First ever bread attempt.
What happened?
It also seemed really dense and super duper moist.
First ever bread attempt
Austin Rivera
Evan Lewis
The side after cutting.
Joseph Hall
Did you forget the baking soda/powder? My gf did that once and had it come out similarly.
Asher Ramirez
>It also seemed really dense and super duper moist.
You just made a Valleygirl.
Robert Scott
The recipe didn't call for any
A who what now?
Joshua James
hahahaha FUCK
absolutely torched
Ayden Thompson
You probably didn't let it rise long enough or your kitchen is too cold.
Joshua Perez
How long did you let the dough rise?
Xavier Phillips
congrats you made bitter pound cake
Robert Ward
That recipe would make an incredibly moist, dense loaf even if allowed to prove fully. Following that recipe in a bread machine would make a brick, which is presumably what you got