Australian cuisine

>Australian cuisine

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If I was tricked into going to Ausfailia, I would stick to coastal areas and only eat seafood. I don't trust any of their land based foods. Plus, they embrace that terrible grass fed beef. And I hate Bloomin' Onions.

Australia, culture and cuisine are three words that should never share the same sentence.

In Australia there is a distinct lack of culture and the cuisine is disgusting.

>If I was tricked into going to Ausfailia,

If we let you in, you fucking seppo

>I would stick to coastal areas and only eat seafood.

Feel free to catch some blue-ring octopus by hand, they're easily found and quite tasty.

>I don't trust any of their land based foods.

Why? We seem to do all right. At least Monsanto doesn't control our Ag sector.

>Plus, they embrace that terrible grass fed beef.

You dopey fuck, grass fed beats feedlot any day. If you ever get the chance to try Cape Grim beef I'd recommend you go for it.

>And I hate Bloomin' Onions.

Not Australian, mate.

All the beef raised on lush grass is exported overseas.
The Australian people get grain fed shit.

>blue-ring octopus

nice try, you sneaky kangaroo

I'm American and don't think I've ever been to an Outback. Do they put beets on their burger?

If by beets you mean disgusting fatty gravy heated up in a microwave by a wetback then yes

My trip to Australia was one of the best culinary experiences of my life
5 kilo bag of mangos for 4 dollars
Seafood in Brisbane is top notch
Melbourne has the best Chinese food I've ever eaten

My experiences were so good wife and I bought a condo in Melbourne. We plan on spending our winters there when I retire next year

outback has very little to do with actual australian food, they don't even sell meat pies which is basically their national dish

>Not Australian, mate.

Then why are you dishing out all the Aussie advice, shitcunt?

I would live in Australia if it wasn't for the evil wildlife and the Chinese who will occupy it in 2024

Americans literally think Subaru is an Australian company because they make a model called the Outback and the voiceover in the commercials has an Aus accent.

It doesnt help that they have a logo that looks like an australian flag

>American reading comprehension

>5 kilo bag of mangos for 4 dollars

Where in the fuck was this? Mangos are usually around $2 - $3 each.

Interesting. Apparently Aussies are shitposting cunts in real life, too.

Somewhere on the road between sydney and wagga wagga. A bunch of them were bad but the rest were perfect

>Americans literally think

That's literally not in the least bit true.

>Feel free to catch some blue-ring octopus by hand, they're easily found and quite tasty.
Can confirm, best Australia has to offer.

>>And I hate Bloomin' Onions.
>Not Australian, mate.
That's le joke

I should know, I'm American. Just google "is Subaru Australian" and see what comes up...


>I should know, I'm American

Well I stand corrected, because surely you're the only American on right now and your anecdotal evidence trumps all other opinions.

You clearly live in flyover land if the people you live around can't tell that "subaru" is a Japanese word.

>le flyovers are dumb meme

Australian produce is regarded pretty highly for its quality.

You barely encounter the wildlife.

>And I hate Bloomin' Onions.

Your opinion is objectively wrong. Please rectify this or stop sustaining your life force.

At least our people can beat birds, fucking worthless Anzac Dollar Store Suicide Squad.

Nobody ever said flyovers are dumb... but apparently you are.

>flyover land if the people you live around can't tell that "subaru" is a Japanese word.

you pretty much did, don't deny your prejudices you dumb nigger

I don't live in a flyover state. I'm in a major metropolis. Anyway, my whole point is that we don't know shit about Australia besides their cool accents and we really don't care about anything else. The only thing I have against them is their shitposting on an American-Japanese cartoon forum.

motherfuckers know how to cook rabbit

>cool accents
Nigger your ears must be broken, they sound like everything they say is whining/complaining.

And kidnap abbos.

Watch out for the nu-males, hipsters and cucks user.

Fucking beautiful wine region though. Take a trip down to Apollo Bay on the Great Ocean road in Victoria. Cheap seafood. Nice holiday spot.

>Pic related. Deconstructed hipster coffee in Melbourne.

>we don't know shit about Australia
Brisbane has the best sushi in the world.

Must be taken straight from that crystal clear river of theirs.

Im from Fremantle, just south of Perth and I agree. Filthy brown river.

The swan river here in perth is known as a dolphin breeding ground.

I must admit, I would try dolphin sushi. I'd also ask to try the brain as to harvest it's tasty intelligence.

I want to go to Japan and try whale. Just once...

Its dead anyway, so it would be a waste of a life if I didnt eat it.

>I want to go to Japan and try whale.
Why Japan?

They seem to be the experts and I've already done Scandinavia.

What did the whale taste like in Scandinavia?

Australia sucks, all our good stuff is exported and cheaper int than our crap local stuff.

Did they end up bqnning fishing from the bridges in freo?

What i never got is why freos fish is fucking awful at every cafe around there / restaurant.

Is the swan river thing a joke because of how polluted its become?

Australia has novelty food items. Crocodile jerky, kangaroo jerky, emu jerky, ostrich steak, shark steak, emu egg.

I live in New Zealand. There is no food culture. The cuisine here is worse than Australia's.

Almost nowhere has any of those, especially shark steak

>disgruntled Australian detected
NZ has some of the best food I've ever eaten. Delicious meats, fruits and veggies, hangi was awesome and the fish is fresh as can be, not frozen.
Wine didn't quite live up to standard though.

It's called flake you uneducated bogan.

Went to Outback. Said, Arvo, just came from the bottle-O, I'm chockers and by god, it's ripper. Give us a slab. Ta. Good onya, mate!

Where's the Bloomin' Onion?

Oi Shane-o, I'm goin with Wazza down to the servo then we're having a punt on the pokies before we get some rumbo's. I bet Wazza gets fully maggoted and pukes up all his snags, the fully sick cunt.

Can you lot of stoopid yanks piss of and winge about something that you know something about.

Fuck off we're full

If Americans only spoke on subjects they knew something about, they'd seldom say anything at all.

Funnily enough, Wazza's my nickname. Also, checked.

They changed their menu recently and it seems like you get less food for more money now.

Went to australia last year, here it is summarised

Tried crocodile meat for a meme, cooked it with some green shit and some thyme, it was rather white, but rubbery and almost jelly like, it tasted pretty good, not like chicken, more like some form of deep sea fish without the flakiness or fishy flavor. It was more texture than anything. 7/10

Kangaroo meat is rather sinewy, but if you cook it in a pie-style gravy, its delicious and hearty and filling. I give it a 9/10

Vegemite isnt as bad as they say it is if you spread it thinly 7/10

TimTams are nice, kind of a malty flavor. 8/10

Tried some wierd shit called vegemite chocolate i wouldnt try it ever again

All the produce is amazing and looks nice, their eggs looks great as well as the butter. Shiny vegetables and fruits, amazing apples
I am jealous of their produce/10

Rate my stay out of ten

The women are gross, diseased as fuck and annoying to boot (not to mentipn their twangy voices).
Alcohol is so expensive, as is tobacco.
The weed quality is pathetic, they think they have top tier bud but one trip to a dispensary in the States would leave them slack jawed and blown out of the water.

>Australian Cuisine

Wrong picture, shit

>Australia not New Zealond

fucked up m8

Gday m8s its me here. Just sittin on me back porch havin a bloke improver (a beer for u poms – cos a frequent beer, in particular a VB, makes a bloke better value) and im starin out on the rainy day thinkin not only is this weather wetter than any box me m8 robbo has ever got near but its great weather for reflectin on all aspects of life. Obviously the most important aspects came to mind first, that is – me m8s and good aussie beers, so that takes me to me next yarn… it all started on a satdy mornin a coupla weeks back when me n me m8 jibba were buildin a canoe in me backyard for the summer that is fast approachin, we were chewin the fat and discussin sheilas and jibba was reenacting his favourite of jono browns courageous marks. Anyway before ya no it me m8s matters and biff strut round to lend a hand and eventually we decide enoughs enough so logically we all decide to go down and grab a couple slabs of pom kryptonite (slang for beer because poms cant go near a good cold beer). Anyway we head to the servo to grab some ice for the esky and we open up the freezer and there’s none there.. so jibba yells out to Rodney who works there “rod m8… where’s all the ice?” to which Rodney informs him “m8 im sorry but we’re all out of ice” then matters chips in “jeez Rodney, ben cousins must have been here!!!” OH and ya shoulda heard the hullaballoo that erupted!! One of the blokes fillin up his wagon started sprayin petrol everywhere in celebration and jibba started reenacting jono browns courageous marks again and even dived onto the concrete! Rodney thought it was a bloody rippa call and a half and he promised us free ice next time because of matters’ beaut BRC. It was one of those moments where ya look round and everythin seems to be happenin in slow mo and ya think to yaself ‘fuckn oath I love me m8s, I love me country! And I love a bloody rippa call’! cheers matters, cheers m8s, hooo roooo!!!

>t seems like you get less food for more money now.
Why do you all judge a restaurant by how much shit they pile on your plate?