Ikea food

Ikea food is top notch cooking compared to the unrealistic standards and fantasies you faggots drool over here in cu/ck/ing. This aint even up for debate, you know it, I know it, so write your frustrations away and shit on my opinion, but its still true.

Why doesn't Ikea sell "food kits" that contain all of the raw ingredients for their meatballs with a minimalist, picture-only recipe book for how to prepare them?

I went to 99 cents and recreated their signature swedish meatball and mash potato dish for $3.

It tasted completely identical.
You people are eating dollar store bottom of the barrel microwavable trash.

It's pretty top shit, m8. Love me some cafeteria meatballs.

I don't know, but it seems like there's that preference in all of us for "shitty" food that reminds of us of our past, of simpler times. For me, that's crock pot burgers that were made on a propane grill, then they throw it on a room temp bun with room temp cheese. Put a little ketchup, onions, and spray butter on it and I'm putty in your hands.

Oh yeah? Well I went to Ikea and gave them 99 cents and they made the best dish you can get and it cost me three times less than 3$ so suck on that, jewboy
Why does your mom give out blowjob coupons behind McDonalds while you shitpost on Veeky Forums?

When I moved in the Netherlands I went to an Ikea early in the morning (had no bed and slept on my clothes)

the place was fucking PACKED with arabs and poor people waiting for their breakfast (the store was not open yet)

Why the fuck are local people taking breakfast outside, why the fuck do they do it in a fucking industrial zone ikea ?

Its like Veeky Forums is this fancy baroque court with everyone being snobbish nobles while at the same time smelling of cheap french fries and urine, making it seem like the actually know what 'chai' or 'saute' means. For fucks sake

Well from that first paragraph of your post it seems like you fit right in

Hey Elliot, don't you have some dressers to recall?

Actually I am pretty rich, I was just moving places