I'm still sitting in the computer chair, havent moved yet. It feels warm and squishy in between my butt cheeks. AMA
I just farted and shit my pants AMA
Why did you do it?
Nice, just bought 100K.
I really thought it was going to be a wet fart. I had chipotle earlier, so this was risky no matter how you look at it.
When are you going to kill yourself?
smart money early adaptors incoming
possibly after your mother stops licking my slimy taint
>all these brown IDs
truly a shit thread
are you a glorious amerimutt ?
ur goddamn right i am
jesus, Veeky Forums is lost
rolling for brown id
tis the reason i made this thread
>the allegory of the pajeet
Prove it faggot
real men shit their pants
pic related
So this is the first look at post-crypto Veeky Forums
the absolute state of Veeky Forums
Guys I just masturbated but when I came the semen went all over my table and keyboard.
another link thread
this fart was just ask risky as going all in on LINK ... amirite?? ayyyyyeeeeee
What is your opinion on Ven? Should I buy?
I'm posting in this thread with a bump, instead of a sage. All those other threads that start with literal porn and begging for attention can fuck right off.
Tell me more OP. How is it? Take a picture of the damage.