When's the next big bull run?
When's the next big bull run?
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april, but only for non shit coins
Not for a long time, user. November/December 2018 is my guess.
You missed it. Sell now before SEC pitches up
Cap this.
When’s her next bull run?
you mean you haven't bought back in yet? it's starting in a couple of hours, you'd better hurry
I'm still holding bags from november, didn't get out fast enough :/
Who's the qt? My penor feels funny looking at her.
Starts this week to climax in the weekend
I hope so user.
Shay Maria
She was a big deal in the late 2000's, not sure if she's still showing off her baps or what
have fun
Later this year.
Honestly, I think the next bull run will be do to actual adoption of crypto being able to be used to purchase more than just a few things here and there.
The sooner we decouple from bitcoin, the faster that run will get here.
If any crypto is going to be used for purchases, it will be bitcoin through the lightning network.
probably april or may desu
yeah, this faggot is right. Chinks are loading up their accounts to go apeshit crazy buying up what the weak handed britfaggots sold off the past week
Thanks OP I cum on cat she hiss at penis
Faaaaark. She is nasty. This must have been her best shot
what year?
Summer, then dump, then winter, then dump... it would take, 826 days more for the next x3-x5 for the mining reward getting half
Remember when someone spammed this image with an embedded js script so much that moot made captcha necessary to post
That was like 8 years ago damn
Everything really started mooning back in early 2016, soooo probably down, and I’d predict the next bull market to start back up mid 2019.
that was a false flag m9
yep, i think late march/april. also, holy trips checked
Why are you not getting in at literal ground level? Brand new PoWH3D (THE ORIGINAL) contract is at 200 ETH right now, last contracts that were shady as fuck and not linear went up to 1500 ETH.
- New dev team, audited code
- Linear scaling, you literally are not paying for anyone's bags
- You get paid out dividends (in ETH) whenever people sell or buy new tokens
- You become a masternode with only a few dollars invested (10 USD) and can shill your ref link on social media. What this means:
You can put 10 USD into this and post your link LITERALLY EVERYWHERE ON THE INTERNET and you get free money everytime someone clicks your link and buys in.
For instance:
>If someone buys 100 ETH with your ref link, you get 3 ETH
>If 10 people buy in for 1 ETH each, you get 0.3 ETH
If you are good at shilling and reaching people, get into this.
You literally don't even have to put more than the masternode-price into this, as long as you get one you can shill yourself to your very own lambo.
Read more:
Buy in (You need MetaMask):