Spicy Food

Anyone else here a taste bud masochist, i just love eating these...

You're supposed to cook them, not gnaw on them like some kind of moron. Generally speaking you would rehydrate dried chiles in stock and then grind them with a blender or food processor.

Are you aware that fresh chiles exist? I hope this was helpful.

I keep a little matchbox full of tiny piquin chillies in my pocket to sprinkle on meals out. Little heat bombs.


I bet you season your food before tasting it.

one step away from the retard who puts ketchup on everything

Don't asume he doesn't taste it before, you can't just blindly insult him

That's a cool idea! I should do this.


I prepare them out of normal chillies cook them and let them dry then eat them kek

I was until a year or so ago, but now my stomach runs riot at any type of real pepper.

Getting older sucks

i feel you, now the pain gets to me.
i can still work up a heavy sweat if i eat a good spicy steamed shrimp sauce or good spicy pho. the super spicy hot wings and most mexican food drowned in salsa and lime are still killing me slowly too.

sometimes. It's not really worth the searing shits though

I Definately love spicy food more than anything. I tend to make spicy soups and stews for winter to combat colds. I'm never sick longer than 5 hrs because of this. But trust me, I've cried while taking a shit on more than a dozen occasions.

This. I can take the heat on the way in, not on the way out.

I've literally never experienced spicy shits after eating spicy food

someday you literally will, and you will literally feel like literal shit.

anyone else fucks with nagas?

Currently growing Naga Salmon and Red habaneros, a friend of mine got a plant of Carolina Reaper, definitely gonna try those.
The other day my retarded friend wanted to try some of his jalapeƱos but since he can't cook we ate them raw.
I started sweating, tears ran from my eyes and I had some sort of weird stomach gulp, like I felt my stomach contracting up and down.
This hasn't stopped me though.


the reapers take quite some time.

Best pepper for flavour? Just grew some habanero's and they tasted pretty awful, do all chinense share the same flavour? Thinking of growing jalepeno, poblano, serrano and cayenne. Any suggestions?

ime chinense are the most flavourful. roast them next time.