really makes you stink
Really makes you stink
really makes you drink
really makes you pink
really makes you sink
really makes you chink
really makes you chink
>he doesn't know that eating enough garlic makes your blood repel mosquitos
Top pleb
>and people
good job, your virginity is safe
really makes you ink.
The other day I had a shitton of raw garlic and later that day someone asked me if I had been drinking
really makes you link
really makes you kink
oman another garLICK
its not that big of a deal here in Europe I think, people here eat garlic by the ton, especially Eastern Europe
>everybody stinks the same
>women dont have any option
>everybody gets laid
thus the russia population
Really makes you blink
Really makes you shrink.
Anti skeeter/10
really makes u fink
Really makes you sync
really makes you wink
sry @ the eye spooge, btw
Really makes you think.
Really makes you clink.
Really makes you Tink.
Really makes you Klink.
Really makes you zinc
Really makes you link.
really makes you plink
Really makes you Chink.
Really makes you rink.
Really makes you mink
really makes you twink.
Based Muslims saving dying countries. -nk
really makes you bink.
Really makes you jink.
Really makes you Rink.
Really makes you flink.
Really makes you sphinc
really makes you quink
Really makes you sink
fucking kek