Any of you guys like Caribbean Food?
Any of you guys like Caribbean Food?
no, its for jerks
>meat and rice
>[ethnicity] food
Hardy har har.
I like it, but unless I go to a near-literal cesspit area of the city, it's expensive as fuck for what it is. $17 for a plate of rice and meat? Seriously?
And I don't wanna get mugged at gunpoint just to get some curry goat with festival for dessert, so I either make it mydamnedself (pic related; Jamaican curry goat) or pay the ridiculous prices.
What's festival? It's not easy to Google.
I hope you're not a snobby New Yorker who thinks Flatbush is a "near-iteral cesspit area". That neighborhood is quite hot, actually.
Sweet cornbread fritters. Fucking delicious.
Nah, mate. Used to live in Yorkville, though, and I loved going to Flatbush when I did.
Assuming it's the same thing as what my mom makes, it's sweet fried dumplings/balls of dough made with cornmeal.
So are the West Indian areas where you live now actually cesspool like?
In NYC a lot of the West Indian neighborhoods are actually middle class and relatively safe, but they look kinda dumpy because the commercial strips are lacking.
When I say "near-literal cesspit," I mean it. Literal human excrement out on the street for some reason. And I don't mean dirty diapers or thing like that. I mean actual, adult-sized dumps of shit outside on the street. And they're crime-filled, too.
One of the Jamaican restaurants has a branch in that area and another in town. The one in town is nearly three times more expensive. $18 for jerk with rice and peas. It's $7 in their area.
There used to be a Golden Krust in town, near my former office, but they closed. Fucking loved that place.
lol this must be one of the worst cities in the US
>and they're crime-filled, too
I mean the area, not the shit. The shit is shit-filled, as shit usually is. The area is crime-filled, of course.
>shit with rice
Naw dude.
Venezuelan food is GOAT
>tfw no big booty Dominican wife to cook for me
Made this a couple nights ago.
Salt cod with smoked herring, onions,garlic, tomayoe, sweet pepper, black pepper
Fried plantain
Fried breadfruit
Roast breadfruit
Cassava bread (under the salt fish)
Might sound bland but infinitely delicious
Honestly, it looks like chunky diarrhea.But I've heard that Caribbean food is pretty okay.
You mean actual Dominican or Dominican republic. If Dom rep she might as well be fucking american.
I mean Dominican Republic, not Dominica
Their women are hot as fuck, same thing with Puerto Rico
Its curry goat. It is quite the hit in the flavor department.
Black eyed peas and rice really compliments it with out tasting like filler. OP's photo is how you get it when you buy it from a road side vendor so it is no the best representation but that's how it normally looks.
It is also great with fries or mashed potatoes.
>west Indian, ask me anything
would a West Indian girl laugh at my little white penis?
My high school Chemistry teacher was this thick, sexy black lady from trinidad i would hang out with in class. She made goat curry and both of us would eat lunch since i got $10 a week for food but I saved it. That fuckin goat curry with rice was the best caribean food Ive ever eaten. Who the fuck knows where the goat came from though.
They are pretty people but their food is standard Latino Americano normie shit.
Tastes good, mind you, but not really caribbean
well it's different from the anglophone caribbean countries for sure
If y'all are fucking in private no. Nor will she gossip to her friends about it unless she is a bitch but you can tell them.from a mile away.
If you pull it out in public to size up to Jomo then you deserve it.
well I meant in private lol
I don't have a baby dick, it's a little above average in length but on the thin side
Anyway, do West Indian girls vary a lot by country?
People vary a lot by country.
I live in st.Vincent and the grenadines and to me there is no place like home. But 99.25 miles east there is Barbados and you couldn't pay me to live there. That whole country has a mentality of a high school clique. Terrible people and a shitty landscape with only beaches as a redeeming factor.
Go 3 islands north to Dominica and I will gladly live there. Also in our sister island Grenada.
Dutch Caribbean Hafu here. Caribbean food is literally GOAT.
This is just about my favourite dish. I haven't made it in quite some time though.
if you have a sister, I bet she's hot as fuck
>black eyed peas and rice
Every time I've had peas and rice, it's been gandules/no-eye peas/pigeon peas.
A supermarket. That's where I get my goat. Either that or the abattoir, where it's way cheaper. Goat meat's pretty cheap to begin with, but even cheaper if you just buy the thing whole from the abattoir. They're about $3/lb at the supermarket, regardless of cut (since it's pretty much only suited to slow-cooking anyway) and the abattoir sells them for $80 per goat, which is roughly 50lbs.
>beef cubes
Why not goat or sheep? That's what I use.
>>beef cubes
>Why not goat or sheep? That's what I use.
Goat/Sheep bouillon are almost impossible to come by in this country. Beef bouillon is a more than acceptable replacement for dat dere umami.
After some research, there is one butchers shop in my city that sells goat meat and they only do it "while supplies last" every month.
>"while supplies last"
That's part of the life bruh. Even here in the W.I. everything that is regular is "while supplies last"
We always have sugar, flour, egg, various vegetable, various meat shortages.
What does goat meat taste like?
Like lamb.
Very lamb-y lamb, I might add. It's like lamb^2
I disagree.
It has its own distinct flavour and texture.
Better than lamb and god forbid mature sheep imho. The texture is coarse like a rib or flank steak with a good bit of fat. But it has a distinct goat-y smell and taste. Also a bit sweeter and more tender than beef when cooked properly.
It's beyond great for stews due this.
have you ever had goat (barbacoa) tacos?
Are you implying barbacoa means goat?
"barbacoa" commonly refers to goat in Mexico
Barbacoa literally just means 'barbecue.'
'Chivo' and 'cabrito' are the words for goat.
You can get tacos barbacoa de res or barbacoa de puerco just as easily as barbacoa de chivo/cabrito.
I'm gonna guess you live in Philadelphia, you moved here from somewhere else and you're white. Am I right?
There's a taco joint here that has BARBACOA in large friendly letters here with a picture of a goat under it and I've had to explain to a lot of you people that barbacoa does not mean goat.
Okay Chipotle.
The taco places where I live list "barbacoa" for their goat option
I know barbacoa literally means barbeque
>in Mexico
>Where I live
Shut the fuck up, guero.
You said that it refers to goat in Mexico, which is simply not true. It refers to a slow-roasting method kinda similar to Hawaiian kahlua. Today, few people in cities do it that way, so it now refers literally to slow-cooked barbecue, which is still pretty close, though not quite identical.
For fuck's sake, pibil is a type of barbacoa and that's made with pork!
All yo shut up with your Mexican shit
This is a Caribbean thread fuck your spic noise.
Is that why your food seems so "inventive" and "exotic." The recipes are from people making do with what they have
I had some land crab soup that was really good. It was served with this rice stuff, concon. Idk what concon is but its fucking good.
>Idk what concon is but its fucking good.
It's burnt rice from the bottom of the pot.
Makes sense, it was so dark, it was almost brown, but tasted great. Best food experience i had in Trinidad was just that soup and a bowl of expensive rice in some hole in the wall.
I know it as pegao (pegado with the d dropped off because Puerto Ricans can't speak Spanish) and it is delicious as fuck.
That is probable.
My wife has no idea how to substitute and she will go to 16 different stores to find something like clam juice or pay $15 for a mil of it.
Me, I would simply use wilks (or whatever they are called) and boil down a broth and drop in some salt because those bitches reside 60 feet away from my kitchen.
Jerk seasoning can be pretty good depending on the recipe. A favorite of mine.
Whelks, you mean? Snails?
Yes correct. Obviously not like clam but it will give you that "low tide harbor" vibe that clam juice does
Dude, I wish I lived near a good seaside like that.
Not so hard when the island is 19x11 miles and that is the biggest one in the nation
that looks like jamal spooned some rice into a styrofoam holder then shit into it
I see what you did there. No food in the VZ
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