it's over isn't it
It's over isn't it
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was it really over when all you had in the beginning was nothing but imaginary capital?
what is it with the trap posting lately. I'm on no fap god dammit
short it on bitmex
God, that's horrifying. I hope he sues
Hes a beta he should've grabbed her ass like a chad
What is this situation? Source.
I wish i was that guy
>lowering yourself to the behavior of chimps is being a chad
sauce pls so i can fap to that nigress
that's me :( feels bad man
>being a beta cuck and getting pushed by a thot is being a chad
holy fuck I want to racemix so bad
that faggot
He should be sued for how ugly and fat he is.
i would love to breed her
Do you make seuxal advances towards monkeys when they fling their poo at you at the zoo?
I do.
>not enjoying a fat ass
you never been to a club, user?
This. Poopoos gotta go....
>smacks the machine like a chimp instead of pulling the power cord
godamn girls mustve given u a hard time in high school
Reminder: Fucking black chicks is one of the most trad things you can do as an Anglo American
you're a faggot.
kek what's the sauce
why do they put the kid in the washing machine
Lighter man is a retarded hero.
>black parenting
I imagine they put some bleach in there and were trying to figure out if they could make the kid white so they could have a good life.
I hope that little nigger died. Natural selection
>late abortion
I'll send someone $20 worth of ETH if they photoshop an ETH logo onto the black girl and BTC on the fat guy. Maybe have it split into BTC/BCH when he hits the wall
now reverse the roles...
40 and its done
>white people
Do you honestly expect niggers to have any critical thinking skills?
Bet you anything this was in a blue state where only criminals have access to assault bums
if you're going to be racist, you're supposed to be funny about it. Just being blatantly racist with no humor in it is not cool bro
kys cuck
It was supposed to be the SUMMER OF GEORGE...
Ugly and cant move her shitter
Cant blame nignog here
I hope the kid died, would save him/her so much suffering.
I'm guessing you share the same skin color as your id? I'm sorry you lost the genetic lottery.
I bet that guy smashed that purple pussy later. And no I don't think it will ever be over. Even if bitcoin fell back down to 4 fucking dollars it only takes one rich guy to buy a fuck ton of bitcoins and pump the price. But if you think crypto will just keep going up forever you're delusional.
Where is the source for that shit? Holy shit
LOL at these trashy white girls. I understand why a white woman would date a black guy who was good looking with a big dick and had his shit together. But what motivates a white woman to specifically go after black guys exclusively? Thots like her. I get this vibe that she is in a "fuck only black guys" phase
Boys and girls, that was infanticide.
I'd feed her massa's BWC. Fuck /pol/. Muh Dik > Muh Race
I'm not white I'm asian. so it would be very easy for me to talk shit to you since we as a people have higher IQ's on average than jizzskins, but I won't bring that up because I'm actually smart enough (with my superior IQ) to realize that the world is made up of individuals and that other factors are at play than just genetics (such as wealth and culture) and not to categorize everything I see like a dumb ape. I know, it's a hard complex concept for you to understand. some of us were just born superior, regardless of color. I'm sorry you were born with a limited critical thought capacity.
Nvm I found the source
Jesus Christ, that nigger didn't INTENTIONALLY try to kill that baby? He was just playing around? ROFL!! FUCKING BRAINLET
Imagine getting this mad about posts on an anonymous finance board. Like nigga just turn off the computer close your eyes.
nice bait
"If you're going to be racist..." Etc.
Stop being offended on the behalf of others you schlob.
Unironically this
Kill you are self.
asians really dont have a higher IQ though. IQ is a test, asians are cheaters. do the math since youre so good at it