and membrane in non-minced meat. If I feel even a hint of those while eating I start gagging immediately. It really sucks because I like meat, but when I'm not at home I can never get any meat other than chicken breast because I don't want to look like some autist fucking around with his steak to remove all that crap.
i've tried to force myself to eat meat like a normal person without removing every millimeter of anything that's not muscle tissue but I just can't. I don't think anything other than several days of starvation could make me overcome this.
There aren't any foods I dislike, only ones I've never eaten. There's one exception to this though. Spinach. The taste is fine but the texture is what I don't like. If I have to I'll eat it though.
Does anyone on Veeky Forums have ARFID?
>gags and cries when unexpectedly eats a green thing in a burger
>alpha male
I tried sushi for the first time the other day, and to be honest I hated it. It was bland, edging towards unpleasant to eat, and I felt uncomfortable with the fish being raw.
what sushi did you eat? and was it a roll, or nigiri? i'd say sushi taste really needs to be acquired over 2-3 visits
I did a class with both in. It wasn't inedible but mostly I could just taste rice.
> Don't know if this is real or made-up excuse to be a picky faggot into adulthood
Is your mother jewish?
She sounds like a perpetually butthurt kike
Thanks for the video op, I'm making a react to this videos right now
Fat asshole reacts to picky eaters
I like when she naturally bites the sushi like someone who is used to sushi and e joys sushi then gets this oh shit moment when she realizes I'm not supposed to like this and goes in its so bad
>Giving Buzzfeed views
Wew, looks like OP hit a nerve.
My wife and I recently moved in with her brother and his girlfriend while we save money for a new place.
wew lad lemme tell ya. The only things they will eat are: fried chicken, mashed potatoes,steak and hamburger helper. Her brother once ran from the table and made himself throw up because he had a (single!) piece of lettuce in his taco. It's been awful. I even made homemade chicken noodle soup out of a leftover rotisserie chicken and they wouldnt eat it because they saw me put bay leaves in it, and of course they don't like dark meat or celery. also they are both almost 30
>any sort of fat and membrane in non-minced meat
I used to be the same way until I discovered buffalo wings, I can't be bothered about all the weird connective tissue when I'm drunkenly shredding meat off the bones
Connective tissue on steak still sucks. I *can* eat it, it's just easier to cut around because it tastes weird and throws things off texturally. People who say BUT THAT'S WHERE THE FLAVOR IS don't know what they're talking about.
I do. I've been working on it. I managed to incorporate beef, pork, and plain celery into my diet recently. I've been trying to incorperate potatoes lately. I can eat them raw without problem (although they taste bad), but I'm still looking for a way to keep them without making them oily or soft.
raw onions are gross to me and overpower everything else. i csn taste and feel it and takes away from everything else. i finish the bite but take onions out. if its prepped in any way i can eat it and it taste good.
Ok then bud, enjoy your tendies and french fries while I, along with everyone else, am eating real food.
I'm pretty sure not liking liver isn't being picky. Liver legitimately tastes disgusting. Same with the connective tissue on steaks.
Didn't even have to look. Also what the fuck?
Notice how the older Asians don't have a problem with Panda Express but the younger ones are trying hard as fuck to seem like it's horrible?
I really can't eat that though, it's not allowed by my religion
Also, the older folks were giving real criticism while the hipsters were just insulting the food.
>the two old women complained their eggrolls were underdone
>the married couple thought the soy sauce in the fried rice was off
>the one hipsters female says "this smells like putrid"
>"like, this is american chow mein"
>mfw I eat sushi but not cooked fish
It's not like I'm like OMG get this shit away from me. It's just I'd prefer eating something else if given the choice. And I've tried it recently and it still tastes like shit.
So for sea food I eat shellfish, squid/octopus, and sushi.
I also generally avoid stake for chicken, but that might be my mom cooked stake pretty fucking awful so I assume all stake is like that
Mushrooms I think are gross, snails and game animals I assume are parasite infested shit, and I only really eat mayo if it's on a burger or as part of a different dressing
also to be fair, I usually order random shit when I go to eat and don't do the autist only have one thing ever thing
Kek, the hipsters probably don't know what they are talking about. But this makes me want to take an girl on a date to panda express just to be a dick
this alpha beta shit is the worst thing to happen to discourse since basically anything
Being a picky eater is its own kind of hell. I feel bad for those people denying it, they're only making eating a more difficult experience in the long run.
I hate tomatoes on burgers but im fine with red sauces and ketchup.
...said no alpha ever.
>tfw scared of developing an allergy
I like a lot of foods but I can't fucking stand green beans.
Damn straight, it's painful to watch them folding under peer pressure and not actually criticizing the food. I've had it and it's not run of the mill chinese food, it's pretty good.
I guess I could be called a picky eater. It was really bad as a kid, but less so now. But I do genuinely try to enjoy foods I don't like every now and again. Usually I end up liking them.
I still don't like tomatoes however.
I...still do the first one, honestly. I'll fixate on food items for huge periods, largely out of convenience and taste. Though I'm trying far more stuff than I ever would when i was young.
Beta: "Okay honey, I hate this but you made it so I'll eat it... Will Tyrone be visiting you again?"
Alpha: "Get this shit out of my face bitch! Cook me a steak, damnit!"
are you having a stroke
>mom cooks me tendies every day I'm the alpha in the house lol
Honestly I was picky as a kid, and a lot of it has to do with bad first experiences with food. I didn't even eat tomatoes until 3 years ago, and now I fucking love them. I originally hated them because 99% of places serve them out of season, and even now, if I go out to eat, I order things without tomatoes (especially in the winder months) because I know they'll taste awful.
Nah. I've noticed that the majority of picky eaters I've known are either "I'm so special" idiots, or man-children that don't eat anything other than tendies and fries.
Yeah, and it also depends on where you get it. If it was bland, they probably didn't cook the rice properly. I usually make (veggie) sushi at home, and good sushi roll won't have a shitload of rice in it to start with.
As long as you don't serve me fish or dairy, i'll probably eat it.
I could never in my wildest dreams imagine being a picky eater. I fucking love food.
>not picky but severely allergic and intolerant of many foods
>lumped in the same category
I'll only throw a fit if you serve
> Salmon
> Trout
> Catfish
> Imitation crab
> Milk
> Butter
> Cream
> Yoghurt
> Or sour cream
being lactose intolerant means you are a subhuman
And the fish? Are you allergic to all fish, as an entire food group?
user, everybody is lactose intolerant.
You're supposed to stop drinking milk after your infant/toddler stage, as your body naturally will stop producing lactose. But since most people don't stop, your body continues to produce it, letting you break down milk well into your adult years.
If you stop eating dairy for about 6+ months, your body will again stop producing the enzymes needed to break it down, and you'll become lactose intolerant.
I'm not lactose intolerant, i just dislike most foods from there.
i'm allergic to everything from the lakes and oceans except molluscs
In general, I don't.
But picky eaters can be a huge pain in the ass if a group (friends, business meeting, whatever) are going out to eat and Mr./Mrs. picky shoots down every suggestion because they can't eat anything other than tendies.
Because when you have friends in your circle who won't eat anywhere other than places they've already been too, or places where they can get their comfort foods, it begins to grate on you.
Or anytime you have a group party or something, you have to serve foods specifically for them. Have you ever tried making a stirfry without 90& of the veggies? It's hell and tastes like garbage.
>mfw picky eaters
i'm don't consider myself picky but i think 95% of restaurants are utter garbage
how does that work?
Then you are a picky eater.
nobody wants to out with someone who's gonna make weird faces at the menu, refuse to try or share anything interesting and ending up getting either water or something off the kid's menu
> I'm allergic to all vegetables except potatoes
> I'm allergic to tomatoes too, except when it's been processed into ketchup
Yeah, I mean, I'm a vegan and even I don't bitch when we go somewhere, because I'm not a picky fuck and can always find at least SOMETHING to eat.
But a lot of picky eaters don't want to try new things, or refuse to go somewhere they've never been or that doesn't have EXACTLY what they're craving at the time.
Maybe it's just my friend group, but I had this issues a few years ago when we all went on a weekend trip. Person A was an extremely picky eater, but also our driver, and ended up going to Steak'n'Shake 3 times during our stay. On the last day, it was like pulling teeth when I suggested we go to a nearby Chili's - and surprise, they ended up admitting that it "wasn't bad" but were still obviously disgruntled that they couldn't have tendies for the 3rd day in a row.
>Being told what to eat by an invisible man
I want to like fish. I want to like fish so badly. But anything with that fishy tide-pool taste just immediately puts me off. I can have very, very fresh fish, and decently fresh halibut, because neither of those have any fishy taste. I love them when I have them. I really loved this super fresh king salmon steak I had once. But I sure wish I could eat just cheap fish, because it smells great.
....Crab just smells bad, though. Just sayin'.
>or refuse to go somewhere they've never been
That's not being a picky eater, that's being autistic and too stupid to check a menu
that's not picky, that's just good taste
>eating raw potatoes
Wtf is your problem.
You know your meant to cook them right?
*tips fedora*
>tfw white but turned lactose intolerant at 24
>sometimes forget and drink milk only to get the shits and have my gut bloat up with gas
It hurts.
>raw potatoes
What in the fuck
I love when people use "picky eater" as a euphemism for "I am an adult child"
It's like Mexican food vs taco bell. They're different and can be good in their own ways.
I am not picky about food at all, but I agree. Most restaurants have underwhelmed me a lot. That doesn't mean it's "garbage," it's just nothing special. I'll still eat it, but usually I won't go out of my way to eat out because I can do the same or better.
I usually only go out to get things that I don't want to buy all of the ingredients for, which is usually ethnic food, or if I just want to go out for its own sake. For my part I have always assumed this was the purpose of restaurants, but I guess a lot of people aren't even capable of making restaurant food.
This fucking shit happened to me too except at 22 instead of 24. What a fucking load of bullshit.
>tfw on the weekends I eat dairy products anyway and just don't go anywhere so that I can stay home and shit my brains out.
You get used to it. Eventually you associate it with food/hunger. The smell of a fish market is especially easy to enjoy compared to the really trouty smells or muddy taste of some fish.
If you order something really oily/strong at a Korean restaurant, expect to be constantly pelted with banchan.
By default, all foods are nice. Fucking idiots
i feel this too user
>unable to digest seafood as a child
>eventually just stopped trying to because id vomit every time
>now an adult, want to enjoy shrimp, lobster, crab, etc
>the tide-pool taste always hits right in the back of my god damn throat
>no longer makes me sick but that feeling in my throat sucks ass
>only good quality restaurant seafood does not do this
>seafood prepared from a fish market still does this to me
am i just getting shit seafood?
>be white, 19
>drink a quart of milk in a sitting sometimes, always fine
>dairy has always been fine for me
>try to make a meme-tier 4 cheese grilled cheese with a fuck ton of cheese a couple days ago
>fun for a few bites, slowly becomes the worst thing ive ever made
>begin sweating and lay down
>fine after a little while
>come back from dinner about 6 hours later
>intense pain
>bastard grilled cheese takes its revenge on me for bringing it into this world by annihilating my ass
Have you tried salmon? Raw salmon has a very nice meaty taste that is a bit fatty too. I usually hate fish, but salmon sushi is really good.
How fat are they?