Do you think Veeky Forums should be divided into two boards; a cryptocurrency board and a general business and investment board?
Do you think Veeky Forums should be divided into two boards; a cryptocurrency board and a general business and...
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No you stupid faggots
Fucking newfags
>crypto threads are shitting up /pol/ and /g/
>make Veeky Forums explicitly for crypto, open it up to business and finance because its all related
>newfags cry that crypto threads are shitting up Veeky Forums
you queers wont be happy until every single poster is in their own board unable to connect and perpetuate "bigoted, heteronormative viewpoints"
Yes. Crypto has turned this board into pure cancer. Just a bunch of idiots trolling and trying to create new memes and shit. I'd rather read stocktwits than this shit.
>implying you're not some dumbass newfaggot trying to usurp the board
Veeky Forums was about crypto from the start
Jesus give me a sauce on that
make it 3 boards
>crypto shilling
where pajeet can be contained
>crypto discussion
where you get banned for just shilling a coin with no explanation or logic for why you think its a good coin
>stock fags etc
for the already wealthy businessman who for some obscure reason is posting on Veeky Forums even though he can afford to have a life and doesn't have to be here
You won't keep other types of investment threads away and crypto is just another investment.
It would be cool to call it /cry/ though.
Yes, people have been asking for this from the start.
>Veeky Forums was about crypto from the start
Yes and no. Veeky Forums was made as a containment board for crypto to get it off /g/, but it wasn't made for crypto exclusively. Interest in crypto has increased enough now though that it deserves it's own dedicated board.
Veeky Forums would probably be less active without crypto, but it's still not a bad idea.
/g/ and /pol/*
this triggers you queers to no end, but it was on /pol/ for years
>it wasn't made for crypto exclusively. Interest in crypto has increased enough now though that it deserves it's own dedicated board.
>crypto threads are shitting up /pol/ and /g/
>make Veeky Forums explicitly for crypto, open it up to business and finance because its all related
>newfags cry that crypto threads are shitting up Veeky Forums
Fucking plebbit queers man
Why do you guys hate us everywhere?
>newfags cry that crypto threads are shitting up Veeky Forums
Been trapped here for nearly a decade, faggot. I'm just tired of having to share a board with nocoiners.
i'm all in on crypto and even i hate us
it's just people shouting out random coin names without even explaining why i should buy that coin then they respond "dyor" and yes i intend to. but there are thousands of coins why should i research yours? fucking give me a break. theres no honest advice or discussion it's justa random list of coins and toxic memes. why am i even here. i have no life. i hate you all
I suggest calling the pajeet board:
D E S I G N A T E S (it even has the fucking word desi in it as if the word was meant for their favelas)
yeah, sure you have nancy. That's why you get triggered to the point of asking for mod intervention over what amounts to like
No fuck off faggot
i think it should be divided into a first world board, and a third world board.
It would be nice to go back to old Veeky Forums where we talked about watches, job interviews, penny stocks and business plans just as much as crypto. Now it's just wall to wall pajeets shilling for their latest scam and more fortune tellers than /x/.
the only people ruining this board are the poor. without all those worthless shits there'd actually be space for other topics. right now everything gets bumped off by more shitskins shilling chainlink.
Creation of biz never had anything to do with pol back in 2013/2014
Please stop with the revisionism
>bbbut I saw a couple bitcoin threads on pol!
Yeah and it was talked about on every other board as well... so what
I'm not the one that made the thread, brainlet. If I had actually cared enough to be bothered I'd have made it on /qa/, the board that kind of shit is actually for. Also, you appear to be far more triggered over the idea than I.
faggot the threads on /q/ were explicitly talking about how they didnt belong on /pol/
It triggers the fuck out of you because you hate the idea that they were faster than you or leftists to invest
Fucking cry more about it and scream "revisionism" while actually being the revisionist yourself, typical behaviour, crying out while you strike someone
kys faggot
the original community was sourced from /pol/ and /g/
fucking cry more about it
Kek I am attacking what you said to me queerboy
Yeah I am somewhat provoked by the amount of newfaggotry and revisionism, knowing that is bullshit makes me feel like I should say something, so I do
3 boards actually
Veeky Forums - business/stocks
/bitbiz/ - crypto
/brapz/ - for brap posting and just shitposting in general
there was the same level of shit posting.
sell me this pen
how to turn $100 into a million
btc faucets and give a ways
my uncle died I inherited. etc
cryptocurreny general (ccg)
btc is doomed because (blank)
I could go on.
Things to note: way more crypto shilling of eth bag games and endless shitcoins now a days.
I still find dope threads about real estate (brrrr) and occasional blockstream/lightning network discussions. as usual its what u make of it.
t. creator of original Veeky Forumscoin
I was mining in 2010
Keep sperging retard
Pol never had anything to do with creation of biz
There was more talk of bitcoin on b than pol
You election trash newfags wouldn't have been able to stand a day on old biz, considering the biggest and most popular name fag we ever had was a mtf tranny (amdoge)
so essentially
rename biz
clone trash
then create nubiz dedicated to reddit queers?
>election trash newfags
/pol/ existed quite a bit before that brainlet
about a year or so of unarchived /pol/, too
Cry more about it, shills just like you come to any board that doesnt bow to progressive faggotry once it gets big or influential enough and first thing you do is try and divide it, break it up into manageable chunks, neutering it just as /pol/ was partitioned off into /hist/, Veeky Forums, /bant/
cry more
>shills just like you come to any board that doesnt bow to progressive faggotry once it gets big or influential enough and first thing you do is try and divide it, break it up into manageable chunks, neutering it just as /pol/ was partitioned off into /hist/, Veeky Forums, /bant/
>/pol/ still going strong despite kikery
>dedicated crypto board wouldn't lose any steam at all because, by your own admission, Business and Finance discussion only makes up less than 5% of the traffic here at this point
Though now that I think about it, having crypto hidden behind the title "Business and Finance" may have helped stymie the flood of plebbitors. If we had a board named "crypto" they'd all know exactly where to go. I guess it's for the best to leave it as is.
It's more the principle, user
>having crypto hidden behind the title "Business and Finance" may have helped stymie the flood of plebbitors
good point
there is no escape however, nujack and brapposting proves that
I've been here on biz since day one
There was never any influence from pol on this board
Not a single shred of any pol culture at all
In fact I didn't start noticing polshit here until btc broke 3k, and then slowly the "this board is a pol colony" started creeping in the last few months of 2017
There was more crypto talk on b in the early days than on pol
You are wrong and still can't deal with the fact the most popular name fag ever on this board was a mtf tranny, and if pol were ever present in the early days then it would have been nothing but non stop sperging towards amdoge, but that wasn't the case was it.
>this board is a pol colony" s
that is objective newfaggotry
Just because you never noticed does not mean the original board inhabitants were sourced in part from /pol/ m8, you have quite the desire to establish that /pol/ never had any fingers in the pie when in reality it was likely the catalyst that provoked the creation in the first place - /g/ not being quite as influential in the memetic sense and therefore a threat to established insanity ie leftist status quo
tl;dr - /pol/ made up part of the original community because again, Veeky Forums was created in part due to the threads that were on /pol/ apparently asspaining faggots enough for them to call for a dedicated board
>the most popular name fag ever on this board was a mtf tranny
you are suggesting that everyone respected newfags or browsed the threads to begin with faggot
just because you enjoyed the queer does not mean the entire board did
same shit with oracle and omega
attentionwhores with a circle of mentally ill brainlets
cry more that /pol/ sourced part of this community to start with queerboy
>actually suggests that oldfags that arent cancer respects attenionwhoredom in the form of trip and namefags
you're cancer, plain and simple
btw a reminder -
/pol/ sourced part of the original community of Veeky Forums
and it asspains you terribly
No, this has always been a crypto board
I think you should lick my weiner. Invest in that, faggot
Yeah let’s fork biz into another crypto board and call it biz cash
No, ask your other questions, anons tend to answer ( unless they're retarded questions). But remember that crypto is currently giving the best roi vs stocks, bonds, ETFs, etc.
Youre clueless kid, seriously.
Do you know who amdoge is, santadoge, anything about the the panda and doge wars?
Pol had nothing to do with shit. Sure there may have been some pol posters, and posters from every other board, but the ENTIRETY of biz culture came from g and nowhere else. G was the home of crypto and sole reason for creation of this board
Just deal with it dick head
And keep posting tiny res photos of women, fucking pajeet
cry more faggot, not every gives a fuck about attentionwhores aka tripfags and namefags
kek the amount of delusion and asspain, to not be able to accept that /pol/ sourced a chunk of the the original Veeky Forums community
pajeets hate thots along with newfags and redditors like yourself, because you are HOMOSEXUALS
cry more and keep acting like an oldfag despite being triggered by thots.... on Veeky Forums
I'm triggered by your low res images not the nature of the images
Pajeets post like that because their Internet is so shit
Like I said, the entirety of biz culture was g culture
Everything on g moved over to biz and laid the foundation
What general threads were there on pol? None. Just occasional crypto thread and people trying to shill doge and other shit coins. Even b had more regular talk.
Hell go to pol and make a crupto thread, the first dozen posts will be retards calling you a cryptocuck or rattling on how about decentralized currency is some how the product of kikes and should be opposed
The hive mind is opposed to crypto and always has been
t. revisionist queer that can't accept that /pol/ sourced part of the original community of Veeky Forums
>hur hive mind is against it because I say so
kek you're a faggot
r/buttcoin faggots have been on 4ch in all boards for years
There was a decent amount of BTC thread on /pol/ 'back in the day', I know because I was in lots of them - 300+ reply threads full of people arguing for and against the tech
so much so that faggots like you got butthurt that people with ideology opposed to your faggotry were involved, hence the purge to Veeky Forums
cry about it all you want, call me a pajeet all you want, you're an obvious sissy that hates /pol/ to the point of revisionism or wilful ignorance
Clearly "the market" has decided that crypto is more important than everything else in ways of making money right now and thus most posts are about it. Stop crying and deal with reality.
/pol/ was always a containment board for /new/ stormfags that swarmed in en masse when they realized how many malleable disillusioned youth there are here on Veeky Forums
the fact that there were free market libertarians in the group that populated /pol/ and migrated into Veeky Forums does not detract from the fact that crypto on Veeky Forums was originally a /g/ domain, and you should just deal with it faggot
What’s general business and investment? Like established cryptos?
no shit the tech board was the most fervent board about a new technology, what you seem incapable of acknowledging is that /pol/ had frequent discussions on the matter because surprise, people cross post and have for a decade
You're not a monopoly on anything, faggot
also /pol/ started off rebuffing stormfront tier faggots right along with leftist queers since they are both retards playing into manipulative hands
/pol/ sourced a part of the original Veeky Forums community
deal with it faggot
Off my phone and on my computer now
/pol/ as a whole contributed nothing to this board in the beginning. Not a single thing. All /g/ culture. You're the revisionist queer who thinks a containment board that has always been considered the asshole of Veeky Forums (until /soc/, /mlp/, /lgbt/ etc came along) has influence over the entire site.
/g/ was the driving factor. End of story.
>bbbut there were bitcoin threads on /pol/!
And countless bitcoin threads on /b/ as well that Im sure hit the bump limit much faster. Is this a /b/ colony?
yes but dont announce it just add it to the dashboard. slowly intelligent people will filter out of biz until all thats left is newfags and pajeets
Most of/g/ didn't want to buttcoin though and that's why it's here. The board culture here is far more /pol/ than anything else, probably because most of the users are quite new. Everything is /pol/ now. It's odd.
It's all shit anyway. Who cares.
Imagine how slow the the general business and investment board would be.
They are litteral a population of 5 threads any given 2 hour period, with likes less than 50 posts each average 10
>/pol/ as a whole contributed nothing to this board in the beginning. Not a single thing. All /g/ culture.
t. someone who hates /pol/ so much that they would deny that having a significant chunk of the posting and lurking population being sourced there in the beginning would mean that there was negligible effect because they exclusively browsed and perpetuated /g/ threads
kek get over yourself cunt
since we're going in circles here I am just going to start responding to you with the same old
>he cant accept that /pol/ sourced a part of the original Veeky Forums community because he is a revisionist faggot with ideological motivations that trump reality
thanks for the chance to thotpost though
Listen up faggot, youre right I dont like /pol/ and I take any opportunity to shit talk it with hopes of starting fights. Seems like you know this though and wont let me have my way.
Original userbase and culture of Veeky Forums was more /g/ than /pol/, but more /pol/ than the other boards. So lets agree on your original post ITT because I have other stuff to do and my autism wont let me close this thread.
Your photos are shit btw
Well feel free to post better thots, user
Get the fuck back to plebbit
I like dark skinned girls
yes, but the general business and investment board would have like 3 people on it
Yes, give us our own board. Heaven knows Bitcoin deserves it
There should be a pink wojak board