$0.50 USD baloney sticks
what do?
$0.50 USD baloney sticks
what do?
Buy $5.00 USD worth.
>hot dog dinner now will cost almost $2 per serving
>some mexican squiggles in the background to "culturally enrich" my shopping experience
goddamm liberals are ruining this country. everywhere I go is filled with these fancy new hipster stores where smug trust fund kids are buying overpriced luxury foods
when I dropped out of high school in 2007 hot dogs didn't cost this much, fast forward through eight years of "hope and change" and look where we are now
if hillary wins I'm moving to australia where the president is a christian who actually supports what he says
>Obvious bait.
i don't even like hot dogs all that much, but for fiddy cents? i'd drop a couple bucks. they freeze just fine
If they go past $5 I'll just fucking kill myself.
I don't really like oscar Meyer dogs. Doesn't even taste like meat.
>Expecting a hot dog to taste of meat
Beef hot dogs are expensive, but pretty damn good.
>Supports what he says
He's just a lnp puppet and a cuck
I will never understand America's preference for shitty-ass beef hot dogs. Beef hot dogs are horrible. They're absolutely disgusting.
>tfw the closest h-e-b. is about 1100 miles away
Feels bad, man.
That was a good show. Really good.
>I will never understand America's preference for shitty-ass beef hot dogs.
Jews and Mudslimes run the country, man.
Ehh... if it ain't Nathan's, then I aint gettin nathan!
If they're that cheap, then they're about to spoil if they haven't already.
Knock yourself out.
I checked the expiration date, still got a good 2 weeks. I just don't have any good "hot dog" recipes.
My dad's half American.
He used to make hot dog or li'l smokies fried rice with scrambled egg when I was a kid. If hot dog, he'd use ketchup with the water when frying the day-old rice. If li'l smokies, he'd either leave it be or add barbecue sauce, since it's good either way.
He also used to make something kinda like halfway between adobo and ginisang, usually with li'l smokies but occasionally with hot dogs. He'd stir-fry drained banana pepper rings (from a jar) with sliced onion a bit, add the sliced sausages then add the brine from the banana peppers, some soy sauce and a bit of cornstarch and toss about to cook until thick. And, of course, serve with rice.
Then there are the typical: franks and beans. barbecued hot dogs, pickled hot dogs etc.
There's also paprikás krumpli, which is kinda like normal paprikás, but thickened by starch cast off by the potatoes as they simmer in the reducing liquid rather than by a roux. That's made with hot-dog-like sausages, though I've used regular hot dogs to make it to decent results.
Finally, you can always freeze'em.
If you were a hot dog, would you eat yourself?
It's a simple question
>My dad's half American.
>half American.
I know I would! First, I would smother myself with brown mustard and relish. I'd be so delicious!
Mustard is very expensive in your country. We in Germany pay EUR 0.29 for a 250 ml glass of yellow mustard.
Man aren't HEBs the fucking best
That's a goddamn HEB's
What part of Texas do you live in
I think the 5$ mustard next to the hot dog is part of the joke.
But 30 cents is too cheap. Which store? Lidl?
As in one of his parents is/was American and the other of his parents isn't/wasn't American.