>supermarket having a sale on wine
>Ok I will just buy a couple bottles for cooking
>Oops I drank an entire bottle
>Oops I opened a second one
How are you guys handling this Saturday? What's your drink of choice?
Supermarket having a sale on wine
I keep dry vermouth around for cooking (and pretending that I make martinis and don't just drink straight vodka when I have people over).
>use mirin a lot for cooking
>like to think I take sips from it
>but don't because I'm too scared of being actually drunk
Who /alcoholweenie/ here?
here is a trick, mix it with something else to mix it that way you are just having a cocktail, then make another but add just a tiny bit of mixer, then oh no you forgot to buy more mixer, well i guess a couple sips from the bottle wont hurt and when you realize you finished it open another one and drink a bit. Its ok because we tell people we didnt drink a whole bottle but just finished an open one
Just had a nice winetasting at a fair last night. The fair was shitty and the chick at the counter was bored af, so at the end i didnt have to pay a penny. Their late harvest cuvée was bomb! Pic related. Also, drink of choice: wine.
Been trying to buy shitty cheap wine lately to cut back on drinking and just have it around for cooking
Got some random $11 Loire white yesterday
Oops I accidentally drank the whole thing
Note to self: buy more calicrap and aussie swill, achieve objectives
>Ok I will just buy a couple bottles for cooking
>Oops I drank an entire bottle
>Oops I opened a second one
I did this exactly two weeks ago. Ended up using about 1/2 cup of wine for my stew, and drinking the rest. Got super fucked up.
Just measure how much you drink and plug it into a blood alcohol calculator.
There's nothing worse than getting drunk off of wine. The worst hangover in my life was from drinking four bottles of that Trader Joe's $2 wine. Fucking awful.
Best trader Joe's wine? I have had the peach flavored, but they are always sold out. Don't like it too dry.
French onion soup is my favorite because I get to drink almost an entire bottle of dry white wine to pass time while watching onions caramelize
that reminds me I should make french onion soup again
you need french blood, I've drank 2L of merlot in an evening before and i only grow stronger
2 Buck Chuck?
Also completely agree. Was playing slap the bag at a party, drank for 30 seconds. Next day was fucking shit. Worse than my first day after drinking alcohol which was a fifth of scotch with my dad as a highschool grad present.
You clearly never had 8 shots of tequila in 3 minutes before leaving the club
Did you have tequila or did you have Cuervo?
Honestly I remember 8 shots but when I woke up the next day I was missing 300 dollars so who knows what I had
Holy fuck man. How much MDMA and opiates did you do before that?
All I remember was getting mad with my friends, binge drinking requila and then lying in the beach with the water dragging me from and back the sand while I laughed like a maniac non stop and couldn't move while watching the sunrise and feeling like I was in heaven so I maybe did drugs, I never got so bad before my friends had to drag me back to the hotel
Sounds like a good time. I got that way recently. Was laughing uncontrollably and biting the air. Like I was actually insane or possessed.
That's what my not-nearly-as-drunk buddies said anyway. I was pounding beers and crown royal.
I don't know why you would voluntarily opt to get drunk on wine as opposed to spirits, or even piss beer. It's more expensive – even the cheapest wine that tastes like shit – and the sugar and carbs make it a chore to drink, and even the sensation of being drunk is tempered by feeling like shit when you've barely had anything yet.
Yeah, two buck chuck. The red one has something like 13.5% ABV.
I l drink a fifth of vodka or whiskey with a fair bit of beer nearly every night, but the hangovers that ensue are much less terrible than those you get drinking half that amount of pure alcohol in wine format
You're right, I only drink alone because I'm a degenerate alcoholic. Nice wannabe frat boy brag, though.
Reminds me of the ending of Infinite Jest
>the beach
>at night
What, next you're gonna tell me you were in Mexico?
I read on one of those "science" news articles that even a little bit of alcohol gives you cancer and there are literally no benefits to drinking alcohol
your mum looks better when I'm drunk
so there's that.
This is what I had yesterday (yes I drink on Sundays because I have Mondays off):
I started off with a fairly strong craft beer 8.8% ABV that was hibiscus tea flavored. Better than expected. Very well hidden alcohol taste.
Afterwards I opened and downed a bottle of cheap but very inoffensive Chilean red wine.
Then I had the last bit of bourbon that was leftover in a bottle. And finally almost two cans of weakish lager but I realized in the morning that I hadn't finished the second can.
The side effects of living are death.