>tfw i'm a poor college student with a $120 bank account
Tfw i'm a poor college student with a $120 bank account
You are at a $120 surplus you're not poor at all.
$120 is enough to feed you for a month with good tasting, nutritious food. If you're smart enough to make through college, you ought to be smart enough to figure out what to buy at the super market. My wife's retarded 2nd cousin eats very well on $100 a month.
Try to be smarter than a retard.
>my wife's retarded second cousin
Are you referring to yourself?
Did I hurt your feelings?
how is $120 broke at all fuck off cunt
>college student
Apparently I hurt yours
That actually looks really good, I would add some soy sauce and eat that shit up.
>eating out of the pot you cooked in
Trailer trash detected
Buy some dehydrated black beans bro
Lasts you days and you can make so much shit
Don't buy canned as its overpriced and doesn't give you half of what dehydrated bagged ones do
Make sure to soak them
big bag of rice
big bag of red lentils
wholesale tinned tomatoes
broccoli (side)
et voila, stop complaining about the price of food
>chinese detected
Cook it with chicken thighs/drumpsticks (cheapest thing out there) to make a sort of stock base. Add onions and more veggies.
Then sesame oil + pepper + salt and you're good
I eat noodle soups like that (with the same wheat noodles as your pic) for lunch pretty often because it only takes 15 mins to cook
Bitch, please. You're living like a king if that's what you have to eat. My first week of grad school I had $1.30 in my bank account so I ate a soup of beef stock and onions for several days and I even stole the onions
I microwave ramen and eat it out of the same bowl I microwaved it in. I also live in a single wide trailer with my wife and her 3 kids that have 3 different dads, none of which are me. I also have a 3 legged dog that has cancer. Life has blessed me.
I once lived for 60 days on $33, I stole a dozen eggs about halfway in, but everything else was purchased fair and square
eggs are from nature and should be free anyways
>eggs are from nature and should be free anyways
How old is that car?
my man. a fellow survivor. resourcefulness is a mark of respect
tfw never been even remotely poor
So you either never went to college or your parents just gave you an open-ended credit card the whole time. More likely the former since even my rich friends were expected by their parents to learn self-restraint and frugality.
unfortunately the latter. my parents aren't very good at being parents
now i'm a 24 year old neet
i'm in the process of sorting my life out though
I started working the berry fields at 13. I was the only white person out there picking berries and we got paid like 25 cents per quart picked. I've worked almost every week day since then (in summer vacation time when I was still in school obviously) and I'm 36 now and still poor and miserable slaving away for someone else to get rich. Obviously haven't picked berries in a long time for work. I have a GI bill to get free college after 8 years in the military but no time to go to school and use it because the less work will mean not enough money to pay bills. Knowing that I could be bettering my life and get a good job if only I had the time but not being able to makes me angry inside. I wish I could gift my GI bill away to someone else that could use it and not go in debt and make a better life.
When I was poor in college a couple of years ago (like 10 bucks to my name poor) I mostly just stole shit from a local supermarket and tried to repay it later in life
I know its a fucking scumbag thing to do, but I keep a total value of this shit I stole and paid it back anonymously after I got a job; not trying to justify stealing because its shady as fuck , just telling my story
anyway, good shit for eating in college: ramen is filling and nice, but it's more of a filler, similiar to rice but with less applications (i.e more dishes can use rice as a palatable filler without being as foreign tasting as rice), buy whatever meat is on special but not reconstituted (meaning buy chicken if it's on special/cheap, but not if its that shit that looks like blended up asshole, because that's what it is), broccoli, carrots and cauliflower are essential, eggs are pretty handy and good for hangovers
lastly chicks dig guys who can cook something better than a grilled cheese sandwich
Literally what? Just be a cook at like a Cracker Barrel. You'll make like 10 an hour
you should go to college user. just do it.
Here's what you do, Find a bartending job at a shitty bar near a college campus, take only MWF classes, and live in a poverty level shithole with some other students. Trade your shift/comp drinks for food from people who work at restaurants (a lot of times people will just bring you free food just because you're a bartender). Major in something you enjoy, and you can get a job with. With your degree and military (always stress the leadership aspect) experience you should have no problem getting an entry level management position making 50k-60k a year. Stick with it for ten years or so and you can most likely double it. You have a big advantage over a kid who just got out of school and that is you know what hard work is. I did something similar in my early 30's and now am assistant manager for a municipal water company. I don't make the best money, but have incredible benefits, a shit ton of paid leave, my own office, and a company truck. When my boss retires in two years, I'm a shoe in for his job, and that does pay some serious money and all he does is google shit on his computer and go to meetings.
cheeky bantz m8
Holy shit. You sound exactly like my girlfriend's dad.
the fuck is that noodle,looks like worms
looks more like udon or soba
Spent the allowance on roofies and adderall, mum won't help until the fifteenth!
Shut up
not this user but coming from a major american city where a loaf of bread is $5 and a gallon of milk is $5.50 when not on sale... i can bearly live on $100 a month eating cheap shit food on sale.
What are these good tastin nutritious foods?
Does anyone have that picture of different ways to improve ramen?
bake your own bread!
get a job at a farm - free milk!
join a fishing club - free fish!
travel to a mountain well - free water!
join one of these community gardens - free vegetables!
all you have to buy now is rice, noodles and bulgur + you have nice hobbies and friends probably even a gf
thank me later
While 120$/month are enough, it's certainly not that easy. You have very limited options and it's really easy to get out of budget. You have to buy in bulk, cook every meal, waste very little etc.
I mean, sure, you can live on rice or pasta for 30-40$/month, but it's certainly not the best option.
Learn to cook... Having a decent kitchen and refrigerator can be an issue when you're poor, but whatever you have is probably enough.
Grains and flours cost 1$/kg, oil costs 1-2$/liter, meat costs 3-4$/kg (chicken/pork).
On top of that you need some fresh vegetables and fruits.
You can eat almost a kilo (2 lbs) of meat per day for that money.