Gas on the fire in t minus 23 hours.
Futures market incoming. Going to get HOT.
You've been warned.
Gas on the fire in t minus 23 hours
Other urls found in this thread:
my body is ready
ethpy is dead long live POWH !!!
why buy pyramid coins, when you can take part in next greatest crypto dApp
those cards are sexy af and unique, gonna moon on mainnet next week
"Oh this shit pyramid is going to die"
> Bet on it
Shill harder faggot, why can't both exist? You some kinda greedy cunt? They already lost 2 mil from exit scams, I'll take my hard earned else where.
Do you even have you page in 8 launguages?
oh BOY I can't wait to short you motherfuckers 100x leverage
holyshit it's happening
my body is ready
Fucking do it - the price manipulation is going to be out of this world
Please explain? I don't quite get it...
>still buying into a pyramid with outdated code
PoWHCoin has a multitude of new features in comparison, and has all the needed ingredients for some serious normie FOMO due to masternodes/POS.
>They already lost 2 mil from exit scams, I'll take my hard earned else where.
Lmao you do you know that the LITERAL DEVS of EthPyramid audited the code and even BOUGHT INTO PoWH3D right? They trust the code. You have no argument here.
>Do you even have you page in 8 launguages?
The developers have stated that they will have translations. EPY has literally nothing going for themselves at this point. It's sad.
Get in before they release their translations.
does this have any relationship to FENIX which was airdropped here months ago? i got 20k of those fuckers and suddenly the coins were gone from my wallet
>being thisuch of a nigger
Oh you.mean how they already changed the price of nodes from 100 tokens to five? How'd that feel?
Going no where? Why don't you bet on it or stfu
> How'd that feel?
This actually benefits me. This means more people are shilling their masternodes now. I lose literally nothing lmao, I only gain. Stop being so salty, submit to your superiors and buy in before it's too late.
No relation mate. Team of devs from Veeky Forums are releasing the first ether ecosystem ever in 23 hours. Get the pop corn
>mao you do you know that the LITERAL DEVS of EthPyramid audited the code and even BOUGHT INTO PoWH3D right? They trust the code. You have no argument here.
This is really true. I mean, what more do you need? EthPyr hasn't been hacked yet, it seems like they know what they're doing, and they invested in PoWH3.
> literally nothing going for themselves at this point
> being this retarded
Not all of the devs audited. Those that did already pulled out and put their gains back into the EPY/EPX marketing wallet or the EPX contract itself.
No connection, user. :(
>FUDing instead of shorting in 24 hours
Money where your mouth is, I'm taking these guys down, and you can help!
none of the take even goes back into ethpyr!
no one is going to shill harder than you pajeet. Glad you are so confident
actually they all cashed out and put their earnings back into EthPhoenix
I for one chose not to become involved in auditing or buy-in because I saw precisely this argument being used. I can’t speak for Arc, but I know tocsick disengaged after launch to place 1 Ether into our donation wallet and 2.3 Ether back into EPX.
I don’t see why the two can’t co-exist, frankly, but I also don’t see why the EPX devs should be used as a weapon.
Thanks for reading.
>Not all of the devs audited.
Everyone dev wanted to, I was in the group at the time. The only reason Norsefire backed out is because your shaking community didn't want him to. Tocsick and Arc both vetted/approved the projected and put "their money where their mouth is".
>Those that did already pulled out and put their gains back into the EPY/EPX marketing wallet or the EPX contract itself.
So? They still put money in a competition project because they deemed it reliable and trustworthy enough. Of course they won't abandon their project, but they did approve the competition; and the competition simply offers more are this point.
Keep posting the salt lmao, loving it lad.
I wanted to audit for security, not buy in. Mantso can confirm this. Please don’t put words in my mouth.
Ponzibot is going to dump on you to pay off 232 guy to save his skin. His greed is limitless
Everyone buying into PoWH3rd Justing deserves what they get. Don't get mad you greedy pajeets, just get smart. EthPheonix will be here next payday. And the one after that...and the one after that. Get in or stay stupid.
All Norse did was construct a flow chart of the TEST contracts ABI, he never tested the source code, or even looked at it before launch
tocsick here. I audited their contract and did not find any exploitable code. I did make a public announcement about that and some other concerns and responses to certain claims that can be found in discord if anyone is interested.
Yes, I bought into the contract. I was buyer 3, I think. I have since sold and put some profits in the EPX marketing fund and the rest into EPX itself.
I audited their code, received my reward for doing so, then put my reward into EPX. EPX is where my loyalties lie.
> tell toc to use a secure tripcode
> ah fuck, I can’t believe you’ve done this
tripcodes are for fags