What if PayPal creates its own blockchain?

And the advantage that REQ had over PayPal with its lower fees is negated because now PayPal uses a block chain as well?

Am I really supposed to believe that REQ is going to undercut PayPal on fees because REQ uses a blockchain and somehwoh PayPal, a billion dollar company, will just sit back and let it happen? Plus Venmo already has no fees.

I know you're young, so I'll help you skip some years into those of wisdom.

Big companies don't waste time, money, & resources building other companies just because they want to compete with a small company. That's fucking retarded business sense. Far more likely would be Paypal acquiring REQ.

Good luck to you.

Then it's time to pack up because there's no way anyone can beat them.

Thats not the point of req. Read the whitepaper.

Are you sure?

Then what is?

What if PayPal is obsolete garbage and blockchains make their own PayPal? Heh...

They better. If they learned anything from the Blockbuster/Netflix case, they probably have an ace in thier pocket

he said read the whitepaper

A lot more than monetary transactions friend

Thats not wisdom thats common fucking sense

one of the points is seamless behind-the-scenes currency conversion (crypto-to-crypto, fiat-to-crypto, crypto-to-fiat). additionally, it's decentralized. idk about paypal's apparent blockchain idea but it seems like it would be centralized.

why would paypal ever be on a blockchain, you're retarded

Because by the time Paypal starts seeing customers get lost to REQ, it's already too late.

REQ operates at a 0% profit margin too. Paypal would have to completely upend their business and fire most people in order to change their model to that.

It's not happening, there's too much risk for them to do that.

More efficeint

Paypal is just riding things out at this point. They already got cucked by Adyen for eBay payments, Square/Shopify for webstores, and Venmo for peer-to-peer payments. They don't seem interested in innovating whatsoever. Their founders have long cashed out & moved onto other projects.

>Far more likely would be Paypal acquiring REQ.

How would Paypal go about acquiring REQ, buy a majority of the tokens?

good. paypal is fucking trash and they need to die. fucking shithole of a company that sides with buyers all the fucking time and allows russians and albanians to run rampant with stolen credit card information and then do fraudulent unauthorized chargebacks

t. salty ebayer who got fucked with chargebacks. i refused to pay but once i submitted proof that it was all fraudulent they dropped collections activity but still blacklisted my accounts

This everytine someone says “what if x company makes their own blockchain?” You can disregard their opinion. The whole point is to remove the middle man. By adopting blockchain they’d have to revamp their own company and possibly lose out on their own profits themselves.

reading the kyber whitepaper, but can anyone give me a tl;dr?
don't see anything about fiat conversion.

0x-for erc20
Kyber for other coins
And fiat will need oracles

No, they would buy the company developing REQ and their tokens in the process.

Request has zero profit margin you fucking moron. Unironically kys for being such a brainlet.

It's not more efficient, fucking fucktard.

Why are you such a fucking brainlet trash? How do you go about acquiring a decentralized ecosystem? Fuck you for making me do a 3rd post in a row. Kys.