Hey guys, I figured this would be the place to go. My fiance likes making new recipes and i like making Youtube vids. I tried doing a sort of food tutorial last night, just trying something new. Should I continue making vids like this for my channel? Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks dudes.
Would anyone be into this?
Go hug a hand grenade.
Sick burn dude.
Shit vid, Stosh.
>shilling your youtube channel
>I figured this would be the place to go
nah. try reddit friend.
Someone is actually going to marry this idiot
Oh crud, i wasn't trying to shill. I was just trying to see if my favorite underwater South Korean cooking show messenger board would have any tips/interest. Sorry senpai.
Actually made me L O L
You are trying too hard, both in your videos and your posts
I enjoyed it. Food looked decent, though I think I'd have put more herbs and garlic in. I wasn't paying too much attention though so maybe I missed something, the style of video presentation was a little distracting from the food but it made me laugh a couple of times.
I was a little triggered by seeing raw bacon touching the knife handle at 0:17. The handle is contaminated, then your hand is contaminated every time you touch it until you clean the handle, and when your hand is contaminated, everything it touches is contaminated until it's also been cleaned. Maybe I'm just OCD but I'm always careful to only touch raw meat with blade, board, and left hand (which is immediately washed), and seasonings obviously.
It's a shame Veeky Forums won't support any kind of effort going into OC nowadays, and everything must be a shill. Veeky Forums's now full of cynical, autistic kids that were raised by the internet to hate and attack everything except memes. I think old Veeky Forums would've got a kick out of this. I sure did. I say keep 'em coming OP.
No I'm not into this, thanks for sharing anyway, good luck OP
Thanks a ton guys. I actually really enjoyed doing this, and i got some super good grub out of it. I must admit, the soup was much tastier than it looked. And i'm sorry it looked like we cross-contaminated with the knife (i swear we didn't, my fiance is super ocd with that stuff too, she's worked in the restaurant biz for years) but I'll keep that in mind next time we film.
Thank you so much for the feedback, it means a lot.
No worries. It's really not a problem if you wash the whole knife when you wash your hands, or just don't touch it again after washing your hands.
Best of luck, I'll watch more if you post them.
Nobody wants to know about how you're shilling your channel.
>less than 60 views
>wait maybe if i post it on Veeky Forums one time and get a full 10 people in the thread, my channel will somehow get the thousands of subscribers I need to make me some money!
It's time for you to learn the difference between an amateur sharing a bit of fun OC they made with their fellow anons, and a professional commercial YouTube channel being shilled on your board.
Here's what shilling looks like: Multiple threads, constantly being made over a period of months, even years, with a logo in the OP's pic. And importantly, with OP pretending to be an impartial fan of the product and not part of an online marketing company.
Here's what an amateur offering the board some OC looks like: See OP.
Lurk moar before you ruin this site by driving away what makes it good: Original fucking Content.
Thanks a ton for that, man. I really do appreciate it.
Just because it's OC does not mean it's automatically good content.
While the food did look good, I did not enjoy op screaming and yelling out fuck for comedic effect (since it turned a neat video into something childish)
I can understand that. Thanks for watching anyways friend.
The yelling and gagging noises were very annoying. I get that the kids like that sort of thing, but I prefer more quiet comfy things. That said, I only warched until you said yeargh, so when you were cooking the bacon
>Sam Kinison meets Porky Pig
I don't usually say this, but kys and your "fiance" faggot.
And get a decent microphone, they aren't even that expensive anymore.
Too many children on summer vacation on this site.
I'm trying to say the kys post was edgy, as if a child would post it.
>I don't usually say this
I presented the juxtaposition of being forced to use an edgy me-me because you were acting like a child, but apparently you fail at most things in life, that's cool.
Or you could just let the thread die if it's that triggering, yeah?
Eh, don't really give a shit, I'm drunk, the Olympics are on, and you have no idea who Sam Kinison is anyway, you millineal piece of shit, so I'll let the shitpost stand.
OP is mad :(
Autism must be hard
Damn that soup looks pretty dank tho. What happened to your video about why you left the Mormon church? I never finished watching it before you deleted it.
Because that was like forever ago, I talked way too quietly, static filled audio, and poor quality picture.
>people still post their oc out of context on Veeky Forums
>seeking approval
When will they learn? Regardless of the quality of your content, it will be ridiculed endlessly.
I mean, i figured it'd be ridiculed; this is Veeky Forums and not everyone likes the same stuff regardless. Different strokes for different folks, and all that jazz. I aint mad or butfhurt, yall are cool peeps. I didn't think it was too out of context though, figuring this is the food/cooking forum.
h3h3 called he wants his shtick back you scumbag
You showed up here with shit.
You got called out on your shit.
You ultimately end up with shit.
You have shit. Go away.
>would anyone be into this?
i can't tell if you want me to eat or fuck your dog
either way, the answer is ya.