Every sunday I go to my parents house to pick up my meals for the week, and there's usually always spaghetti, lasagna, or something saucy. On top of that usually something like smoked sausage that I put kc masterpiece on.
But when I go to wash all these dishes on saturday before I take them back they always have this ring on them, or the bottom is stained. I put them through the dishwasher 4 or 5 times and they still are miscolored. But when I get them back the next week they are clean.
How do you get this crap off?
Lucas Johnson
Rub with baking soda paste, or soak it overnight in soap water.
Took 5 seconds to google
Justin Lee
Why bother? It ain't hurting no one. Like when I'm making a paprika heavy dish on my cutting board, it's gonna take some time.
>Every sunday I go to my parents house to pick up my meals for the week This triggers the Veeky Forums
Joshua Gray
There's a chemical in tomatoes that stain the plastic
Use bleach or lemon juice
Hudson Young
>Every sunday I go to my parents house to pick up my meals for the week
Nicholas Lopez
>Every sunday I go to my parents house to pick up my meals for the week
what are you, twelve?
Parker Green
I've tried comet but haven't tried bleach. I'll ask for the key to the supply closet and give that a whirl I guess.
Quick google reccomended leaving them in the sun. I did that but came back and a bunch of bugs were in the bbq sauce and it was all still in there.
Lucas Rivera
n..now now!... m-maybe OP doesnt have a kitchen, just a fridge and a microwave...? That must be what it is, Isnt it OP? You're not some sort of depressing manchild incapable of cooking for themselves.. right?
Charles Ortiz
>lemon juice /thread
Nathan Hill
>Go to my parents house to pick up my meals...
I didnt think tendies and ranch sauce left red stains OP.