All these threads are starting to get to me. Should I unironically buy 50K linkies? Is it a meme amongst 5-10 discord pajeets or majority of the people in this board actually own some linky?
I can't take it anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
don't buy link, its a scam json parser
It's just a joke just like DGB in 2017. We pick up some coin to shill and fool newfags into buying. I almost bought DGB at the time but now I get it all
It's a meme / scam but you should buy it anyway
No one knows anymore.
Its a meme sirs dont buy sirs
Don't all in but get decent %amount on your investment portfolio
It's a meme
Definitely a meme. Will never recover after it's Javascript was hacked this morning.
It's a meme that Veeky Forums loves chainlink. If you actually own any link then you are absolutely brain dead.
if you could go back to 2008 and buy bitcoin for $1 how many would you buy? fill your bags with link if you don't hate money?
yes buy good goy
Thinking of buying 1k LINK just in case it actually does go to $1000 eoy so I don't have to kill myself if it does.
I'm going all in and selling when it pumps 3x. Retards think this is going to 1000 but it's actually a little bit undervalued.
Being completely honest I have fudded link steady for months and think it is a scam that will never be finished.
That being said, im still a dumbass I fomo'd from all the threads I was reading during my fudding and bought 20k link a few days ago. I cant deal with being the only faggot on this board missing this moon mission.
It's a meme, that being said buy only like 1k LINK for shits and giggles so you can shitpost with the linkmarines.
They said the same things about bitcoin and ethereum, now about Link, but with Link the stake is higher, banks have more money than your average Joe, each Link will easily be worth a million dollars
So much stinky linky shilling I might actually buy it I'm breaking down if this ever moons and I don't have some I'll kill myself and if I buy some I can shill it with conviction
You seriously think some discourd pajeet group has been shilling LINK since ICO 6 months ago? When every other P&D in history has been on Veeky Forums for a week max and then disappears forever.
Or maybe it's an actual good project that a lot of people have fanatical faith in and that's the reason we have 50 link threads all day every day.
Good attempt at least.
all in
This is exactly what i want to know, and i'm being mind fucked with how many shills there are
I'm thinking a lot of BIZ actually does have this shitcoin, and the people that FUD are just doing it to scare people off their coin
Man im tired of larps. first 30 people to quote me get 15 icx
ded fking srs.
This is bs, most of the things you see here are just for entertainment or larping.
I love this pic, it reminds me of the /tv/ basement troll
Thank you kind user
See They can't even build a secure website but you expect them to build secure oracles. Lol'd.
Dude, don't fall for this shit.
i unironically hold LINK but im also a retard. take your pick
Its a meme with a dream....don't buy
dont want to ruin this thread with mysticism bullshit but dig this shit...
from about halfway through 2016 until about the end of 2017, i have been obsessively drawing cubes. i have no idea why, but ive produced a metric shitton of artwork that is based completely off cubes. the exact same dimensions (redundant i know) and from the exact same angle as the LINK logo.
my living room wall has a gigantic mural that is made up of cubes, derived from the kabbalistic tree of life (like the one in the neon genesis: evangelion credits) - even though the parts on the tree are called "sephira" (that means sphere in hebrew) and are meant to be represented as circles, i made them cubes instead because of my cube obsession, i made a mirror that has the same design and most of my art notepads have pages and pages of these cubes drawn over and over and over again.
i have never spent much time on Veeky Forums, preferring to frequent other boards but as soon as i saw LINK i was mesmerized. I didnt even consider the logo part of it until i already bought (got in at 40 cents), the FUD and the whitepaper was enough to convince me. i am an OG crypto user from the 2012 era but not from an investment side until recently. i know a few big players in the space (developers, creators of certain technologies which i cant mention) through personal connections so im not a total cryptopleb but im not very smart with computers either, i more or less have to operate on instinct with this stuff. Veeky Forums has taken a lot from me over the years, destroyed parts of my soul and given me the ammunition with which to make myself completely depressed, but ever since i learned about LINK ive had a profound sense of calm and contentedness.
even if LINK doesn't moon, there was a kind of amazing sense that i am not alone. i can finally see that i may have a future that i can believe in, rather than a vague sense that i will one day kill myself. go ahead, call me a faggot, i earned it. but its all true.
>Its a meme with a dream
>don't buy
Pick one op, Trump started out as a meme to.
post pics of cube arts pls
this is the mirror. photos will be crap quality because cheap phone.
this mural is like 6 feet tall
pages and pages of this stuff in my old notebooks, lots of it is just unfinished shit and not at all what i normally draw. i only usually do female nudes
>when you're so autistic you can see the future of investing
Where do I get this super power? Also that's pretty bad ass.
could keep posting literally all day but mostly theyre just the wireframe cubes so not much variety and it takes ages to upload so many. this pic is also in one of my cube notebooks...
The Kabbalah, apparently.
Isnt this just the tree of life with cubes?
Same thing happened to me user except I kept drawing this ying and yang duality, all in one circle eating itself. Then I became obsessed with ouroboros reading about the story and meaning behind it then I found Cardano with their ouroboros consesus algo and I've pretty much went all in. Might do the same with chainlink as well since I get a similar feeling from it as well.
oh boy, theology on Veeky Forums. I knew my philosophy degree would come in handy one day.
im not a jew btw i just ilke kabbalah. ironically, kabbalah is about using numerical repetition to predict the future...
>my philosophy degree
Sergey-san!!!! x3
yes just tree of life
Well I am fat and idealistic; maybe if I eat a few more big macs....
Guys all memes aside, what happens to the price when majority of the tokens are out of circulation? Does market cap even matter at that point?
i know it sounds foolish to lots of people (and it probably should) but sometimes things work out in strange ways. theres no way i would have bought some shitcoin based only on how the logo looked but CL is truly unique among others. like i said, i had already bought before i even considered the cube thing, so i took it as more of a cool coincidence. if it moons though, i am probably going to become a monk or something
>Thinking of buying 1k LINK just in case it actually does go to $1000 eoy so I don't have to kill myself if it does.
Pretty much.
kabbalah is the religion for autists to its very core
Link will never see $1000 ever. Best case scenario $300 MAYBE.
thanks user.
I spent most of today working on a chainlink meme similar to pic related... I have a problem.
It's not finished yet, but when it is it will be glorious. Just needed to take a break for a bit.
>using the power of egregores for greedy purposes
you are in for a hell of a ride. Do it for things that really matter instead of being a selfish cunt, like saving the white race or defeating the kikes. Your karma must be totally fucked up.
There is a multi million dollar hedge fund named ChainLink Crypto.
Are you a fucking retard?
true true
nvr handle a Chainlink like that non
I wonder what happens when (if) banks and other big corps setup their nodes and put all their newly earned links back into them, token price will skyrocket and because transaction is going to be paid in link, price for every link transaction will be too high.
Nodes would have to be paid in different token then, or else the whole system will be unsustainable.
cant wait to see it
Praise be.
Someone asked me to do pic related on Thursday, and I whipped it up Friday morning. Had so much fun I decided to do a bunch more.
The current one likely wont be done today I'm guessing. Too many frames.
Anything that is shilled heavily on biz is either a scam or guys trying to offload or get you to offload.
DYOR for fucks sake user.
the planet saturn has a 6-sided storm (a cube) on its northern pole. this is not a meme
6 is the number of man in ancient mysticism
the 6th letter of the hebrew alphabet (vav) appears twice in the tetragrammaton. each letter in the tetragrammaton is considered so sacred that it cannot be uttered by man in sequence, the letter vav appears twice out of 4 total letters
saturn is the 6th planet from the sun
a cube has 6 sides - when unfolded onto a 2d plane, this shape is a crucifix
muslims pray facing a black cube - the qabba (meaning cube in arabic)
saturn is the roman name for cronos, the creator of all gods in the greek pantheon
saturday is named after saturn - saturday is also the holy sabbath (day of rest)
"if you could only see the beauty of 3, 6 and 9 then you would understand the universe and all its mysteries" - nikolai tesla
Can you please add link to pic related
>the letter vav appears twice out of 4 total letters
once not twice
checked he's here
Can someone pls make a sefirot with LINK cubes?
Preferably using the dotted-line interconnections like in the official slide decks
Y’all gonna make me download GIMP and figure out how to do this shit on own huh
Were? Like on the tip of his dick?
scrooge is the most underrated warner bros character
Like this?
$10000 EOY + new paradigm confirmed if double
Yeah I have some good ones for him saved but I don't have ideas for them yet...
>pic related
This is the fourth time you're posting this today.
Fucking shills man.
Shoot, I had one more, but it's greater than 4MB
You will you make a poorfags net worth go up 20%
If someone makes a subtle photoshop of LINK there...
The ones saying don’t buy stinky linkies probably have the most.
Doesn't fit as well as you might think, but good suggestion anyway.
Still worthy of keks when someone notices it, thanks user
>15 icx
you are a king of kings good sir
fuck i forgot the most important part... help this poor retard out: 0xb634bc4673874b8cec855fcf9abba841ce7b3818
that is extremely subtle. nicely done
Let me ask you did you do any research on link? Btw don't bother I already did it's shit
whats nicely done? the planet fucking jupiter?
that hexagonal shape is their naturally you brainlet..that isnt pshpped.
he doesnt see it. he doesnt have the golden eye
goddamnit user u got me so mad i cant even quote a picture correctly
It's funny 'cause I almost went even MORE subtle than that.
How is it shit?
>Great whitepaper
>Tries to do ONE thing well
>Great CEO
>No marketing
>No roadmap
May kek bless you with good fortune