I honestly discredit every other coin/token. Ive liquidated everything I own into LINK. I dont even know if im smart or completely brainwashed into this delusional state of LINKY. FUD doesnt even phase me. I shill every chance I get. I convinced people who dont even give a care about crypto to invest in ChainLink. I delete blockfolio because I can calculate the current price of my LINK in my head just looking at the current market price. I dont even care about crypto anymore I just care about LINK. Wtf happened to me, is this real? Who else with me?
Im in so deep
I am 100% this. I liquidated significant holdings in VEN, ETH and ICX to go all in on Link. I have actually never felt comfier.
>we gon’ make it
never doubt /biz
but never go all in on one coin unless you know what you are doing.
i was told to invest what im willing to lose in crypto but i didn't listen and went all in and borrowed money for Chainlink presale. my friends thought i was crazy but it was the best decision i've ever made
I'm all in on ADA and LINK
We either make it or we don't. I'm just happy to have the chance.
What is that mid Jan 19 spike?
Same OP. Recently liquidated all my VEN/OMG/QASH/WTC holdings to go all in. Never been more comfy.
This reminds me of October when people were shilling LINK because they thought it would reach a dollar so you had people taking out loans, quitting jobs, and dropping out of college because of this and then by the end of the month we had sob stories every other day. This tells me we’re going to be in a bear market till the end of March.
they say to only invest what your winning to lose, but I'm willing to lose it all for a chance to ATTAIN MASSIVE GAINS, thanks link.
ADA...i could never invest in a company who is just giving away their product to Africans
You hear people say never go all in but that's just advice for plebs. Plebs have bad decision making so they choose terrible coins to go all-in on. I went all in on OMG after ICO, worked out well. Cashed out 90% at $28. Now I'm all-in ChainLink. You can't go through life mitigating risk, at some point you have to be a man about it. This whole "don't bet more than you can afford to lose" and never go all in is just loser talk meant to soften the blow when plebs inevitably fail for sucking at making it.
SWIFT finally lifts the NDA.
thats xlm you dumb nigger
Hi Rajesh
Are you technical at all? Do you know what goes into the development of something chainlink is promising? Or are you just following biz blindly? They had ONE developer man, ONE and literally nothing in GitHub. I really don't know why I'm trying yup convince you to play or safe, good luck.
shut up nigger lover.
Nothing about being a man, it's called using your good given brain. Just because you lucked out with OMG some ruin others lives, good luck getting bankrupt
I'm all in on LINK myself.
I've also convinced numerous people to go 50/50 VEN/LINK.
I have zero doubt we're all going to be rich if we're patient.
sounds like the Lord wants you to stay poor, pussy.
Unironically with you. Take my hand user. We will be gods
Also, the idea of mitigating risk is just a security blanket. Everything has risk even if you don't know what it is, but even if you could guarantee perfect safety, eventually you will die.
Whale here, curious...
How much link do you hold?
I'm with you OP. No fucking around, we either make it or we don't.
im in the same boat m8
we can only hope for the best and shill this to every single person you know
You just described me :-(
"I never saved anything for the swim back"
Unironically my motto.
Why does this smart contract IOU get shilled so hard, I am so bored of it now.
This desu.
"All in" for most of you faggots means something shitty like
Nah dude. Not getting JUST’d is important too. If you know what your target allocations are for stocks/crypto/etc it helps you make smart decisions.
First, it gives you iron hands for your riskier holds. If link dropped to 30 cents, I’d buy more. If I were all-in, i would have other places to draw funds from, or worse, I’d panic sell I might panic sell (“I c-can’t lose it all I’ll be ruined!”).
Second it’s comfy af day-to-day. I don’t want my life to revolve around watching charts on a screen bc I have shit to do. I’m happy parking money in VOO/VIG and just letting it compound. There are better investors/traders out there than me so I’m not even going to try and beat the market. Idgaf if some people make more gains than me, as long as I don’t lose my stack and keep building wealth I’m gonna make it.
By all means do your thing, but diversification and safe assets isn’t a bad or stupid thing.
This is called outcome bias and it is a dangerous way to think if you want to successfully invest long term. It is a mentality commonly associated with people who have gambling addictions, who might think the roulette will be less likely to land on red because it had happened 5 times in a row previously.
All in LINK here with 200k. Will be running nodes, will be quitting my job, will be free. Good luck to us all.
oh..jesus...jesus christ. i got a BIG PROBLEMOOOOO
Kiss me bro.
I'm deep in LINK and ADA too.
ADA will of course take a little while to develop. But at this stage everything is speculative anyway. I think ADA is doing the right thing to start from scratch building the foundational architecture in Haskell to cut down on any potential bugs, and to be able to mathematical prove their code is legit to big industry and regulators down the track.
I get pumped just thinking about a future where ADA and LINK are working together executing smart contracts, automating big chunks of finance, logistics, transport, food production, residential management, and all kinds of things.
I held LINK, sold before SIBOS, but didn't re-buy until January because it was obvious the lack of marketing or updates would keep it way below most peoples radars.
LINK is the last real project to go through the autistic technological scrutiny of /oldbiz/. Every aspect of the project and its technology has been ripped apart and put back together with no remorse, and the only negatives we are left with are miniscule compared to just about any other project.
I haven't been this sure of something since I saw money skeletons ugly face for the first time after reading the Ethereum WP.
I don't know if you believed the joke FUD, or if you're actually a mouth breather. Either way, it's painstakingly obvious that you're a newfag.
>One developer
Nope. They just didn't reveal the new devs until the initial mainnet was launched. Dimitri Roche has been with ChainLink since November.
>Nothing in GitHib
Because it was all in a private repo to avoid pajeets like Mobius stealing their work in order to ruin their head start. The repo isn't private anymore, though.
>I delete blockfolio because I can calculate the current price of my LINK in my head just looking at the current market price.
same here, bro. we gonna make it.
fuckin money skelly... sandbaggin sob
Prizes of 1, .5, or .1 eth all the way down to 10th place for the invite comp!
discord gg/5MySqTd
Never interacted with a smart contract before? HERES YOUR CHANCE!
I have all my savings in LINK only a grand though because of student.
"Betting big" depends on who you are. If you only make 20k a year than 5k is betting pretty big
It depends on how long you've been in crypto. Anyone who's up +20x considers crypto play-money until they reach their goal number.
I make less than $70k a year, but have an $840k stack. Putting $70k into something isn't betting big anymore, despite it being my annual salary.