Cheap, wholesome and easy!

Ramen noodles, veggies and an egg. May I have you over for lunch?

Clean your fucking hob.

No thanks. What is that black stuff all over your counter?

What hell is wrong with you?


Ashes, burnt stuff from the plates and what not...

Depression, despair and loneliness.

>May I have you over for lunch?
Certainly. May I push in your stool?

Thanks :)

Chef WTF is this shit!

We wipe our working surfaces down after every workday! This unacceptable!

What kind of saucepan is that? Is it just a regular wide one, or is it secretly a pot? Also how do you clean shit like this from your stove top? Mine has been stained and no matter how much I scrub it just won't come out.

Splendid! Grab a fork and bib, dinner is served.

It's a cast iron pan by Skeppshult, lasts a lifetime. To clean to stove I usually cover it in paper towels soaked in hot water and dish soap for a while then go loose with a sponge and/or steel wool.


Your kitchen is fucking disgusting but the food is worse

You lazy cunt you didn't even break up the ramen

That actually looks pretty good. What vegetables did you throw in? Did you cook any of them a little bit before adding them, and did you throw in the seasoning that came from the pack?

I've honestly never experimented with ramen before.

god neets are so disgusting

Right?! The veggies are a generic brand frozen wok mix. This time they were simply left (forgotten) in the the pan in some water over night. I think the chicken seasoning had a reaction with the egg, resulting the exotic texture :P

Hur är livet som luspank och deprimerad akoholist?

Who the fuck breaks up ramen noodles?


Ah alright, I'll give this a go later today after I hit up the grocery store. I wonder if there's a different batch of veggies I could throw in instead. I really like peas and carrots, but I don't figure they'll go well with ramen.

I'm assuming you just boiled this over until the egg became fully cooked, or did you have another point of reference for you to know when it was done?

I'm not even a regular weekend drinker... Did you inherit your dick attitude as well as your social status?

Since the pan is quite low (and any deeper ones unwashed), I split the noodles in two thinner sheets and boiled until water was gone. Good luck!

Inte han, men

>dkn bor i studentlägenhet med gemensamt kök
>grannar är 100% absolut ointresserade i att hålla köket rent


>drinks bellman 6% abv "beer" alone in his filthy apartment
>tries to attack others social standing
The park bench will be your only reason to go outside soon, user.

Baby carrots and celery. Chop and add to cold water, then start bringing it to a boil. Onions are OK, but only tiny amounts and primarily in chicken flavor.

What seasoning did you throw in, OP? Did you just leave it at the regular chicken packet seasoning?

Everyone you two-bit cunt

Here's how to make stovetop ramen good:

Throw a single dried Thai chili pepper into the water when you're boiling it and cooking the noodles. Bam. Now your $0.10 noodles taste like $0.75 noodles.

Be honest, user.
How much do you spend on drugs each week?

This thread is about cooking noodles dammit! Seeking welfare and catching pokemons are my only reasons for going out. Drinking alone is depressing, I kept a can for cigarettes. You go back to bible studies in the villaområde and continue not caring about things you know nothing about.

I feel ya and prefer cleanliness myself. Sometimes the thoughts of the annealing WW3 and the anomie struck world gets the better off me though. I wouldn't dream of letting anyone inside with the apartment in it's current state.

I have a friend I meet about once a month, I buy the dinner (not noodles lol) and he brings the ganja.

I have never seen a single Asian break up their ramen noodles. Most keep them intact and very long. Why would you want to eat itty bitty short noodles, you fucking moron?

Why on earth would you want to break up the ramen? I've never heard of any one doing this before

Your a weird fucker. Why break up ramen? It makes it harder to grab with a fork. It's much nicer in one piece.

Cheap, wholesome and easy. This is a thread about your mum?

>breaking up ramen
This is how you indentify someone from southern US

>Cigarett butt on stove

>I kept a can for cigarettes
Then why is there still butts everywhere? Was the Redbull can already full for a while before you got this new one?
You don't drink alone, but wouldn't let anyone else in your apartment looking like this. You must have at least a month of grime built up. How old should we suppose this Bellman can is?

So many questions.

No you fucking twats dont crack them just separate the brick into noodles dumb cunts

You're a cunt too see this post

You are a true detective! Actually the beer can was overfilled when I knocked it over and a pile of ash and a butt fell out. I do feel bad for not recycling these cans, not so much for the cash as for our planet... :(


You need to worry about your health and hygiene more than you need to worry about the planet at this point.

your stove is fucking disgusting. take a wet paper towel to it like 20 seconds of effort

please post more of your house, im sure its awful

>>Dude, i'm gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fucking pathetic and digusting compared to my meal. and I'm being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook shit that was perviously in cans. you're a fucking joke dude, and im dead fucking serious. get a real family that cooks good food, where people drink beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fucking time, and have a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont ever post your fucking poverty meal on these forums ever the fuck again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fucking faggot.

>tfw that's what my stove looked like a couple weeks ago.

You mix them while they're cooking so they aren't congealed masses of starchy despair.


Still plays black dude in Algebra I

I mean I've seen some fucked up shit but this is disgusting dude, try to up your standards a bit.

Clean your kitchen you degenerate.

Then you make this? Are those "Ramen Noodles" noodles?

Perhaps... I've actually thrown out some trash since last post:

>not adding thinly sliced pork while boiling

Damn son do you shit on that stove?

Are you planning on having lunch withe or having me for lunch op?

>May I push in your stool?
Never heard that one before.

>May I push in your stool?

Is this a metaphor for anal sex?

You mean euphemism.

filthy AF user. hang your head in shame.

Holy fucking shit you're stupid m8.

Smarter than you.